1). transport documents must be issued by a marine or an ocean shipping co or their agent
2). short form or blank back transport documents are not acceptable
3). all documents required under this credit must state our L/C number
4). all documents required under this credit must bear a date of issue
5). documents dated prior to L/C issuing date are not acceptable
6). any alterations/corrections/addtions on documents not authenticated by stamp and signature of the issuer are not acceptable
7).Negotiation/payment under reserve(s) and /or against
indemnity before our prior appoval , is strictly prohibited.
8).when documents are presented and found to have discrepancy,we shall deduct
9). documents showing third party as shipper or consignor are not acceptable and article 14(k) of UCP 600 is not applicable to this credit
10). transport documents must clearly indicate on their face
the name of the carrier and clearly stat its function/quality
in the following strict manner:(the carrier) and not (as carrier)
article 14(L) of UCP 600 is not applicable
11). all original transport documents required under
this credit must be preprinted with the word "original"
12). all documents, other than invoice and transport documents must bear the same title stated in the credit and clearly show
the function of this document as per art 14F of UCP 600
13). Discount and/or pre-payment of the def payment undertaking or of the draft accepted is not allowed without our prior written appoval
14). B/L must show the container(s) seal(s) number(s) always
whenever shipment effected by container(s)
15).documents must be mailed by one speed air mail
to the following address:
1). transport documents must be issued by a marine or an ocean shipping co or their agent
2). short form or blank back transport documents are not acceptable
3). all documents required under this credit must state our L/C number
4). all documents required under this credit must bear a date of issue
5). documents dated prior to L/C issuing date are not acceptable
6). any alterations/corrections/addtions on documents not authenticated by stamp and signature of the issuer are not acceptable
7).Negotiation/payment under reserve(s) and /or against
indemnity before our prior appoval , is strictly prohibited.
8).when documents are presented and found to have discrepancy,we shall deduct
9). documents showing third party as shipper or consignor are not acceptable and article 14(k) of UCP 600 is not applicable to this credit
单据上所显示的托运人或发货人不得是第三方,UCP600 14K不适用此份LC。
14K: 在任何单据中注明的托运人或发货人无须为信用证的受益人。
10). transport documents must clearly indicate on their face
the name of the carrier and clearly stat its function/quality
in the following strict mannerthe carrier) and not (as carrier)
article 14(L) of UCP 600 is not applicable
必须在运输单据表面清楚地显示承运人的名称并且清楚地严格按照以下形式注明其身份。即XXXX THE CARRIER,不得显示成XXX AS CARRIER。
UCP600 14L不适用该LC。
这条最好和货代确认清楚提单签署栏,大多数情况下都只能显示XXX AS CARRIER的形式的。
[ 本帖最后由 skyhopewang 于 2011-10-10 13:26 编辑 ]
14L: 运输单据可以由任何人出具,无须为承运人、船东、船长或租船人,只要其符合第十九、二十、二十一、二十二、二十三或二十四条的要求。
11). all original transport documents required under
this credit must be preprinted with the word "original"
12). all documents, other than invoice and transport documents must bear the same title stated in the credit and clearly show
the function of this document as per art 14F of UCP 600
除了发票和运输单据外,所有单据必须显示LC规定的相同的标题并且清楚根据UCP 600 14F条款显示该单据的作用、功能。
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