

有人和American Import Service Incorporated合作过没啊有?知道Anita Carlson 这个人吗?此人到处发寻求代理的邮件 承诺佣金 另外要求签订协议,想问 这种骗子骗什么?也没有邮箱里不明链接,也没有提出什么要求。
Dear Walton,

We want to inform you about our strong interest in starting business cooperation with your company about some products which we want to buy in China.

But we want to know first if you can read English language email because most people in China cannot read English language email. Please let us know if you understand English language message or if there is anyone in your company who understands can English language message very well because as for us, we cannot write in Chinese and we cannot read Chinese language.

But if you can read English language message very well, then we can surely do business with you.

We are waiting for your quick reply so that we can discuss with you very well.

Thanks a lot.

Anita Carlson


Dear Anita,

Nice to receive your email, i understand english well, i have serval experience in international trade in my company. Hope we have nice cooperation in future.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards

Walton Tan


Dear Walton,

Thank you for your quick response and for your confirmation that you can clearly understand English language email messages. This clearly confirms that we can have business cooperation together with your company.

American Import Services, Inc wishes to ask for your business cooperation about the different types of products we buy from many factories in China.

We are an importing company services in USA, but we buy many different products from China and also from few other companies in Korea and Japan. Now we want to find out if you can work together with us to be helping us to arrange for the products through our supplier, and we will be paying you commission for your services.

If you can be our agent in this regard, we agree to pay you 4% commission of any amount of products we buy from our suppliers in Asia. Please note that we will be responsible for all shipping costs, customs customs and any other costs whatsoever.

Our purchases in a month can be more than USD50,000.00 and this means that you can earn commission of USD2,000.00 from us each month.

Please let us know if you can cooperate with us about this.

We are waiting for your quick reply.

Thank you.

Anita Carlson, Purchase and Logistics Manager
American Import Services, Inc.


Deear Anita,

I agree with your idea. we could help your company arrange products in China and shipping to USA.

We really appreciate you give us this opportunity.

Thanks a lot

Walton Tan


Dear Walton,

Thank you very much for accepting to have a working business and agency relationship with us.

But now let us explain our business method so that you can have a better understanding about our business strategy.

If you need to know more information about our company, please visit our website,(公司网站) you will see that we are a major importing company in New York, USA. We also have many clients in all the States in USA, and also in many parts of the world.

In order to make good profit, we usually source for products at low costs from factories in China and and sell to our clients at higher prices. The difference will be our profit, and we usually have many clients from USA and many other countries. We buy all types of items according to the request of our clients. The products we buy include textiles, tiles, medical products, furniture, building  materials, gift items and so many other different items according to the request of our clients.

We also want to inform you that you do not need to look for the manufacturers or suppliers of these products for us because we have our own Sourcing Department who search and look for suppliers directly and discuss with them about product qualities and specifications, we hope you understand clearly. So it is our work and full responsibility to look for suppliers, this is not your responsibility.

Because we buy from suppliers at very low price and sell to our clients in USA at high price, it becomes very important to hide the address of our suppliers from our customers so that our customers will never know the contact details of our suppliers. Because if our clients know the contact details of our suppliers, the clients will contact the suppliers so that they can buy at lower prices, which will of course be cheaper than our prices, do you understand.

Therefore, as our agent, we will be telling our suppliers to send the samples of their products to you. After you receive the samples of the products from our suppliers, you will be required to remove all the contact details of the suppliers from the samples, and then send the samples to our clients. We will always send you the contact details of our clients so that you can send the samples to them. But please note that it is very important that you must remove all the contact details of the suppliers from the samples before you send to our clients, do you understand very well?

As we indicated before, we will be paying you 4% of every purchase we make through you and our monthly purchase can be up to USD50,000 sometimes, this means that you can be earning up to USD2,000.00 as commission in a month. Please note that we will be fully responsible for all freight costs, shipping costs, costs of samples and any other costs.

Please let us know if you understand very clearly and let us know if you need any further information or details.

We look forward to your quick feedback.

Thanks a lot.


Dear Anita,

I understand the points that hide the supplier address advoid buyer could contact them directly that your company can not make profit.
As your agent i will try to protect your company benefit.

Best Regards
Walton Tan


Dear Walton Tan,

Thanks for confirming that you now have a clear understanding of our business strategy.

