We are thinking of you, your family and colleagues during these challenging times with the Coronavirus.Can I take this opportunity to state that we want to continue to support you as our primary supplier to the best of our ability.
25 years ago I was in Kobe Japan when the Hanshin Earthquake struck and was very fortunate to survive unhurt despite the huge loss of life and damage that occurred.
I made friendships in Japan during this time which have lasted till today as we all supported each other and were stronger together.
Please read our local newspaper story referring to this event some 25 years ago.
The photo shows the highway which was damaged and was located outside our hotel.
Difficult times in Kobe when some 6500 people lost their lives and 40,000 were injured but the City is now stronger and better despite this tragedy.
I hope you all stay safe during the current health challenge.
Best Regards as ever
哇塞, 哈哈哈 15年了,那你一定有一定的岁数了哈哈哈, 你一定在这15年里人品特别好
你和你客人三观也应该一样,志趣相投 互相欣赏,所以才合作了这么久吧,哈哈
最近也是所有的客户都对我们表示了担心慰问和祈祷,感恩! 希望病毒早点过去!
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