1.1. Supplier shall regularly deliver and transfer ownership of the goods and that is ______________________________, range, price is listed in the specifications or in the invoice, hereinafter referred to as Goods and the Buyer liabilities' Goods undertake to accept and pay for the costs under this Agreement.
供应商应当定期交付和转移货物的所有权,也就是______________________________, 范围,价格被列在规格中或是在发票中。以下简称货物和买方责任的货物承担接受和支付本协议下的成本。
1.2. Delivery of goods is carried out in separate batches according to customer orders for delivery of the Goods which are integral parts of this Agreement.
1.3. Ownership of the Goods shall pass from Vendor to the Purchaser upon signature by authorized representatives of the Parties note that confirms the goods being.
1.4. The total amount of this contract is the sum of all spending bills that are attached to it.
2.1. Supplier shall guarantee the quality. The quality of a product needs to be confirmed by the certificate of quality.
2.2. The claims about the quality of accepted within sixty (60) calendar days, subject to the conditions of storage, the number of claims for accepted within 14 (fourteen) calendar days.关于质量要求的接受天数是:六十(60)天内。存储的条件,申请的数量接受14(十四)天内。(这个时间是什么时间?)
2.3 Term deficiencies, replacement product is 30 (thirty) days from the date of signing of the deficiencies.
2.4 In the event of disputes concerning product defects as evidence of non-compliance with the requirements of quality product is the conclusion of the competent authority. A cost as a result of the examination is the parties whose statements about the quality of product expertise will be denied.
3.1. All payments under the Agreement are made in USD. Payment shall be carried out via bank transfer on the bank account by invoice, which exposed the Supplier to the Buyer after the Buyer to fulfill orders for each separate consignment of deferred payment five (5) calendar days.
3.2. The number and variety of items are listed in order of the buyer on delivery of the Goods under the terms of this Agreement.
3.3. Upon receipt of Buyer's order for the supply of the Goods the Supplier within one business day of the order confirmation is provided to the Buyer on delivery of the Goods. Confirmation of Purchase Order consignment provider, indicates the order the Buyer on delivery of the Goods to perform.
3.4. In order confirmation for the supply of the Goods contain: name of product, commodity price, quantity, delivery date.
3.5. In fact shipped quantity is determined in spending bills.运输的数量要明确在支出价格单上。
3.6. At shipped Party Products issued the following documents: expense, expenditure bill, tax bill, a copy of the certificate of quality.发货方,产品要发布下列文件:开支账单,税的账单,质量证书。
4.1. The transfer of the goods by the quantity and quality of participation is at the authorized representatives of suppliers and buyers in accordance with the customs of business turnover and by signing spending bill.(这段没太明白意思)
5.1. The buyer shall pay the cost of shipments, by transferring funds to the Supplier, the Supplier under invoiced account no later than five (5) calendar days from the date of shipment.
6. Shipping Documents运输文件
6.1. Supplier shall, within ten (10) working days after loading of the Goods, send to the Buyer a set of the following documents by fax or email for checking and receipt of Buyer and the consignee as designated by the Buyer.
1. Clean bill of lading in one (1) copy; 提单
2. Commercial Invoice in one (1) copy; 商业发票
3. Packing List in one (1) copy; 箱单
4. Certificate of Origin in one (1) copy; 原产地证
5. Such other documents as requested by Buyer.买方需要的其他的文件。
6.2. Within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of balance payment from Buyer, Supplier shall send the following documents in full set to Buyer via express airmail.
1. Clean bill of lading in three (3) originals;
2. Commercial Invoice in three (3) originals;
3. Packing List in three (3) original;
4. Certificate of Origin in one (1) original;
7. Liability of the Parties
7.1. In the case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with international law.7.1 如果当事人不履行或不适当的履行他们在本协议中的义务,当事人应当按照国际法的规定承担责任。
7.2. In the case of the supply defective goods to be confirmed by the act of an independent expert commission, the Supplier undertakes to replace it with a product of proper quality or change the price of the product, the Parties agreed term.7.2. 在独立专家委员会进行确认供应不合格产品的情况下,供应商承诺以适当质量的产品或改变产品的价格来代替它,当事人约定期限。
7.3. In case of failure Supplier commitment to eliminate defects in the goods, including the replacement product or part, the agreed deadlines Supplier Buyer pays a penalty of 0.1 % of the product, which shortcomings must be eliminated for each day of delay deficiencies product.7.3. 在供应商承诺消除缺陷产品不兑现的情况下,包括更换产品或零件,在约定的最后期限,每延迟一天消除残次商品,供应商支付产品价格的0.1%的罚款给买方。(是否是该意思?)
