各位大侠,我现在遇到LC 这样一个条款:ec declaration of conformity including harmonised codes ,这里的harmonised codes 指的是什么? 是编码吗?应该填写几位?货物是到土耳其的?[ 本帖最后由 Eric.Bian 于 2012-2-28 16:46 编辑 ]
在EC符合性声明中,harmonised codes 并不是编码的意思,而是指Directive指令和Harmonised standards欧洲协调标准。
不同的产品对应着不同的指令编号和标准编号,以机械指令2006/42/EC为例,EC declaration of conformity必须包含下述内容:
The EC declaration of conformity must contain the following particulars:
1. business name and full address of the manufacturer and, where appropriate, his authorised representative;
2. name and address of the person authorised to compile the technical file, who must be established in the Community;
3. description and identification of the machinery, including generic denomination, function, model, type, serial number and commercial name;
4. a sentence expressly declaring that the machinery fulfils all the relevant provisions of this Directive and where appropriate, a similar sentence declaring the conformity with other Directives and/or relevant provisions with which the machinery complies. These references must be those of the texts published in the Official Journal of the European Union;
5. where appropriate, the name, address and identification number of the notified body which carried out the EC type-examination referred to in Annex IX and the number of the EC type-examination certificate;
6. where appropriate, the name, address and identification number of the notified body which approved the full quality assurance system referred to in Annex X;
7. where appropriate, a reference to the harmonised standards used, as referred to in Article 7(2);
8. where appropriate, the reference to other technical standards and specifications used;
9. the place and date of the declaration;
10. the identity and signature of the person empowered to draw up the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative.
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