请各位看官帮我看下这些资料好做的吧。我都翻译好了,不知实际操作好操作的么46A Documents required
1) Beneficiary’s signed commercial invoice in octuplicate certifying merchandise are of China origin mentioning H.S CODE NO. 8418.6920 受益人签署的商业发票一式八份还需表明中国制造和HS编码(我们银行交单基本上还会再盖个公司条形章)
2) Full set of clean shipped on board marine/ocean bills of lading made out to order of BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN showing freight prepaid marked notify the applicant and BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN. Bill of lading must show name, address, telephone and fax number of local shipping agent at port of destination.
全套正本海运提单,收货人CONSIGNEE栏为TO ORDER OF BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN;通知人有两个: the applicant AND BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN.提单上显示运费预付需表明抬头,地址,电话,传真号和目的港代理信息(可在给货代托运书的时候备注一下)
4) Insurance covered by the applicant. All shipment details under this credit must be advised by the beneficiary within four working days after shipment direct to ALFALAH INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (A ABU DHABI GROUP) 5-Saint Mary Park, Gulberg, Lahore-Pakistan and to the applicant by courier referring to their cover note no.2014/HYD/M/IP/D/T/00112 mentioning the detail of shipment and value of invoice copies of such shipment advices along with a copy of courier receipt must accompany the documents.
信用证下要求的单据卖方需在装运后4个工作日内以航空件通知ALFALAH INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED和开证申请人,此单据要注明保单号COVER NOTE NO. 2014/HYD/M/IP/D/T/00112和装运详情,发票金额
以上这些要做成一个SHIPMENT ADVICE,快递发票和46A项下的其他单据一起交单。
5) Certificate issued by shipping company or their authorized agents certifying that the bill of lading is issued directly by them and no intermediary or endorsing agent is involved for insurance of delivery order at port of destination. This certificate must show bill of lading number, name of vessel and name of applicant.
6) Packing list in triplicate装箱单一式三份
7) In case of FCL cargo then 假设为整柜货物
Beneficiary’s certificate required as per the following format ”We certify having made arrangements with the carrier to place a copy of invoice and packing list on inner side of the door of each container carrying details of goods inside it ”
In case of consolidated or LCL cargo then:
Beneficiary’s certificate required as per the following format “We certify having made arrangements with the carrier to attach the invoice and packing list with goods/packages at an obvious place and have a consolidated packing list pertaining to goods inside the container placed on the inner side of the door of each container”
46A Documents required
1) Beneficiary’s signed commercial invoice in octuplicate certifying merchandise are of China origin mentioning H.S CODE NO. 8418.6920 受益人签署的商业发票一式八份还需表明中国制造和HS编码(我们银行交单基本上还会再盖个公司条形章)
2) Full set of clean shipped on board marine/ocean bills of lading made out to order of BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN showing freight prepaid marked notify the applicant and BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN. Bill of lading must show name, address, telephone and fax number of local shipping agent at port of destination.
全套正本海运提单,收货人CONSIGNEE栏为TO ORDER OF BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN;通知人有两个: the applicant AND BANK AL HABIB LTD., PAKISTAN.提单上显示运费预付需表明抬头,地址,电话,传真号和目的港代理信息(可在给货代托运书的时候备注一下)
4) Insurance covered by the applicant. All shipment details under this credit must be advised by the beneficiary within four working days after shipment direct to ALFALAH INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (A ABU DHABI GROUP) 5-Saint Mary Park, Gulberg, Lahore-Pakistan and to the applicant by courier referring to their cover note no.2014/HYD/M/IP/D/T/00112 mentioning the detail of shipment and value of invoice copies of such shipment advices along with a copy of courier receipt must accompany the documents.
信用证下要求的单据卖方需在装运后4个工作日内以航空件通知ALFALAH INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED和开证申请人,此单据要注明保单号COVER NOTE NO. 2014/HYD/M/IP/D/T/00112和装运详情,发票金额
以上这些要做成一个SHIPMENT ADVICE,快递发票和46A项下的其他单据一起交单。而是46A 4)提到的单据,就是发票复印件,装船通知,快递回执一份
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