本贴提供免费用康帕斯查找全球买家的方法与思路, 教您学会如何准确寻找到您的潜在客户,准确判断出您的客户群体.最新消息: 康帕斯网站新首页2011年6月29日上线了!
2015年最新使用介绍,请点连接: http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-5176728-1-1.html
第一: 打开www.kompass.com (推荐您使用英文站搜索客户)
第二: 注册成为kompass免费会员(主页右边 login-Create New Account 注册)
第三: 先判断您产品的目标客户群,然后在“FIND YOUR SUPPLIERS(找供应商)”板块输入您目标客户群行业的关键词
如果您不知道如何定位您的客户群体,请签名中联系我,我帮您分析.或者您可以使用康帕斯的引导搜索进行"行业检索" ,推荐(中文版或英文版)
第四: 在search by 中选择查询方式: products and services , 然后点击搜索按纽
第五: 在搜索结果中,找到与您搜索相匹配的分类,并根据P,D,S客户类型,在您需要的分类中选择您需要的类型打勾
第六: 公司类型打勾后,点击分类最下面的:" View Selected"进行过滤.
什么是目标客户群体? 关键词有什么搜索技巧?
如: 关键词:面料 fabrics 客户群: 海外面料的生产商、分销商、贸易商(批发商)、超市连锁店、海外成衣的生产商
1:只用产品关键词(核心词)搜索,不带任何修饰词。如: 搜:fabrics 不搜:fabrics buyers
内含词:指产品本身及包括产品向下的关键词。 如: metal 内含词是: steel、iron、copper
外延词:指产品本身及包括产品向上的关键词。 如: steel、iron、copper 外延词是:metal
3:尝试使用最终用户关键词(核心词)搜索。如: 面料的最终用户是成衣生产商 可搜:clothes
5:康帕斯针对某个产品的外延词或内含词都有import/export,trade 相关的产品与服务分类
如:steel 当您尝试以上三种方法,客户全部找完后,您可尝试第四种方法。
搜:metal + import 搜:steel + import
搜:metal + trade 搜:steel + trade
康帕斯教您如何利用老客户找客户: (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid44797414)
康帕斯推荐您把买家请到展会: (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid44797457)
康帕斯教您如何验证买家信息: (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid44797522)
13:注册用户登入出现“0 simultaneous accesses to the subscriber edition”,怎么办?
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2015-2-7 18:26 编辑 ]
海外专业的贸易/批发商查法:见第3至26楼 (用网页查找功能来寻找与您产品相关的分类)
6124000 Commission agents 佣金代理商
6124001 Commission agents, national 佣金代理商,国内的
6124002 Commission agents, international 佣金代理商,国际的
6130000 Central purchasing organisations 集中采购机构
6130001 Central purchasing organisations for agricultural products 农产品集中采购机构
6130002 Central purchasing organisations for food and beverages 食品饮料集中采购机构
6130003 Central purchasing organisations for textiles, clothing and footwear 纺织品、服装和鞋的集中采购机构
6130006 Central purchasing organisations for sports, leisure and camping articles 体育用品、休闲用品和野营用品集中采购机构
6130008 Central purchasing organisations for cosmetics, toiletries and beauty products 化妆品、洗漱用品和美容用品集中采购机构
6130009 Central purchasing organisations for medical supplies 医疗用品集中采购机构
6130015 Central purchasing organisations for industrial machinery and equipment 工业机械设备集中采购机构
6130016 Central purchasing organisations for electric and electronic goods 电气和电子产品集中采购机构
6130020 Central purchasing organisations for hypermarkets, department stores, high street stores and retail outlets 为大型超市、百货店、高速公路店和品牌折扣购物中心提供集中采购服务的机构
6130021 Central purchasing organisations for public services 为公共服务机构集中采购服务的机构
6130022 Central purchasing organisations for restaurants and catering 为餐馆和宴会提供集中采购服务的机构
6130023 Central purchasing organisations for mail order stores 为邮购店提供集中采购服务的机构
6132000 Purchasing agents 采购代理商
6132001 Buying agents, coal, asphalt and petroleum 采购代理商,煤,沥青和石油的
6132002 Buying agents, ores and minerals 采购代理商,矿石的
6132004 Buying agents, agricultural products 采购代理商,农产品的
6132005 Buying agents, meat, fish, game and groceries 采购代理商,肉、鱼、野味和食杂的
6132006 Buying agents, beverages, soft drinks and beer 采购代理商,饮料,软饮料和啤酒的
6132008 Buying agents, textiles and clothing 采购代理商,纺织品和服装的
6132009 Buying agents, wood and cork 采购代理商,木材和软木的
6132010 Buying agents, furniture and carpets 采购代理商,家具和地毯的
6132011 Buying agents, paper and cardboard 采购代理商,纸和纸板的
6132012 Buying agents, leather and skins 采购代理商,皮革(革皮和裘皮)的
6132013 Buying agents, shoes and leather goods 采购代理商,鞋和皮革制品的
6132014 Buying agents, rubber and plastic 采购代理商,橡胶和塑料的
6132016 Buying agents, chemicals 采购代理商,化学品的
6132017 Buying agents, glass and glassware 采购代理商,玻璃和玻璃制品的
6132018 Buying agents, cement, concrete and ceramic products 采购代理商,水泥、混凝土和陶瓷制品的
6132019 Buying agents, metals, ironmongery and tools 采购代理商,金属、五金制品和工具的
6132021 Buying agents, electrical and electronic equipment 采购代理商,电气和电子产品的
6132022 Buying agents, transport equipment 采购代理商,交通运输设备的
6132023 Buying agents, instruments, optical and photographic equipment 采购代理商,光学和照相设备的
6132024 Buying agents, precious metals, stones, watches and jewellery 采购代理商,贵金属、宝石、钟表和首饰的
6132026 Buying agents, office machinery and accessories, stationery 采购代理商,办公机械和附件、文具的
6132028 Buying agents, musical instruments, toys and sports articles 采购代理商,乐器,玩具和运动用品的
6132029 Buying agents, cosmetics, perfumery, toiletries and hairdressers' sundries 采购代理商,化妆品、芳香除臭化学品、洗漱用品、美发用品的
6132030 Buying agents, machine tools 采购代理商,机床的
6132031 Buying agents, pneumatic tools 采购代理商,气动工具的
6132033 Buying agents, hydraulic tools and equipment 采购代理商,液压工具和设备的
6132035 Buying agents, hotel equipment 采购代理商,酒店设备的
6132036 Buying agents for department stores 为百货商店提供采购服务的代理商
6132037 Buying services for mail order catalogues 为邮购目录提供采购服务的代理商
6132039 Buying agents with market research facilities 为市场调查机构提供采购服务的代理商
6132043 Procurement services, hospital supplies 采购服务,医院用品的
6132044 Procurement services, oilfield equipment 采购服务,油田设备的
6132045 Procurement or purchasing services, refinery equipment 采购服务,石油炼解设备的
6132047 Procurement services, military equipment 采购服务,军事设备的
6132048 Procurement services, industrial consumables 采购服务, 工业消费品
6132050 Purchasing consultants 采购顾问
6132052 National purchasing offices 国内采购办公室
6132053 International purchasing offices 国际采购办公室
6132054 Confirming houses 确认机构
如需联系以上类型的企业,您可以把上面的关键词复制到www.kompass.com/en 搜索框中,直接点find (search) 搜索,就可以找到相关的公司.我们找到潜在客户之后,您可以打开每个公司的展示页面,到"General information".找到客户的网站,根据上面的联系方式与他们联系.尽量不要直接通过kompass发送邮件.(特别提醒: 当您在给客户写邮件前,先要看一下公司的负责人,每给客户写邮件,我们最好是都要写这个邮件接收人的姓名).如果有的企业看不到网址,您可以将公司名复制后跟贴告诉我,我提供他们的网站给您.谢谢!
