加拿大进出口外贸本人初次做信用证,求大侠们解读下这个信用证条款 严不严格


Documents required
1.        Signed Commercial invoice in triplicate mentions sap PO No.
2.        Detailed  Packing  list  in triplicate  evidencing  net  Weight , Gross  weight  and  the quantity  per  CTN  / ROLL /BALE.
3.        Full Set  of Original  “Received for  shipment”  Ocean bills of lading  showing  consign to the order of bank and notify  party as (Factory name)  Sri Lanka,  marked freight  prepaid.
4.        Insurance policy certificate in duplicate in 11O %  of the invoice  value  covering  all risks  with  claims payable  in Hong Kong .
5.        Beneficiary ‘s certificate certifying that Non negotiable copy of bill of  lading ,copy of invoice  and copy of detailed packing list  were sent  to notify party of bill of lading by within 3 working days of BL on board date via DHL courier  and courier receipt evidencing the same to be enclosed.
6.        Beneficiary’s certificate certifying that commercial invoice, detailed packing list, bill of lading were sent by e-mail to [email]imports.norlanka@norlanka广告[/email] within 3 days after shipment effected.
A copy of e-mail confirmed by Norlanka Manufacturing Ltd., & that the above document must be enclosed.
7.        A copy of Shipment confirmation form issued by Nor Lanka prior to the ex. factory date is required. A 10% penalty is applicable on absence of this document.

47A:         Additional Conditions

1.         If the required documents are missing, 10Pct of the total Invoice value for shipment confirmation and 1Pct of the Total Invoice value for others documents will be deducted from proceeds by Dc Issuing Bank from each individual payment.  
2.        Documents Presented with discrepancy (IES) whether indicate or found is subject to a handling fee for apprx. USD 50 .00 which is payable by the beneficiary and will be deducted from  proceeds  upon  payment.
3.        This  credit  is subject  to the  uniform customs  and practice  for documentary credits , 2007 revision  ICC  publication No. 600
4.        For discrepant  documents , Notwithstanding  any prior  notice  of  discrepant  documents , Not withstanding  any prior notice  of rejection  by us,  we may  in our  sole  judgments  refer  the  discrepancies to the  applicant for acceptance and  we reserve the  right  to release  the documents to applicant  against their acceptance / payment without prior  notice  of the  presenter  unless  we receiver different document  disposal instruction  from  the presenter before such release .
5.        One  Additional  copy of full set document  are  required  for  issuing bank’s copy  of full set documents are  required for  issuing bank’s file. A  charge of USD 10.00 or equivalent will be deducted from  proceed if such  copy is missing
6.        This L/C is  transferable and the /L/C advising bank is nominated as the transferring  bank and the transferring bank must notify issuing bank by swift  immediately at the time of transfer.

7.        Beneficiary’s certificate confirming their acceptance and / or non- acceptance of all the  amendments made under this credit.
Quoting the relevant amendment No if this credit has not  been  amended , such  certificate is no required.
8.         Pursuant to the US, EU, UN’s   sanctions and the relevant  regulations, we  may be  unable to process  any documents, shipments , good, payments and  / or transactions that  my relate, directly or indirectly, to any  sanctioned countries entities and individuals, and authorities may  require  disclosure of such information. Accordingly, we shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay arising in connection with the above matters.
9.        2PCT more of less in quantity and amount is acceptable.  For the over – shipped and overdrawn amount is acceptable.  For the over - shipped and overdrawn amount over 2% pct will be deducted automatically by the opening bank without prior consent and acceptance from the beneficiary.
10.        All bank charges including dc opening charges for USD 0.3% (Being L/ C Opening comm., and swift CHGS   USD ) and  amendment  charges ( if any ), applicant commission in  lieu  of exchange and our  telex  charges are  for account  of beneficiary and  will  be deducted from  the proceeds upon payments  of  drawing.
11.        The applicant has to examine goods within 10 days upon receipt.
12.        If the examination team finds any defect in the quality, quantity or condition of the goods or services or any discrepancy with the specification/description of the goods, applicant shall notify beneficiary through bank SWIFT message within 15 days from receiving goods.
13.        Debit note can be raised within 15days from SWIFT message mentioned in point ‘12' and will be sent through bank channel agreed by both parties (applicant and beneficiary) for the loss due to any reason mentioned on point ‘12' and deduct the debit note amount from the proceeds.
14.        In case of no settlement can be reached, the dispute can be submitted for arbitration to the third party (SGS or ITS). The decision by the third party shall be accepted.

71 B. Charges
        All Banking charges are for account of beneficiary.
48:        Period for Presentation. Documents to be presented within 5 days after shipped on board date on B/L but within the validity of the credit. 3% penalty is applicable if time line is not met.
78:        Instr  to payg / Accptg / Negotg  Bank
        Upon receipt of documents in order at our counter, we shall remit in accordance with negotiating bank’s  instruction in the  same currency of the credit .
        PLS.  forward all documents to us in one lot by DHL courier at  36/ F, the  lee gardens . No.  33 Husan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


1.A copy of Shipment confirmation form issued by Nor Lanka prior to the ex. factory date is required. A 10% penalty is applicable on absence of this document.
如果 Nor Lanka 是买家/申请人的话,最好去除此条款,可能会没法做到而造成不符

2.All Banking charges are for account of beneficiary不合理,一般开证行以外的费用可以由受益人来承担

3.Documents to be presented within 5 days after shipped on board date on B/L 时间有点紧了,建议改长点


3投一切险, 赔付地香港.


:lol :lol :handshake :handshake ,你好,你的信用证对保险条款要求是:保险单一式两份,按发票金额加成110%投保一切险,赔付地香港.    比较简单很容易满足,但是至于其他方面你需要和懂信用证的朋友确认下。

这份信用证交单了没有了?如果还没有交单,我可以提供一些意见,比如提单条款showing  consign to the order of bank 就不清楚呀,不能这样要求呀
加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种 加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息
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