Mt720是可转让信用证的转让行开出的转让信用证的报文格式,即通过MT720报文格式开出的信用证可以知道这是由转让行开出的信用证。换句话说就是受益人通过MT720 的格式可知自己是该信用证的第二受益人,即该信用证是经过转让的;
[ 本帖最后由 maggiecare 于 2019-4-3 16:15 编辑 ]
MT MT Name Purpose
700 Issue of a Documentary Credit Indicates the terms and conditions of a documentary credit
701 Issue of a Documentary Credit Continuation of an MT 700
705 Pre-Advice of a Documentary Credit Provides brief advice of a documentary credit for which full details will follow
707 Amendment to a Documentary Credit Informs the Receiver of amendments to the terms and conditions of a documentary credit
708 Amendment to a Documentary Credit Continuation of an MT 707
710 Advice of a Third Bank's Documentary Credit Advises the Receiver of the terms and conditions of a documentary credit
711 Advice of a Third Bank's Documentary Credit Continuation of an MT 710
720 Transfer of a Documentary Credit Advises the transfer of a documentary credit, or part thereof, to the bank advising the second beneficiary
721 Transfer of a Documentary Credit Continuation of an MT 720
730 Acknowledgement Acknowledges the receipt of a documentary credit message and may indicate that the message has been forwarded according to instructions. It may also be used to account for bank charges or to advise of acceptance or rejection of an amendment of a documentary credit
732 Advice of Discharge Advises that documents received with discrepancies have been taken up
734 Advice of Refusal Advises the refusal of documents that are not in accordance with the terms and conditions of a documentary credit
740 Authorisation to Reimburse Requests the Receiver to honour claims for reimbursement of payment(s) or negotiation(s) under a documentary credit
742 Reimbursement Claim Provides a reimbursement claim to the bank authorised to reimburse the Sender or its branch for its payments/negotiations
744 Notice of Non-Conforming Reimbursement Claim Notifies the Receiver that the Sender considers the claim, on the face of it, as not to be in accordance with the instruction in the Reimbursement Authorisation for the reason(s) as stated in this message
747 Amendment to an Authorisation to Reimburse Informs the reimbursing bank of amendments to the terms and conditions of a documentary credit, relative to the authorisation to reimburse
750 Advice of Discrepancy Advises of discrepancies and requests authorisation to honour documents presented that are not in accordance with the terms and conditions of the documentary credit
752 Authorisation to Pay, Accept or Negotiate Advises a bank which has requested authorisation to pay, accept, negotiate or incur a deferred payment undertaking that the presentation of the documents may be honoured, notwithstanding the discrepancies, provided they are otherwise in order
754 Advice of Payment/Acceptance/Negotiation Advises that documents have been presented in accordance with the terms of a documentary credit and are being forwarded as instructed. This message type also handles the payment/negotiation
756 Advice of Reimbursement or Payment Advises of the reimbursement or payment for a drawing under a documentary credit in which no specific reimbursement instructions or payment provisions were given
759 Ancillary Trade Structured Message Requests or provides information, such as a fraud alert or a financing request, concerning an existing trade transaction such as a documentary credit, demand guarantee, standby letter of credit or an undertaking (for example, a guarantee, surety, etc.).
790 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments Advises an account owner of charges, interest or other adjustments to its account
791 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses Requests payment of charges, interest or other expenses
792 Request for Cancellation Requests the Receiver to consider cancellation of the message identified in the request
795 Queries Requests information relating to a previous message or amendment to a previous message
796 Answers Responds to a MT 795 Queries message or MT 792 Request for Cancellation or other messages where no specific message type has been provided for the response
798 Proprietary Message Contains formats defined and agreed to between users and for those messages not yet live
799 Free Format Message Contains information for which no other message type has been defined
[ 本帖最后由 Tony_Cao 于 2019-4-3 16:38 编辑 ]
SWIFT 电开证以前的电开信用证,是通过TELEX (电传) 和 CABLE (电报) 开的,它们的格式很单一明了,全凭文字说话。所以,如能学到些这方面的知识,对很专业地理解现如今的 SWIFT 电开证会帮助很大。
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