太阳能行业客户数量统计: 见第88楼
纺织,轻工 行业的客户统计: 见第90楼
inspection services(检测服务)的海外客户群统计第594楼
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2012-2-28 14:34 编辑 ]
6200000 Wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: animals, agricultural products, plants, food, drink and tobacco 消费品的批发商和分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:动物、农产品、植物、食品、饮料和烟草
6205000 Farm animals (trade) 农场动物(贸易)
6205001 Cattle (trade) 牛(贸易)
6205002 Pigs (trade) 猪(贸易)
6205003 Sheep (trade) 绵羊(贸易)
6205004 Goats (trade) 山羊(贸易)
6205007 Horses, mules and donkeys (trade) 马、骡子和驴(贸易)
6205009 Fur animals (trade) 毛皮动物(贸易)
6205010 Rabbits (trade) 活兔(贸易)
6205015 Poultry, live (trade) 活禽(贸易)
6205016 Chickens, live (trade) 鸡, 活的( 贸易)
6205017 Ducks, live (trade) 鸭, 活的(贸易)
6205018 Geese, live (trade) 鹅, 活的( 贸易)
6205019 Turkeys, live (trade) 火鸡, 活的( 贸易)
6207000 Pets and zoo animals, pet shop supplies (trade) 宠物和动物园动物,宠物店售卖品(贸易)
6207001 Pets (trade) 宠物(贸易)
6207002 Pet food (trade) 宠物食品(贸易)
6207003 Pet accessories (trade) 宠物用品(贸易)
6207004 Animal hygiene products, cat litter (trade) 动物卫生用品,猫砂(贸易)
6207005 Cage birds (trade) 笼养鸟(贸易)
6207010 Exotic animals (trade) 珍稀动物(贸易)
6207012 Aquarium fish (trade) 水族鱼(贸易)
6207015 Animals for restocking (trade) 动物,用于配种(贸易)
6207030 Aquariums, supplies and equipment (trade) 水族箱设备和用品(贸易)
6210000 Abattoir products, meat, sausage casings (trade) 屠宰品、肉和肠衣(贸易)
6210001 Meat, fresh (trade) 鲜肉(贸易)
6210002 Meat, frozen and chilled (trade) 肉,冷冻和冰鲜的(贸易)
6210003 Sausage casings (trade) 肠衣(贸易)
6210005 Bones (trade) 骨头(贸易)
6210006 Offal, fresh (trade) 鲜下水(贸易)
6210007 Crude animal oils, fats and tallow (trade) 未经加工的动物油脂(贸易)
6210015 Rawhides and undressed skins (trade) 生皮(贸易)
6220000 Poultry and game, processed and preserved (trade) 家禽和野味,腌制和加工过的(贸易)
6220003 Poultry, plucked and drawn (trade) 家禽,褪毛和去内脏的(贸易)
6220004 Chickens, plucked and drawn (trade) 小鸡, 褪毛和去内脏的(贸易)
6220005 Turkeys, plucked and drawn (trade) 火鸡, 褪毛和去内脏的(贸易)
6220006 Poultry, processed and preserved (trade) 家禽,腌制加工过的(贸易)
6220007 Game, processed (trade) 野味,加工过的(贸易)
6220009 Game, processed and preserved (trade) 野味,加工过的和保藏制的(贸易)
6225000 Meat products (trade) 肉制品(贸易)
6225001 Meat, processed, fresh (trade) 肉,加工过的,新鲜的(贸易)
6225002 Meat and game, processed and preserved (trade) 保藏加工过的肉类、野味(贸易)
6225003 Meat, salted, dried or smoked (trade) 肉,盐渍制、干制和熏制的(贸易)
6225004 Meat, canned (trade) 肉罐头(贸易)
6225005 Ham and salami (trade) 火腿和意大利腊肠(贸易)
6230000 Fish and fish products (trade) 鱼和鱼制品(贸易)
6230001 Fish, live (trade) 活鱼(贸易)
6230002 Fish, fresh, chilled and frozen (trade) 鱼,新鲜、冰鲜和冷冻的(贸易)
6230003 Fish, canned and bottled (trade) 鱼,罐头和瓶装的(贸易)
6230004 Fish and seafood preserves (trade) 鱼和水产品,经过加工的(贸易)
6230005 Fish, processed and preserved (trade) 鱼,保藏加工过的(贸易)
6230006 Fish roes (trade) 鱼子(贸易)
6230007 Caviar (trade) 鱼籽酱(贸易)
6230008 Seafood, dried (trade) 水产品,干的(贸易)
6230009 Seafood, bottled, canned or otherwise packaged (trade) 水产品,瓶装、罐头或其他包装方式的(贸易)
6230010 Fishmeal (trade) 鱼肉(贸易)
6232000 Molluscs and crustaceans (trade) 贝类及甲壳类(贸易)
6232002 Crustaceans, fresh, chilled or frozen (trade) 甲壳纲动物,新鲜、冰鲜或冷冻的(贸易)
6232003 Molluscs, fresh, chilled or frozen (trade) 软体动物,新鲜、冰鲜或冷冻的(贸易)
6238000 Dairy products (trade) 乳制品(贸易)
6238001 Cheese (trade) 奶酪(贸易)
6238002 Milk (trade) 牛奶(贸易)
6238003 Milk, condensed and powdered (trade) 炼乳和奶粉(贸易)
6238004 Cream (trade) 奶油(贸易)
6238006 Butter (trade) 黄油(贸易)
6238008 Ice cream (trade) 冰淇淋(贸易)
6238010 Milk drinks (trade) 奶制饮料(贸易)
6238011 Yogurt (trade) 酸奶(贸易)
6238016 Non-dairy creamers (trade) 非奶奶油(贸易)
6240000 Eggs (trade) 蛋类(贸易)
6240001 Eggs, human consumption (trade) 鸡蛋,
1:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3135271-1-1.html KOMPASS康帕斯 海外首选B2B 教您用它找海外潜在客户
http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1130863-1-1.html kompass(开发欧洲) 分享我与我客户交流后,对康帕斯使用的一点点方法
http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2139038-1-1.html KOMPASS 康帕斯 海外首选B2B(新增 汽车/家具/化工客户分类)提供免费查优质买家方法
2:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1807968-1-1.html 今天看到一篇关于康帕斯(kompass)使用的贴子,转来给大家一起分享
3:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2089805-1-1.html 欧洲及独联体经济贸易风险情况概述
4:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2010028-1-1.html 各国世界贸易风险评估,行业风险概况
5:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1240552-1-2.html 为什么大家不愿意用电话,传真去联系客户呢?
6:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2151731-1-1.html 欧洲传统灯泡退出市场。
7:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2172910-1-1.html 英国企业对海洋,水产项目的企业招标机会
8:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2140739-1-1.html 收到寻盘后,如何处理寻盘!
9:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2171588-1-1.html 开发法国市场的朋友,法国超市的名字,有用的可以取走.
10:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2324555-1-1.html 开发欧洲市场详细分析 -(欲开拓欧洲的福友可参考一下)
11:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2442180-1-1.html 寻找国外优质客户,离不开这些信息 (来自热心福友提供的找客户网站)
12:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2273934-1-1.html 不懂外语也能做外贸!佩服 这才叫"绝"
13:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2240431-1-1.html 国外雇员人数200-1000的家用家具的买家,需要的请取走!
14:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2603644-1-1.html 开发信石沉大海,我们是否有这样去做呢?
15:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3503841-1-1.html 各位B2B网站会员,请不要抱怨网站效果不好,不要迷失了你的方向
16:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3592799-1-1.html 25个国家进出口占国内生产总值的比例分析 -----外贸企业作市场分析用
17:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3743540-1-1.html 参加展会如何取得预想的效果
18:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3672115-1-1.html 商对商销售已死?10年后如何做销售?
19:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3757299-1-1.html 中国驻外经济商务参赞处联系方式大全 教您如何利用这宝贵的资源
20:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3740058-1-1.html 建议企业都拥有自己制作的精美的电子E目录
21:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-3036148-1-5.html 作为一个销售员,你能给自己打多少分? 看看我们还有哪些事情没有做好.
22:http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-2171588-1-1.html 需要超市联系方式的朋友,法国/德国超市的名字,有用的可以取走.
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2012-2-29 10:51 编辑 ]
6245000 Agricultural and plantation products other than tobacco (trade) 农产品和种植产品,除了烟草外的(贸易)
6245002 Tea (trade) 茶叶(贸易)
6245003 Coffee (trade) 咖啡(贸易)
6245004 Coffee beans (trade) 咖啡豆(贸易)
6245005 Cocoa beans (trade) 可可豆(贸易)
6245006 Yerba mat?(trade) 巴拉圭茶(贸易)
6245008 Cereals (trade) 谷类(贸易)
6245009 Wheat (trade) 小麦(贸易)
6245010 Corn/maize (trade) 玉米(贸易)
6245011 Barley (trade) 大麦(贸易)
6245012 Oats (trade) 燕麦( 贸易)
6245013 Rye (trade) 裸/黑麦( 贸易)
6245014 Seeds (trade) 种子(贸易)
6245015 Oilseeds (trade) 含油种子( 贸易)
6245016 Seeds, cereal (trade) 种子, 谷类的(贸易)
6245017 Seeds, edible, other than cereals (trade) 种子,可食用类的,除了谷物外的(贸易)
6245018 Nuts, edible (trade) 坚果(贸易)
6245019 Coconuts and copra (trade) 椰子和椰核(贸易)
6245020 Rice (trade) 大米(贸易)
6245021 Sugar cane (trade) 甘蔗(贸易)
6245022 Sugar beet (trade) 甜菜(贸易)
6245023 Hops (trade) 啤酒花(贸易)
6245024 Manioc/cassava roots (trade) 木薯根(贸易)
6245025 Sorghum (trade) 高粱(贸易)
6245026 Cinchona bark/China bark (trade) 金鸡纳皮(贸易)
6247000 Spices and herbs (trade) 香辛料和香草(贸易)
6247001 Spices (trade) 香辛料(贸易)
6247002 Herbs (trade) 香草(贸易)
6247006 Mustard (trade) 芥末(贸易)
6247008 Vanilla (trade) 香兰(贸易)
6247010 Betel-nuts and leaves (trade) 槟榔子仁和叶子(贸易)
6250000 Fresh fruit, vegetables and mushrooms (trade) 新鲜水果、蔬菜和蘑菇(贸易)
6250002 Green vegetables, fresh (trade) 新鲜绿叶蔬菜(贸易)
6250003 Vegetables, root and tuberous, fresh (trade) 蔬菜,根和块茎类的,新鲜的(贸易)
6250004 Potatoes (trade) 马铃薯(贸易)
6250005 Onions (trade) 洋葱(贸易)
6250006 Pulses and legumes, fresh (trade) 食用豆类和豆荚,新鲜的(贸易)
6250007 Soya beans, fresh (trade) 黄豆,新鲜的(贸易)
6250008 Citrus fruit (trade) 柑橘类水果(贸易)
6250009 Fruit, tropical or subtropical (trade) 水果,热带和亚热带的(贸易)
6250010 Grapes (trade) 葡萄(贸易)
6250017 Fruit and berries (trade) 水果和浆果(贸易)
6250019 Mushrooms and other edible fungi, fresh (trade) 蘑菇和其它食用菌,新鲜的(贸易)
6250020 Forest berries and wild mushrooms (trade) 野草莓和野蘑菇( 贸易)
6260000 Food products NES (trade) 食品,未做特殊定义的(贸易)
6260001 Kosher food (trade) 犹太教所规定的食品(贸易)
6260002 Organic food products (trade) 有机食品(贸易)
6260003 International food specialities (trade) 国际风味食品(贸易)
6260004 Health and diet foods (trade) 保健和减肥食品(贸易)
6260006 Food, dehydrated and freeze-dried (trade) 食品,脱水的和冻干的(贸易)
6260007 Baby food (trade) 婴儿食品(贸易)
6260008 Bread, cakes and pastry (trade) 面包、糕点(贸易)
6260009 Biscuits and crackers (trade) 饼干和脆饼(贸易)
6260010 Crisps, popcorn and snacks (trade) 炸薯片、爆米花和小吃(贸易)
如需联系以上类型的企业,您可以把上面的关键词复制到www.kompass.com/en 搜索框中,直接点find (search) 搜索,就可以找到相关的公司.我们找到潜在客户之后,您可以打开每个公司的展示页面,到"General information".找到客户的网站,根据上面的联系方式与他们联系.尽量不要直接通过kompass发送邮件.(特别提醒: 当您在给客户写邮件前,先要看一下公司的负责人,每给客户写邮件,我们最好是都要写这个邮件接收人的姓名).如果有的企业看不到网址,您可以将公司名复制后跟贴告诉我,我提供他们的网站给您.谢谢! 希望各位福友能够出成绩!