7.4. In the event of non-performance or improper performance by the Purchaser of its obligations under paragraph 5.1. this Agreement, the Purchaser shall pay the Supplier in favor of a penalty of 0.1 % of the delivered goods according to the invoice for each overdue day.7.4. 在买方未履行或不适当履行的情况下,根据其第5.1款所承担的义务,本协议规定,买方每逾期一天应按发票上货物价格的0.1%向卖方支付罚款。
7.5. Payment of penalties arising under this Agreement does not relieve a Party of its obligations under this Agreement and the obligation to compensate the other party for losses caused by the failure or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement in full.7.5. 支付本协议下产生的惩罚并不减轻一方在这项协议下的义务和未履行或不适当履行协议对另一方当事人所造成的损失进行赔偿的义务。
8.1. All disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement shall be settled by the Parties through negotiations. In the absence of consent of parties to the dispute resolved in court at the location of the Buyer.8.1. 履行本协议所产生的一切争议,应由双方协商解决。在未经当事人同意的情况下,在买方所在地的法庭上解决争议的地点。
9.1. Under force majeure under the agreement refers to force majeure beyond the control of the will of the parties, namely natural disasters, seasonal natural disasters, fires, floods, war and military action of any kind, epidemics, blockades, embargoes and other international sanctions, currency restrictions, prohibition of exports and imports, by prohibiting the government's decision or other government actions and circumstances which render impossible the fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations. 9.1。合同的不可抗力指的是超过当事人可控制的范围,即自然灾害,季节性自然灾害,火灾,洪水,战争和军事行动的任何种类,流行病,封锁、禁运等其他国际制裁,货币限制,进口和出口的禁令,政府的决定或其他政府行为和情况使当事人不可能履行他们用履行的义务。
9.2. In the event of force majeure, the Party which came to force majeure shall in writing inform the other Party about it. If the party that gets under the force majeure prevents the other party within 10 (ten) calendar days of the occurrence of force majeure the message on the occurrence of force majeure does not entitle the Party concerned to refer to them.9.2. 在不可抗力事件发生时,遭受不可抗力的一方应当书面通知另一方当事人。如果当事人遭遇不可抗力应在10日内阻止对方当事人遭遇不可抗力事件发生的不可抗力,不应让对方当事人受牵连。
9.3. In case of these circumstances continuing for more than sixty (60) calendar days, each Party shall have the right to terminate the contract and shall not be liable for such termination, provided that it notifies the other Party not later than 15 (fifteen) days prior to termination.9.3. 如果这些情况持续超过六十天,每一方都有权解除合同,不承担赔偿责任并在终止之前15天通知另一方。
9.4. Sufficient proof of force majeure is any document issued by the competent authorities of the country where any of the above events.
9.5. The emergence of these circumstances does not constitute grounds for denials of payment under the terms of this Agreement are for services rendered. Calculations are made on the next business day after the force majeure.
9.4. 不可抗力的充分证明是由该国主管当局发出的任何上述事件的任何文件。
9.5. 出现这些情况不构成本协议的条款下拒绝付款的理由而是提供的服务。在不可抗力之后,在下一个营业日进行计算。
10.1. Changes annexes and additions to this Agreement are an integral part of this Agreement only if they are set forth in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.10.1. 更改附件和补充协议是本协议的一个组成部分,只有在他们提出书面形式,经双方授权代表签署。
10.2. After signing this Agreement all prior negotiations, correspondence, preliminary agreements, letters of intent , and any other oral or written agreements of the Parties on issues somehow related to this contract shall be void, but may be taken into account when interpreting terms of this agreement.10.2. 在签署本协议之前,所有有关本合同的有关问题的谈判、初步协议、意向书、任何其他口头或书面协议在某种程度上均为无效,但在本协议的解释条款时可考虑加入。
10.3. The Parties agree that for the purposes of this Agreement, facsimile copies of documents relating to this contract, have the power source, subject to mandatory replacement for the originals.10.3. 当事人同意本协议的目的,传真件和本合同相关的文件有同样的法律效应,可强制更换原件。
10.4. Supplier and Buyer pay the income tax on the same basis.10.4. 卖方和买方在同一基础上缴纳所得税。
10.5. The Parties undertake to preserve the confidentiality of information obtained in the process of signing and execution of this Agreement.10.5. 当事人在本协议签署和执行过程中要保证所获得的资料的保密性。
10.6. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies in English on three pages that have equal legal force, one for each party.10.6. 本协议一式三份,具有同等法律效力,每一方都有同等法律效力。
10.7. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signing by the Parties and is valid until December 31, 2017 and is subject to renewal for the following year if one month before the date of termination of this Agreement, no Contracting Party declares its intention to terminate. In any case, this Agreement shall be valid until the final fulfillment of mutual obligations of the Parties.10.7. 本协议自双方签字之日起生效,有效期至2017年12月31日,并在本协议终止之日一个月内,未经缔约方宣告终止。在任何情况下,本协议均有效,直至双方的共同义务的最终履行。
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