But, we need to strongly remind you again about the great need for you to hide the contact way of of supplier from our customers. As we explained to you  before, we usually sell to our customers at higher prices than the cost of the suppliers. The higher price of course, will enable us to earn profit and to pay for our cost of doing business. Therefore, we wish to inform you very well, that whenever you receive any sample from our supplier, you have to remove all the contact way clearly before you send the samples to our clients by DHL according to the address of our client that we will give you. In a situation whereby the contact way of the supplier cannot be removed, the you have to paint it with a permanent ink so that the client will not be able to see the contact way of the supplier.

We are so much concerned about this because we have lost big business 4 times because our client got the contact way of the supplier, and the contact decided to do business directly with the supplier after all our research efforts in finding the supplier. Such experience is quite very painful, and we are now trying to avoid this from happening again in the future, and this is why we agree to be paying you 4% commission so that you will be able to try your best effort in protecting our business strategy.

Kindly confirm if you understand our explanation very clearly and let us know if you have any suggestion or comment.

We look forward to your quick feedback.

Thanks a lot.



Dear Anita,

I see it, i will pay much more attention about it,  if necessary, i will put it in warehouse and change package carton that will not show any contact method.
Best Regards

Walton Tan

[ 本帖最后由 chenrobin 于 2015-1-13 21:39 编辑 ]

Dear Walton Tan,

We are very happy that you understand all our business strategy very clear and we are ready to start a long time business relationship with you that will be greatly beneficial to your company and also to our company.

But before we start the business cooperation, please note that we need to prepare a very clear contract agreement between your company and our company. Then we will send you this agreement by email for you to sign, and when you sign the agreement, you will scan it and send it back to us by email, then we will be able to start working together.

But before we prepare this agreement, we need to quickly explain the summary of our complete business strategy to you again especially about the customs clearance procedure for our products.

We wish to inform you that your company is not the exporter and you are not the importer. We only need your services to effectively prevent the client from knowing the the direct contact way to our supplier so that we will not lose business.

For example, let's assume we want to import floor tiles worth USD100,000.00 from China. Our Sourcing and Research Department in USA will initially contact around 10 and 15 different suppliers so as to get the best supplier with the best price and best product quality.

After we have got the best supplier with the lowest price, then our Sourcing and Research Department will let the supplier send you the sample. Then you will remove the contact way and send the sample by DHL or FEDEX or UPS to the address of our client which we will always send to you.

We will then let our client to be making the payment to you according to the payment terms which we will agree with them.  We may agree to pay the supplier 4 or 5 different times, this is not your responsibility, but it is the responsibility of our Sourcing and Research Department only to agree the payment terms with the supplier. After you receive the payment, we will give you the bank account details of our supplier, then you will take your 4% commission and send the remaining payment to our supplier. After we have completed the payment to the supplier and the product is ready, we have a different forwarder in China who will help us to complete the general Customs Clearance and use their Trading Company to export the goods to our client. In this case, the Forwarder in China becomes the Exporter, while our client will be the importer. Clearly, the forwarder will make sure that the contact way of the supplier is removed also, because we will always have strong agreement with the forwarder so as to effectively protect our business strategy.

Please note that we are fully responsible for the forwarding costs and any other costs which we may incure. The 4% commission we are paying you is strictly for your services, and you do not need to pay for any costs for our services from from your commission.

Again, please note that you are not responsible for export of the main order and you do not need to worry or incur any costs on this. The export of the main bulk order and the customs clearance are the main responsibilities of our forwarder because we already have separate arrangements with them.

You can see that our strategy appears to be technical and complex but this is very necessary for us to continue to remain in business because so many clients and suppliers have failed us in the past. Please let us know if you now understand all our business procedure, and let us know if you still have any question.

We will be pleased to receive your quick response so that we can prepare the contract agreement.

Thanks a lot.


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你客户A让他的客户B给你付货款了,一切顺其自然的生产,走货(也可能是假象), 之后你要留着自己的4%,把多余的钱付给了供应商C。

那问题来了,客户B忽然报警,说自己有一票款项错误的转到了你的账上,现在要求返还。 这时候,你客户A消失了,可能供应商C也消失了。你们有可能要面对无休止的官司。

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