1:帐篷 的客户如何找: (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid53166293)
2:水龙头 的客户 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29850006)
3:羽绒服装 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29881404)
4:转盘轴承及回转轴承 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29933447)
5:丝网 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid58535177)
6:厨房用具 (tableware,dinnerware,kitchenware)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29939105)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30121761)
7:扫描器(Barcode Scanner) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29956777)
8: (游戏配件及周边产品) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29976809)
10:卫浴产品 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29977731)
11:垫片 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29997092)
12:钢管 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30011128)
13:医院器械 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30012180)
14:Moulding compounds (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30122044)
15:电池电子行业 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30122526)
16:管件 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30122653)
17:体温计 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30162004)
18:电器触头产品的(Eectrical Contact Rivets) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30218847)
19:破碎机及采矿机械设备 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30218350)
20:通信设备(部份分类) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30219168)
21:地毯海绵(Carpet underlay) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30268497)
22:紧固件(Fasteners) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30330688)
23: 网络输出线及附件 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30362846)
24:水处理设备 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30415968)
25:耳机及电脑周边产品 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30442186)
26:野营帐篷/睡袋 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30442426)
27:陶瓷餐具 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30450307)
28:漆包线(enamelled wire) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30483301)
29:时尚饰品 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30483544)
30:阀门及五金制品 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30483955)
31:纸盒子 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30505757)
32:碎纸机paper shredder (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30509198)
33:购物车 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30525869)
34:适配器 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30705994)
35:钢铸件 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30706063)
36:沙滩伞,庭院伞,广告伞 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30706412)
37:模具 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30759124)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31338577)
38: 扩口机 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30780008)
39:磷酸 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30778297)
40: 画,海报,年历 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30837261)
41:礼服,婚纱,服装 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30837821)
42:空调 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30850079)
43: 脚手架 scaffolding (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid30886350)
44:KVM (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31000554)
45: 冷冻水产品 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31037293)
46:PCB (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31108413)
47: 林产化工 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31051407)
48:玻璃器皿 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31167892)
49: 智能卡 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31296259)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31297531)
50:卫浴用户的潜在客户群(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31260316)
51至90见: 第5楼
91至116见: 第6楼
117至130见: 第7楼
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2012-2-28 14:34 编辑 ]
6260011 Flour and flakes, cereal (trade) 面粉和薄片,谷物的(贸易)
6260012 Flour and flakes, non-cereal (trade) 面粉和片,非谷物的(贸易)
6260013 Processed rice and rice products (trade) 加工米和米制品(贸易)
6260014 Processed beans and bean products (trade) 加工过的豆类和豆制品(贸易)
6260015 Pasta (trade) 面食(贸易)
6260016 Pasta products (trade) 面食制品(贸易)
6260019 Breakfast cereals (trade) 谷物早餐(贸易)
6260020 Coffee, tea and infusion products (trade) 咖啡,茶和冲泡饮品(贸易)
6260021 Cocoa and chocolate products (trade) 可可和巧克力制品(贸易)
6260022 Malt and malt extracts (trade) 麦芽和麦芽提取物(贸易)
6260023 Food products, canned (trade) 食品罐头(贸易)
6260025 Animal and fish oils, edible (trade) 动物和鱼的油,可食用的(贸易)
6260026 Vegetable oils, edible (trade) 植物油,可食用的(贸易)
6260027 Soya products (trade) 豆制品(贸易)
6260028 Animal and vegetable fats, edible (trade) 动物和植物脂肪,可食的(贸易)
6260029 Nuts, processed (trade) 坚果,经加工的(贸易)
6260030 Salt, table and kitchen (trade) 盐,佐餐和厨房用的(贸易)
6260031 Vinegar, condiments and sauces (trade) 醋、调味品和酱汁(贸易)
6260032 Sugar (trade) 糖(贸易)
6260033 Sugar confectionery (trade) 糖果(贸易)
6260035 Fruit, dried (trade) 水果,干的(贸易)
6260036 Gelatine, edible (trade) 明胶,食用的(贸易)
6260037 Seaweed, edible, processed (trade) 海藻,可食用的,经加工的(贸易)
6260038 Soup and extracts (trade) 汤和浓缩汤(贸易)
6260039 Desserts, non-dairy (trade) 甜点,不含奶的(贸易)
6260041 Molasses (trade) 糖浆(贸易)
6260044 Honey (trade) 蜂蜜(贸易)
6260045 Yeast (trade) 酵母(贸易)
6260050 Food products and beverages for vending machines (trade) 食品和饮料,用于自动售货机(贸易)
6260051 Food products, frozen or deep frozen (trade) 食品,冷冻或速冻的(贸易)
6260052 Food products, chilled (trade) 食品,冰鲜的(贸易)
6260053 Vegetables, dried (trade) 蔬菜,干的(贸易)
6260054 Fruit and vegetables, processed and preserved (trade) 水果和蔬菜,加工过的和腌制的
6260055 Natural and chemically derived additives for food and beverages (trade) 天然和化学添加剂,用于食品和饮料(贸易)
6265000 Animal feed and fodder (trade) 饲料(贸易)
6265001 Animal feed (trade) 饲料(贸易)
6265002 Poultry feed (trade) 家禽饲料(贸易)
6265005 Silage and fodder (trade) 料草(贸易)
6265006 Forage (trade) 饲草(贸易)
6265010 Animal feed additives (trade) 动物饲料添加剂(贸易)
6270000 Flowers, plants, bushes, trees and seeds (trade) 鲜花、园艺植物、灌木、树木以及种子(贸易)
6270001 Flowers, cut (trade) 切花(贸易)
6270002 Cut flower arrangements (trade) 切花造型布置(贸易)
6270003 Flowers, dried (trade) 干花(贸易)
6270004 Flower seeds and bulbs (trade) 花卉种子和球根(贸易)
6270008 Plants (trade) 园艺植物(贸易)
6270009 Bushes and shrubs (trade) 灌木(贸易)
6270010 Trees (trade) 树(贸易)
6270025 Florists supplies (trade) 花匠用品(贸易)
6270030 Flowers and plants, artificial (trade) 人造花卉和园艺植物(贸易)
6280000 Tobacco products and smokers' requisites (trade) 烟制品和烟具(贸易)
6280001 Smokers' requisites (trade) 烟具(贸易)
6280010 Cigarettes (trade) 香烟(贸易)
6280011 Cigars and cigarillos (trade) 雪茄和小雪茄(贸易)
6280012 Chewing tobacco (trade) 嚼烟(贸易)
6280013 Snuff (trade) 鼻烟(贸易)
6280014 Pipe and cigarette tobacco (trade) 烟斗和卷烟用的烟叶(贸易)
6290000 Beverages (trade) 饮料(贸易)
6290001 Wines (trade) 萄葡酒(贸易)
6290002 Sparkling wines (trade) 气泡酒(贸易)
6290003 Fortified wines (trade) 强化葡萄酒(贸易)
6290006 Liqueurs (trade) 利口酒(贸易)
6290008 Alcoholic spirits (trade) 烈性酒(贸易)
6290010 Aperitifs and cocktails (trade) 开胃酒和鸡尾酒(贸易)
6290013 Beer and lager beers (trade) 啤酒和淡啤酒(贸易)
6290015 Cider (trade) 苹果酒(贸易)
6290016 Juices, fruit and vegetable (trade) 果汁和蔬菜汁(贸易)
6290017 Lemonade, carbonated and soft drinks (trade) 柠檬水、碳酸水和软饮料(贸易)
6290018 Syrups and squashes, fruit (trade) 水果浆和鲜榨果汁(贸易)
6290019 Beverage concentrates (trade) 饮料浓缩物(贸易)
