

Recently, I stat questions from fans. In addition to how to develop customers, what they ask most is what to do if customers disappear after quotation.

As foreign trade salesmen, we are more like farmers, and the potential customers in our hands like seeds. Every day, we are working hard in the seed, waiting for germination and harvest of each seed. However, the real world is harsh because not all the seeds will sprout. In spite of this, some seeds will germinate and bring a good harvest which just need our persistence. Canton Fair is approaching, I hope my case can bring you good luck.

A客户是印度的一个小品牌, 记得二月份的时候通过搜索引擎,找到了该公司,虽然并不是什么大公司,但是依靠阿连的第六感,还是认定这个种子还是可以发芽的。因此阿连当天就拨通了客户的电话,居然被我直接联系上了负责人,阿连心里暗爽了一下,直入主题向客户表达了自己想要合作的意愿。
Customer A is a small brand in India. I found it by search engine in February. Not a big company as it is, with my sixth sense, I thought it must sprout. Hence, I called him at that day, surprisingly I contacted directly with the person in charge so I got straight to the point that I wanted to cooperate.

But the conversation poured cold water on me. The customer gave me the answer to reject politely: “ I have plan but temporarily not need, I will contact you when needed.” But I still request for e-mail address so that I could send him catalogue.

Although the customer said he would send me that but actually not after the call. I couldn’t contact him any more because he didn’t send me mail address! This was also the bottleneck for many peers so most people were helpless and gave up but I took what he said that had procurement plan of our products in heart.

Let me demonstrate the proper approach: although I failed to get the customer's mailbox address, I got his phone number by local yellow pages. In my opinion, “ I get phone number, so I can get customers”. Then I left messages every two or three days on the WHATSAPP and invited him with enthusiasm before Canton Fair but he didn’t reply me as always.

However, on the first day of the Canton Fair, unexpectedly, the customer visited our booth without information and chose products very soon (it indicated that my introduction on WHATSAPP was quite useful). Moreover, he said, after Canton Fair, he would place order after visiting our factory . Even so, I was not certain about it, after all, he was an Indian customer.

Here was a surprise. He didn’t play a card according to the common sense: without visiting our factory, he sent me email in two weeks after Canton Fair to confirm orders and accepted the price completely!

Beyond my expectation, this customer who never replied and answered my call had cooperation after I following up for just 2 months.

So if you ask me that what you should do if customers don’t reply you, I will say, have you done the above steps? Your seeds will always be in the bud unknowingly. Regardless of the scale of the customer, please have a hope for them.


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