我们老客户目前发来个紧急政府招标项目 需要25号前提交报价 我们之前不是做这类产品 无法迅速给出合适详细报价,如果有朋友在做这个产品的工厂或者soho 请速度联系我 可以合作具体询盘邮件
According to the recent tender , we were fortunate enough to receive a purchase order for 3120 units Nickel-Cadmium batteries for train, I am kindly asking you to check the attachment for the specification of the battery which is required and will be honored to be given the opportunity to represent your products to our client with best possible price. Please be informed that , there are some competitors in this tender and would be so much appreciated if you furnish us the best price enabling us to win the tender while we have only two days to submit our price to them.
( Please Hurry Up ! )
We are required to inform them the price of following items separately ;
Battery ,
Curved Washer 16 ,
Nut 16 ,
Connecting Bar A ( 82x30x2 mm ),
Connecting Bar B ( 92x30x2 mm ) ,
Connecting Bar C ( 105x30x2 mm ) ,
Protection Cover A ( 500 mm) ,
Protection Cover B ( 110 mm) ,
Protection Cover C ( 90mm)
I will be thankful receiving your feedback in this regard with any questions or comments you may have ,
Look forward to your reply at your earliest possible opportunity.
With Highest Regards,
真的可以做的 请联系我[email protected] 注明火车用电池 我会给附件
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