6290020 Milk serum drinks (trade) 乳清饮料(贸易)
6290021 Mineral waters (trade) 矿泉水(贸易)
6290025 Tea and coffee, ready to drink (trade) 茶和咖啡,即饮的(贸易)
6290038 Beer, wine and alcoholic spirits in aircraft or ship catering packs (trade) 啤酒、葡萄酒和烈酒,按飞机或船上宴会要求包装的(贸易)
6290040 Alcohol for beverages (trade) 酒精,用于制饮料的(贸易)
51:太阳能板的潜在客户群(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31280253)
52:宠物食品 9http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31338727)
53:洗衣机、干衣机和熨衣机 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31338832)
54:工业加湿器(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31338942)
55:下水道盖板 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31339075)
56: air filter (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31344586)
57:手机与手机电池(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31402125)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31379781)
58:户外,登录,滑雪(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31403314)
59:珠宝分类 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31572022)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31571794)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31571878)
61:风扇分类(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31535626)
62:卫浴配件,马桶水箱配件的进排水阀 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31765811)
63:shopping bag,fashion belt,hair accessory(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32012052)
64:防雷/避雷设备和部件(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32043186)
65:电子线材,电源插头和电源线厂找海外家电工厂(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32056117)
66:游艇海外潜在客户康帕斯产品服务分类总结(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32056191)
67:汽车挡风玻璃、挡风胶条海外潜在客户(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32056218)
68:塔机,升降机,(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31934389)
69:西服面料和牛仔面料(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31958831)
70:沙发布(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid31953559)
71:蚊香液体,蚊香片,杀虫气雾剂,加热器,空气清新剂(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32402120)
72:水暖这块的,主要操作花洒(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32297219)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32342100)
73:洗衣机,吸尘器上的管子(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32342284)
74:发电机组(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32217137)
75:无缝钢管(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32216153)
76:笔记本电池Laptop Battery(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104804)
77:无线可视对讲门铃(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104702)
78:酒店用品(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104707)
79:袖扣和围巾(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104721)
80:铁丝和镀锌铁丝(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104722)
81:宠物食品潜在买家产品服务分 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104727)
82:迪厅激光灯(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104730)
83:工业加湿器(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104733)
84:制瓦机械(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104741)
85:密胺餐具密胺餐具(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104749)
86:洗衣机、干衣机和熨衣机(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104756)
87:汽车HID 灯套装(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104782)
88:载重车用润滑油和工业用润滑油(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104790)
89ED灯泡/灯管、室内和景观用射灯和天花灯(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32104798)
90:避雷器 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32043186)
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2011-10-11 12:33 编辑 ]
6300000 Wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: textiles, clothing, household articles, domestic furniture, toiletries, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals 消费品的批发商和分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:纺织品、服装、家居用品、家用家具、洗漱用品、化妆品和药品
6320000 Yarns, twists, fabrics and textile goods (trade) 纱、绞线、布和纺织品(贸易)
6320001 Yarns and twists, cotton (trade) 纱和捻线,棉的(贸易)
6320002 Yarns and twists, wool and hair (trade) 纱和捻线,毛和毛发的(贸易)
6320003 Yarns and twists, silk (trade) 纱和捻线,丝的(贸易)
6320004 Yarns and twists, man-made fibre (trade) 纱和捻线,人造纤维的(贸易)
6320005 Yarns and twists, vegetable fibre (trade) 纱和捻线,植物纤维的(贸易)
6320006 Yarns and fabrics, elastic (trade) 松紧纱线和布(贸易)
6320008 Fabrics, man-made fibre (trade) 化纤面料(贸易)
6320009 Fabrics, silk (trade) 真丝面料(贸易)
6320010 Fabrics, wool and hair (trade) 毛面料(贸易)
6320011 Fabrics, cotton (trade) 纯棉面料(贸易)
6320012 Fabrics, linen (trade) 亚麻面料(贸易)
6320013 Fabrics, hemp, jute, ramie and paper (trade) 大麻、苎麻、黄麻和纸面料(贸易)
6320014 Net and tulle (trade) 网和薄纱(贸易)
6320015 Canvas and duck (trade) 帆布和粗布(贸易)
6320018 Fabrics, knitted (trade) 针织布(贸易)
6320019 Non-woven fabrics (trade) 无纺布(贸易)
6320020 Fabrics, coated, linoleum, oilcloth, oiled silk, leathercloth (trade) 涂层布、油毡、油布、油绸、人造革(贸易)
6320021 Fabrics, cut-lengths (trade) 剪切长度的面料(贸易)
6320022 Printed fabrics (trade) 印花布(贸易)
6320023 Batik fabrics (trade) 巴蒂克印花布(贸易)
6320025 Fabrics for embroidery and needlework (trade) 布,用于刺绣和缝纫(贸易)
6320026 Fabrics for clothing and household linen (trade) 服装和家纺用面料(贸易)
6320027 Fabrics for soft furnishings and upholstery (trade) 软装潢用面料(贸易)
6320028 Threads, sewing and embroidery (trade) 缝纫线和刺绣线(贸易)
6320029 Twine, cordage, ropes and cables (trade) 合股线,绳索,粗绳和缆绳(贸易)
6320030 Belts, hoses and webbing, textile (trade) 带,管和边,纺织制(贸易)
6320033 Wadding, textile and its products (trade) 填料,纺织品和其产品制(贸易)
6320034 Trimmings, cords, braids and fringes (trade) 装饰件,编织饰边和饰带(贸易)
6320035 Felt, felted fabrics and their products (trade) 毡子、毡布和它们的制品(贸易)
6320036 Nets and netting, textile (trade) 纺织制网(贸易)
6320037 Ribbons and tapes, textile (trade) 织带,纺织品的(贸易)
6320038 Linings and facings, buckram and horsehair (trade) 衣服的内衬和贴边,粗硬布和马毛的(贸易)
6320039 Canvas and duck products, tents and covers (trade) 帆布制品,帐篷和苫布的(贸易)
6320040 Embroidered fabrics and articles (trade) 刺绣和刺绣制品(贸易)
6320041 Elastic fabric products (trade) 松紧布制品(贸易)
6320042 Lace and lace articles (trade) 蕾丝和蕾丝制品(贸易)
6320043 Textile articles, non-woven, disposable (trade) 纺织品,非织造的,一次性的(贸易)
6320045 Dress fabrics (trade) 女服衣料(贸易)
6320046 Flock (trade) 毛屑(贸易)
6320047 Cloths (trade) 衣料(贸易)
6320048 Textile fent and remnant (trade) 纺织品下脚料和剩余料(贸易)
6320050 Merchant converters 纺织品加工经纪人
6320052 Textile articles for medical use (bandages, dressings) and hygiene (trade) 纺织品,医用(绷带)和卫生品用的(贸易)
6320053 Sanitary towels, tampons, nappies and incontinence wear (trade) 卫生巾、尿不湿和失禁用品(贸易)
6330000 Clothes and underwear (trade) 成衣和内衣(贸易)
6330001 Clothes, ready-made, for babies and children (trade) 童装(贸易)
6330002 Clothes, ready-made, for ladies and girls (trade) 成衣,女士和女孩穿的(贸易)
6330003 Clothes, ready-made, for men and boys (trade) 成衣,男士和男孩穿的(贸易)
6330004 Clothes, second-hand and surplus (trade) 服装,二手和积压的(贸易)
6330008 Clothing, leather (trade) 革皮服装(贸易)
6330009 Clothing, waterproof (trade) 防水服装(贸易)
6330010 Clothing, knitted and crocheted (trade) 针织和编织服装(贸易)
6330011 Clothing, professional and uniforms (trade) 职业装和制服(贸易)
6330012 Clothing and accessories, rubber (trade) 衣服和附件,橡胶的(贸易)
6330015 Unisex garments, sportswear and leisurewear (trade) 男女通用服装、运动服和休闲服(贸易)
6330016 Protective and work clothing (trade) 防护服和工作服(贸易)
6330017 Costumes, traditional and theatrical (trade) 传统服装和戏服(贸易)
6330025 Swimwear, beachwear and accessories (trade) 泳装、沙滩装和配套件(贸易)
