大侠们帮忙解读一下下面的内容,谢谢Annex 4.1
Specific Rules of Origin
Part I – General Interpretative Notes
1. For purposes of interpreting the rules of origin set forth in this Annex:
(a) the specific rule, or specific set of rules, that applies to a particular heading or
subheading is set out immediately adjacent to the heading or subheading;
(b) the requirement of a change in tariff classification applies only to non-originating
(c) where a specific rule of origin is defined using the criterion of a change in tariff
classification, and the rule is written to exclude tariff provisions at the level of a
chapter, heading, or subheading, each Party shall construe the rule of origin to
require that materials classified in those excluded provisions be originating for the
good to be originating;
(d) when a heading or subheading is subject to alternative specific rules of origin,
each Party shall consider the rule to be met if a good satisfies one of the
(e) when a single rule of origin is applicable to a group of headings or subheadings
and that rule of origin specifies a change of heading or subheading, each Party
shall interpret the rule such that the change of heading or subheading may occur
within a single heading or subheading or between headings or subheadings of the
group. When, however, a rule refers to a change in heading or subheading
“outside that group,” each Party shall interpret the rule to require that the change
in heading or subheading must occur from a heading or subheading that is outside
the group of headings or subheadings set out in the rule;
(f) reference to weight in the rules for goods provided for in chapter 1 through 24
means dry weight unless otherwise specified in the Harmonized System;
Part II – Specific Rules of Origin
Section I
Live Animals; Animal Products (Chapter 1-5)
Chapter 1
Live Animals
01.01 – 01.06
A change to heading 01.01 through 01.06 from any other chapter.
Chapter 2
Meat and Edible Meat Offal
02.01 – 02.06
A change to heading 02.01 through 02.06 from any other chapter.
A change to heading 02.07 from any other chapter, except from heading 01.05.
02.08 – 02.09
A change to heading 02.08 through 02.09 from any other chapter.
A change to heading 02.10 from any other chapter, except from heading 01.05.
Chapter 3
Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs, and Other Aquatic Invertebrates
Note to Chapter 3:
The fish, crustaceans, molluscs, and other aquatic invertebrates shall be deemed originating even
if they were cultivated from non originating fry 1 or larvae.
03.01 – 03.07
A change to heading 03.01 through 03.07 from any other chapter.
Chapter 4
Dairy Produce; Birds Eggs; Natural Honey; Edible Products of Animal Origin, Not
Elsewhere Specified or Included
04.01 – 04.04
A change to heading 04.01 through 04.04 from any other chapter, except from subheading
1 “Fry” means immature fish at a post-larval stage, including fingerlings, parr, smolts, and elvers.
Annex 4.1-3
A change to heading 04.05 from any other chapter, except from subheading 1901.90 or 2106.90.
A change to heading 04.06 from any other chapter, except from subheading 1901.90.
04.07 – 04.10
A change to heading 04.07 through 04.10 from any other chapter.
后面都是类似这样的 相对应 HS code 的内容
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