一加拿大客户,已确定产品数量,但是在付款方式上,他提到Visa,paypal,or Escrow,这三种方式,有什么不同之处,利弊在哪里?有哪位高手熟悉这三种方式的,请教了,急啊!我们有paypal 的帐户,是否建议用这个方式好一点呢?
I only need 200 pieces of each soap because I am a startup, and will be expanding much in the future to thousands of pieces per unit. Will you accept this?
Also, I use Visa, paypal, or Escrow for payment, which is a more trusted website and more secure for the buyer and seller. Because you dont offer Visa or paypal on your website I can only use Escrow. It is very simple. There is a 1% commission fee, which I will pay.
The website giving the steps are the following: https://www.escrow.com/solutions/escrow/process.asp
If you are willing to use this payment? It is the only secure form of payment that I will use.
加拿大电商我们公司老板个人一笔外汇收入15000美金,然后他不知道让老外打到我们公司的帐户里来了,那这笔款怎么入帐呀 ,如果作内销不是要缴税吗?!那不是太冤了,我可不可以当作订金(预收帐款 加拿大电商各位,我问下,台湾用信汇到大陆,大概需要几天的时间?急都急死了,等着付钱 评论 一般新台币和人民币不可能从台湾打过来,其实从美国,或者哪个国家打过来24小时,尽管多出一
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