6330026 Trousers, shorts, jeans (trade) 长裤、短裤和牛仔裤(贸易)
6330027 Neckties, cravats, scarves and shawls (trade) 领带、围巾和披肩(贸易)
6330028 Lingerie, corsetry and nightwear (trade) 女式轻薄内衣、塑身内衣和睡衣(贸易)
6330030 Underwear and nightwear for men (trade) 内衣和睡衣,男士的(贸易)
6330031 Underwear and nightwear for children (trade) 内衣和睡衣,儿童的(贸易)
6330032 Dressing gowns and bathrobes (trade) 睡袍和浴衣(贸易)
6330033 Embroidered garments (trade) 绣制服装(贸易)
6330035 Maternity wear (trade) 孕妇装(贸易)
6330036 Sarongs (trade) 沙龙(贸易)
6330037 Saris (trade) 卷布(贸易)
91:电子线材,电源插头和电源线厂找海外家电工厂(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32056117)
92:游艇海外潜在客户康帕斯产品服务分类总结(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32056191)
93:汽车挡风玻璃、挡风胶条海外潜在客户康帕斯产品服务分类和数量统计:http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32056218
94:发饰品,购物袋,皮带(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32012052)
95:太阳能热水器及太阳能板(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32439283)
96:草帽(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32499112)
97: 灯具(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32552835)
98:面料(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid29725644)
99:锁具(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32615864)
100:摩托车配件(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32616029)
101:冰晶石(无机氟化工) (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32681014)
102:水龙头及卫浴产品相关贸易分类(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32763691)
103:汽车诊断设备.客户群是:汽修厂(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32787194)
104:纱线(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32916054)
105:绳子(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid32920783)
106:变压器(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid33051876)
107:plastic hook (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid33790336)
108:地热电缆(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid33758495)
109ED Shower heads (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid33525996)
101: 铝箔 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid34441811)
102: 传感器 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid34951750)
103: 网络摄像机辆(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid34775544)
104: 生产凿岩钎具、矿用截齿、盾构刀具 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid34657816
http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid34952707
105:钻头及钻探设备(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid36162466)
106: 食品外包装(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid36273584)
107: 辊,轧机配件(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid36272540)
108: 钓具:(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid36749107)
109:陶砖及相关潜在客户分类(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid37049356)
110: 窗帘杆,窗帘轨道(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid37085596)
111:柠檬酸(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid37084635)
112:救生衣(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid37075425)
113: 海外连锁店及装饰材料分类http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid37087245)
114: 海外纺织品贸易商分类http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid38641193)
115: 海外床上用品的贸易商分类http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid38409034)
116: 通信设备及相关产品分类:(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid39158825)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid39158854)
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2011-2-18 10:18 编辑 ]
6330038 Blouses (trade) 女式套衫(贸易)
6330039 Shirts (trade) 衬衫(贸易)
6330040 Handkerchiefs (trade) 手帕(贸易)
6330041 Gloves (trade) 手套(贸易)
6330042 Skirts (trade) 半身裙(贸易)
6330043 Dresses (trade) 女长裙(贸易)
6330044 Outerwear (trade) 外衣(贸易)
6330045 Jackets (trade) 夹克衫(贸易)
6331000 Fashion accessories (trade) 时尚配饰(贸易)
6331001 Clothing accessories (trade) 时尚配饰(贸易)
6340000 Hosiery, haberdashery and headgear (trade) 袜类,帽类和男子服饰(贸易)
6340001 Hosiery (trade) 袜子(贸易)
6340003 Haberdashery (trade) 服装辅料(贸易)
6340005 Headgear and accessories (trade) 帽子和附件(贸易)
6340010 Umbrellas (trade) 伞(贸易)
6340015 Curtain rails, fittings and accessories (trade) 窗帘导轨,配件和附件(贸易)
6340020 Buttons and buckles (trade) 纽扣和扣具(贸易)
6340021 Buttons, wooden (trade) 钮扣,木制的(贸易)
6340022 Buttons, plastic (trade) 钮扣,塑料的(贸易)
6340023 Buttons, metal (trade) 钮扣,金属的(贸易)
6340024 Buttons, coir (coconut fibre), mother-of-pearl and corozo (trade) 钮扣,椰子壳纤维的,珍珠母及象牙棕榈的(贸易)
6340025 Buttons, ceramic (trade) 纽扣,陶制的(贸易)
6340026 Zip fasteners (trade) 拉链(贸易)
6340030 Millinery supplies (trade) 女帽配件(贸易)
6340031 Umbrella making materials (trade) 制伞材料(贸易)
6350000 Textile furnishings (trade) 装璜纺织品(贸易)
6350001 Carpets, mats, rugs and floor coverings, textile (trade) 地毯和铺地用品,纺织制的(贸易)
6350002 Carpets, Persian and Oriental (trade) 地毯,波斯的和东方的(贸易)
6350004 Curtains and blinds (trade) 窗帘和遮阳帘(贸易)
6350005 Terrace and balcony awnings (trade) 阳台和阳台雨篷(贸易)
6350008 Bedding sets (trade) 被褥套装( 贸易)
6350010 Blankets, sheets, bedspreads, pillowcases and duvet covers, household (trade) 毯子、床罩、床单、枕套和被罩,家用的(贸易)
6350011 Quilts, eiderdowns and duvets (trade) 棉被,鸭绒被和羽绒被(贸易)
6350012 Towels and other textile bathroom accessories (trade) 毛巾和其它浴室纺织制品
6350013 Table linen (trade) 桌布(贸易)
6350014 Wall coverings, textile (trade) 墙布,纺织品的(贸易)
6350015 Cushions (trade) 靠垫、座垫(贸易)
6350016 Pillows (trade) 枕头(贸易)
6360000 Fur clothing and products (trade) 裘皮服装和其制品(贸易)
6360001 Fur clothing (trade) 裘皮服装(贸易)
6360005 Blankets and carpets, fur (trade) 毛毯和地毯,裘皮制(贸易)
6370000 Leather and skin products, travel goods (trade) 皮革制品,箱包(贸易)
6370003 Saddlery articles, leather (trade) 马具,皮革的(贸易)
6370005 Upholstery articles, leather (trade) 室内装璜用品,皮革的(贸易)
6370006 Decorative articles, leather (trade) 皮革饰品(贸易)
6370008 Suitcases and travel bags, leather (trade) 行李箱和旅行包,皮革的(贸易)
6370009 Bags and handbags, leather (trade) 包和手包,皮革的(贸易)
6370010 Purses, wallets (notecases) and similar goods, leather (trade) 皮夹,钱包和相似物品(贸易)
6370011 Briefcases and portfolios (trade) 公文包和文件包(贸易)
6370015 Bags, textile, fancy (trade) 袋子,纺织制,高档新奇的(贸易)
6370020 Reptile skin products (trade) 爬行动物的皮制品(贸易)
6375000 Footwear (trade) 鞋(贸易)
6375001 Footwear, leather (trade) 皮鞋(贸易)
6375002 Footwear, plastic (trade) 塑料鞋(贸易)
6375003 Footwear, rubber (trade) 胶鞋(贸易)
6375004 Footwear, wooden (trade) 鞋,木制的(贸易)
6375009 Footwear, standard (trade) 鞋,标准的(贸易)
6375010 Footwear, sports (trade) 运动鞋(贸易)
6375011 Footwear, industrial, protective and special purpose (trade) 鞋,工业的,保护的和专用的(贸易)
6375017 Footwear components (trade) 鞋部件(贸易)
6380000 Rubber and plastic products for domestic use (trade) 家用塑胶制品(贸易)
6380001 Household articles, imitation leather (trade) 家居用品,仿皮革的(贸易)
6380003 Household articles, rubber (trade) 家居用品,橡胶的(贸易)
6380004 Household articles, plastic (trade) 家居用品,塑料的(贸易)
6380010 Sanitary articles, rubber, domestic (trade) 卫生用品,橡胶的,家用的(贸易)
6382000 Stoneware, glassware, pottery and porcelain (trade) 石制品、玻璃制品、陶瓷制品(贸易)
6382001 Stoneware articles (trade) 石制品(贸易)
6382003 Glassware (trade) 玻璃制品(贸易)
117:活性炭过滤网 ,抽油烟机过滤网,除臭氧滤网(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid39977311)
118:塑料机械设备(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid40078007)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid40078013)
119:黄原胶 (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid39868033)
120:caustic soda ( http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid39900844)
121: 切割机(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41242859)
