多米尼加共和国客户跟我们买VE胶囊 ,做海运的次方,跟我们要了一系列单据,头都大了,请问一下有没有同人知道这都是些什么文件,怎么弄General Information Requested
1. Application Form
2. Tax Receipt.
3. Technical Information Sheet. (FICHA TECNICA DE DROGAS & FARMACIAS)
4. Professional Information Sheet. (FICHA INFORMATIVA DE DROGAS & FARMACIAS)
5. Qualitative and quantitative formula of active ingredients, excipients, covered and coverage, expressed in units of administration, have to include the total weight of the components, function, declare the surplus.Original signed and sealed by the responsible of quality.
6. Manufacturing Method and Outline. Original signed and sealed by the responsible of quality.
7. Method of Analysis. Full description. Original signed and sealed by the responsible of quality.
8. Pharmacological and Toxicological Studies.
9. Stability Studies. Validity Period and Terms of Conservation. Original signed and sealed by the responsible of quality.
10. Insert.
11. Art Design Packaging and labels.
12. Certificate of Analysis of Raw Material, Original signed and sealed by the responsible of quality.
13. Finished Product Analysis Certificate, Original signed and sealed by the responsible of quality.
14. Charter of commitment to guarantee the cold chain. (If applicable)
15. Waste Management.
Legal Documents
16. SESPAS certificate for Distribuidor.
17. Onapi Trademark of force. (If applicable)
18. Power of Attorney / Distribution Agreement.(Legalized)
19. GMP. (Legalized)
20. Certificate of Free Sale. (Legalized)
13. Finished Product Analysis Certificate, Original signed and sealed by the responsible of quality. 成品分析证书,
20。20. Certificate of Free Sale. (Legalized)自由销售证书。(要合法的)
[ 本帖最后由 产地证代理 于 2013-11-13 17:38 编辑 ]
18. Power of Attorney / Distribution Agreement.(Legalized)
自由销售证书 ,可以联系哦!
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