


CURRENCY CODE:                        US DOLLARS
ISSUING DATE:                        8/08/2018
EXPIRY DATE:        9/08/2019

For the value that we received, we, the undersigned,------------------------------------------------------------------------------by order of our client-------------------------------------------------------------(hereinafter the applicant), hereby irrevocably and unconditionally without protest or notification promise to pay against this letter of guarantee to the order of ---------------------------(hereinafter  the beneficiary) the bearer or holder thereof, at maturity, the sum of us x,000,000.00 (say: x million us dollars) in the lawful currency of the united states, upon first written demand by our acceptance under this SBLC and presentation and surrender of  this guarantee at the office of us.

Such payment shall be made without set−off and clear of any deductions or charges, fees, or withholdings of any nature now or hereafter imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed by the government of New Zealand or any political sub−division or authority thereof therein.

This guarantee is transferable, assignable and divisible without notification and payment of any transfer fee. This guarantee shall expire on 30/07/2019.

Place for presentation:-----------------------------------(Name)--------------------------------------------------------(Address) consequently, any demand under it must be received at this office on the expiry date by authenticated cable/swift not later than the official working hours of the day 30/07/2019 (expiry date) otherwise, should we not receive any claim from you by the date, our liability will cease and the present letter of guarantee will become null and void. It will be removed from our records.

This guarantee is subject to the uniform rules for demand guarantees for publication no. 758 revised 2010. All disputes are to be settled by the jurisdiction of the issuer may deem or require. Other than issuing fees, all banking operational costs in relation to this instrument and legal costs will be to the account of the beneficiary and may not be waived.

This is an operative instrument. Kindly confirm receipt of this letter of guarantee no. -------------------- and date when it was advised to the beneficiary. Also advise the issuer via authenticated swift confirming that the beneficiary has received the letter of guarantee and has accepted it within 14 banking days from the date of receipt otherwise this letter of guarantee will become null and void.





参考一下:“ upon first written demand by our acceptance under this SBLC ......



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