122: cable (http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41467663)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41467816)
123:音频设备http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41811310)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid44250889)
124:化妆品(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41811334)
125:宠物零食(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41811382)
126:油烟机,热水器等(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41842663)
127:石膏板(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid41842827)
128: 胶带(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid43155511)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid43155518)
129: 加湿器(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid43844014)
130: 电池(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid44247710)
131:勘探,钻井工程承包商及其设备的贸易批发商(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid51039636)
132:安防摄像机(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid51118492)
133:破碎机(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid51562823)
134:草坪及园林产品相关的贸易,服务商分类http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid52525012
135:展架的相关分类及贸易商分类:http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid53465227
136:墨盒(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid53644401)
137:硬质合金材料相关的分类(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid54288603)
137:钛白粉的找客户介绍(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid54886804)
138:彩涂卷与镀锌卷找客户介绍(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid55878488)
(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid55880041)
139:麻醉药的分类及寻找客户的方向http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid57962354
140:石材和板岩找客户介绍及分类http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid58013343
141:集装袋的客户群及分类(http://bbs.shanghai.com/viewt ... =260683#pid58155033)
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2012-2-13 10:23 编辑 ]
6382004 Crystal articles (trade) 水晶制品(贸易)
6382005 Pottery and porcelain articles (trade) 陶瓷制品(贸易)
6382008 Terracotta articles (trade) 赤土陶器制品(贸易)
6382012 Laboratory glassware (trade) 实验室玻璃制品(贸易)
6382013 Medical glassware (trade) 医用玻璃制品(贸易)
6382020 Mirrors (trade) 镜子(贸易)
6384000 Household and kitchen articles, non-electric (trade) 家庭和厨房用具,非电的(贸易)
6384001 Kitchen articles, metal, non-electric (trade) 厨房用具,金属的,非电的(贸易)
6384002 Cutlery (trade) 西餐刀叉(贸易)
6384006 Kitchen articles and tableware, plastic (trade) 厨房用具和餐具,塑料的(贸易)
6384009 Cooking appliances, non-electric (trade) 烹饪设备,非电的(贸易)
6384014 Kitchen articles and tableware, disposable (trade) 厨房用具和餐具,一次性的(贸易)
6384015 Kitchen articles and tableware, wooden (trade) 厨房用具和餐具,木制的(贸易)
6384016 Kitchenware, tableware and household articles, brass, bronze and copper (trade) 厨房用具、餐具和家居用品,黄铜、青铜和紫铜(贸易)
6384020 Tableware, stainless steel (trade) 餐具,不锈钢的(贸易)
6384021 Tableware, silver or silver plated (trade) 餐具,银制或镀银的(贸易)
6384024 Crockery, cutlery and kitchenware sets (trade) 陶器, 餐具和厨房用具套装( 贸易)
6384030 Vacuum flasks, jugs and cups, domestic (trade) 真空保温瓶/桶/杯,家用的(贸易)
6384032 Lighting appliances, non-electric (trade) 灯具,非电的(贸易)
6384040 Cookers, stoves and ovens, solid fuel (trade) 炊具、火炉和烤炉,固体燃料的(贸易)
6384041 Cookers, stoves and ovens, gas and LPG (trade) 炊具、火炉和烤炉,煤气和液化石油气的(贸易)
6384042 Heaters, gas fired, domestic (trade) 暖气,燃气式的,家用的(贸易)
6384050 Home brewing and winemaking ingredients and equipment (trade) 家用酿造和制酒配料和设备(贸易)
6386000 Household and kitchen equipment, electric and electronic (trade) 家庭和厨房电器(贸易)
6386001 Small household and domestic kitchen appliances, electric (trade) 家庭和厨房小电器(贸易)
6386002 Coffee making machines, electrical, domestic (trade) 咖啡机,电力的,家用的(贸易)
6386003 Stoves, ovens and cookers, electric, including spare parts (trade) 火炉,烤炉和炊具,电的,包括零件(贸易)
6386004 Television sets, video recorders and camcorders (trade) 电视机、视频录制播放机/录像机和便携式摄像机(贸易)
6386005 Radios, tape recorders, compact disc (CD) players and high fidelity (hi-fi) equipment (trade) 收音机、录音机、CD机和高保真设备(贸易)
6386008 Refrigerators and freezers, electric, domestic, including parts and accessories (trade) 电冰箱和冰柜,家用的,包括零配件(贸易)
6386010 Washing machines and dishwashers, domestic, electric (trade) 洗衣机和洗碗机,家用,电的(贸易)
6386011 Vacuum cleaners, domestic (trade) 吸尘器,家用的(贸易)
6386012 Sewing, embroidering and knitting machines, household (trade) 缝纫、刺绣和编织机,家用的(贸易)
6386030 Household appliances, electric and electronic (trade) 家用电器(贸易)
6386031 Kitchen appliances, electric and electronic, domestic (trade) 厨房电器,家用的(贸易)
6390000 Domestic furniture, wicker and caneware (trade) 家用的家具和柳藤制品(贸易)
6390001 Domestic furniture, wooden (trade) 家用家具,木制(贸易)
6390002 Domestic furniture, plastic (trade) 家用家具,塑料制(贸易)
6390003 Domestic furniture, metal (trade) 家用家具,金属制(贸易)
6390004 Domestic furniture, plastic-metal (trade) 家用家具,塑料金属制的(贸易)
6390006 Furniture, wicker, straw, cane (trade) 家具,柳条、草和藤制(贸易)
6390007 Furniture, bamboo and rattan (trade) 家具,竹和藤制(贸易)
6390008 Furniture, marble (trade) 家具,大理石的(贸易)
6390009 Furniture, dining room (trade) 家具,饭厅的
6390010 Furniture, living-room (trade) 家具,客厅的(贸易)
6390011 Furniture, bedroom (trade) 家具,卧室的(贸易)
6390012 Furniture, bathroom (trade) 家具,浴室的(贸易)
6390013 Furniture, kitchen, domestic (trade) 家具,厨房的,家用的(贸易)
6390014 Furniture, garden and outdoor (trade) 家具,庭院和户外式(贸易)
6390015 Furniture, children's, domestic (trade) 家具,儿童的,家用的(贸易)
6390019 Upholstered furniture, domestic (trade) 软包家具,家用(贸易)
6390021 Furniture, domestic, second-hand 家具,家用的,二手的
6390022 Mats and matting, vegetable fibre (trade) 席子和垫子,植物纤维的(贸易)
6390033 Cane and other basket-making materials (trade) 藤和其他制造篮子的材料(贸易)
6390034 Plaiting materials and straw braids (trade) 编辫材料和草辫(贸易)
6390035 Wicker and caneware products (trade) 柳条和藤制品(贸易)
6390036 Bamboo products (trade) 竹制品(贸易)
6390040 Mattresses (trade) 床垫(贸易)
6390043 Cots, cradles, prams and pushchairs (trade) 轻便小床,摇篮,婴儿车和折叠式婴儿车(贸易)
6394000 Household cleaning products (trade) 家用清洗用品(贸易)
6394001 Soap, washing agents and detergents, household (trade) 肥皂、洗涤剂和清洁剂,家用(贸易)
6394002 Sponges, cleaning, household (trade) 海绵,用于清洁,家用的(贸易)
6394003 Polishes and waxes, household (trade) 抛光和上光蜡,家用(贸易)
6394004 Air fresheners and deodorants, indoor (trade) 空气清新剂和除臭剂,室内的(贸易)
6394005 Brushes and brooms (trade) 刷子和扫帚(贸易)
6394007 Household cleaning articles, rubber or plastic (trade) 家用清洗用品,橡胶和塑料制(贸易)
6394009 Household cleaning articles, textile (trade) 家用清洗用品,纺织品制的(贸易)
6396000 Cosmetics and toiletries (trade) 化妆品和洗漱用品(贸易)
6396001 Sponges, natural, bath (trade) 海绵,天然的,洗浴用(贸易)
6396002 Sponges, synthetic, bath (trade) 海绵,合成造的,洗浴用(贸易)
6396004 Cosmetics and creams (trade) 化妆品和面霜(贸易)
6396005 Toilet products for babies (trade) 洗漱用品,婴儿的(贸易)
6396006 Perfumes (trade) 香水(贸易)
6396008 Bath salts and oils (trade) 浴盐和浴油(贸易)
6396010 Soap, toilet (trade) 香皂(贸易)
6396012 Haircare products (trade) 护发用品(贸易)
6396013 Dental care products (trade) 护牙用品(贸易)
6396014 Aftershave lotions, creams, balms (trade) 剃须后护理液,面霜和药膏(贸易)
6396016 Toiletries (trade) 化妆品( 贸易)
6396017 Hairbrushes, combs, hairslides, hairgrips, hair bands (trade) 发梳、发夹、发束带(贸易)
6397000 Pharmacies 药店/药房
6398000 Pharmaceuticals (trade) 药品(贸易)
6398001 Medicines (trade) 成药(贸易)
6398002 Parapharmaceutical preparations (trade) 药品制剂(贸易)
6398003 Active ingredients for pharmaceuticals (trade) 活性成分,用于医药品
6398004 Pharmaceutical oils and Vaseline (trade) 制药用的油和凡士林(贸易)
1、收到客户的询价,识别虚假询盘方法之一 —— 通过IP地址查询盘来源国家!
