新人第一次操作LC,有些地方不是很明白,求教各位大侠46A中的一条款 类似装船证明
“Certificate issued and signed by the carrier or his agent or the master or his agent in 1 original and 1 copy, stating that:
the carrrying vessel subject to bill of lading no. ...dated.....is of nationality . we further certify that the said vessel is eligible to enterto the territorial water of the country of the prot of destination in accordance with laws and the regulation of the said country.
the carrying vessel.....
这个证明是需要我们把这段话写好后让货代给船公司盖章就可以么 ?
Any document required under this credit must not bear any reference to any invoice number or date other than the invoice number and date of the beneficiary's of this credit nor bear or show a routing of the goods different than the one referred to in the bill of landing "
这一条怎么理解较好 ?
Documents dated prior ot the issuance date of this credit are not accptable.
All documents including pre-printed fields, headings,stamps of names and endorsments must be in English language exclusively.
我们的法人章是中文名,如果盖上去了算不算是一个不符点呢 ?
bill of lading no. ...dated.....is of nationality , 提单号 和日期 填上 给船公司,是船证、
第二段认为 就是所有单据 内容 或者发票日期等都要跟提单一致的意思吧
第三段 Documents dated prior ot the issuance date of this credit are not accptable, 是 单据日期不能早于 LC日期。
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