While claiming for an inferior quality the Buyer is entitled to return the defective goods and demand replacement by proper goods within 2 months from the moment of receipt of the claim by the Buyer, or in case the Goods were already paid by the Buyer under the present Contract, the Seller should return the payment for defective Goods to Buyer’s transit foreign currency account, on request from the Buyer, in the same period of time.若是质量低劣索赔买方有权退回有缺陷的货物并且要求卖方在收到买方索赔要求的2个月内用适当的货物更换。一旦当前合同下的货款买方已经支付,卖方应在买方提出此要求的同一时期内将有缺陷货物的货款退回到买方的外汇帐户。
While claiming for the shortage the Seller is to supply the underdelivered goods within 45 days after getting the claim or pay the value of the underdelivered goods to the Buyer within the same period to the Buyer’s transit foreign currency account. The date of funds’ return is the value date to the transit foreign currency account.
若是短重索赔,卖方应当在收到买方索赔要求的45天内提供未交付的货物在或支付与未交付货物等值的货款 到买方的外汇帐户。有效日期是资金退回到达外汇帐户的日期。
[ 本帖最后由 chunzioo 于 2015-1-22 15:47 编辑 ]
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