4、网上找客户关键要素 (值得业务员学习)
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2012-2-17 14:53 编辑 ]
6398010 Herbal medicines (trade) 草药(贸易)
6398011 Homoeopathic medicines (trade) 土方药品(贸易)
6398012 Oriental medical preparations (trade) 东方药品(贸易)
6398016 Serums and vaccines (trade) 血清和疫苗(贸易)
6398017 Vitamins, hormones and organ extracts (trade) 维他命,荷尔蒙和器官提取物(贸易)
6398018 Antiseptics (trade) 消毒剂/杀菌剂(贸易)
6398020 Generic pharmaceuticals (trade) 普通药物(贸易)
6398025 Veterinary preparations (trade) 兽药(贸易)
6400000 Wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: publications, stationery and office requisites 消费品的批发商和分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:出版物、文具和办公用品
6410000 Newspaper and magazine distributors 报纸和杂志分销商
6410001 Newspapers (distributors) 报纸(分销商)
6410003 Magazines and periodicals (distributors) 杂志和期刊(分销商)
6410004 Newspapers and magazines (importers and distributors) 报纸和杂志(进口商和经销商)
6410005 Subscription agents for periodicals and magazines 订阅代理,杂志和期刊的
6410007 Publications, back issues (trade) 出版物,过期的(贸易)
6420000 Books and educational materials (trade) 书籍和教育、培训材料(贸易)
6420001 Booksellers (trade) 书籍销售商
6420002 Book distributors with warehouse facilities 书籍分销商,有仓库的
6420003 Antique books (trade) 古籍(贸易)
6420005 Books, scientific and technical (trade) 科技书籍(贸易)
6420006 Books, academic and university (trade) 书,用于学院和大学(贸易)
6420007 Dictionaries (trade) 字典(词典、辞典)(贸易)
6420008 Photography books and handbooks (trade) 相册和手册(贸易)
6420009 Books on music, librettos and scores (trade) 音乐,歌词和乐谱书籍(贸易)
6420010 Books, fiction and thrillers (trade) 书,小说和惊险读物的 (贸易)
6420011 Books, second-hand 二手书
6420012 Publications, remainder stocks (trade) 出版物,剩余存货的(贸易)
6420015 Publications, international organisation and government (trade) 出版物,国际组织和政府的(贸易)
6420016 Publications, financial and business (trade) 金融和商务出版社(贸易)
6420020 Encyclopaedias (trade) 百科全书(贸易)
6420022 Directories, yearbooks (trade) 名录、年鉴(贸易)
6420024 Book, catalogue, database and information compact discs (CDs) (trade) 书,目录,数据库和信息光盘(CD)(贸易)
6420025 Maps (trade) 地图(贸易)
6420026 Navigational charts (trade) 航海图(贸易)
6420029 Art prints (trade) 艺术印刷品(贸易)
6420030 Posters, photo-murals (trade) 海报/招贴画,照片贴图(贸易)
6420040 Equipment and supplies for schools (trade) 教学设备和用品(贸易)
6420041 Scientific and technical teaching apparatus (trade) 科技教育用品设备(贸易)
6430000 Stationery, office requisites, equipment for draughtsmen and surveyors. Artists materials (trade) 文具和办公用品,绘图员和测量员用器材。美术颜料(贸易)
6430001 Personal and children's stationery (writing paper, envelopes etc.) (trade) 个人和儿童文具(信纸,信封等)(贸易)
6430002 Greetings cards, picture postcards (trade) 贺卡,明信片(贸易)
6430003 Business stationery (trade) 商用文具(贸易)
6430004 Business stationery, recycled paper (trade) 商用文具,再生纸制(贸易)
6430005 Paper for office machinery and equipment (trade) 纸,用于办公机械和设备(贸易)
6430006 Stationery, continuous (trade) 文具,连续式(贸易)
6430007 Carbon paper and transfer paper (trade) 复写纸和转印纸(贸易)
6430008 Labels, paper rolls, pre-printed forms (trade) 纸标签卷,预先印刷表格的 (贸易)
6430009 Document binders, files and folders (trade) 文件夹(贸易)
6430010 Drawing and mathematical instruments (stencils, protractors, compasses etc.) (trade) 绘图和数学仪器(模板,量角器,指南针等)(贸易)
6430011 Typewriter supplies (ribbons, rubbers, covers, correction fluids, tapes etc.) (trade) 打字机耗材(色带、rubbers、罩、涂改液)(贸易)
6430012 Pens and accessories (nibs, ink cartridges etc.) (trade) 钢笔和附件(钢笔尖、墨水瓶等)(贸易)
6430013 Pencils and accessories (leads, erasers, sharpeners etc.) (trade) 铅笔和附件(铅芯、橡皮、铅笔刀等)(贸易)
6430014 Desk accessories and desk sets (trade) 桌面用品(贸易)
6430015 Wall charts, planners, noticeboards and copyboards, office (trade) 挂图,计划表,记事板和稿图架,用于办公室(贸易)
6430016 Staplers, rubber stamps, labelling machines, hole punches and paper cutters (trade) 钉书机,橡皮印章,贴标签机,打孔器和切纸机(贸易)
6430017 Notebooks, almanacs, calendars and diaries (trade) 笔记本、年历簿,日历和日记本 (贸易)
6430018 Albums (trade) 影集(贸易)
6430020 Office consumables (trade) 办公耗材(贸易)
6430021 Toner cartridges (trade) 硒鼓(贸易)
6430025 Drawing office requisites and equipment (trade) 绘画室用品和设备(贸易)
6430026 Graphic design supplies and equipment (trade) 绘图设计用品和设备(贸易)
6430029 Artists' equipment (trade) 美工设备(贸易)
6430031 Artist's materials (trade) 艺术材料(贸易)
6430034 Arts and crafts equipment and supplies (trade) 工艺品用器材和用品(贸易)
6430040 Surveyor's requisites (trade) 测量工具(贸易)
6500000 Wholesalers, distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: cameras, watches, clocks, precious stones, jewellery, costume jewellery, giftware, leisure and sports goods, musical instruments, coins, philately, antiques 消费品的批发商、分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:照相机、钟表、首饰、时尚配饰、礼品、休闲和运动用品、乐器、硬币、邮票、古董
6510000 Photographic, cinematographic and optical equipment. Films (trade) 照相器材、电影设备和光学设备。胶卷胶片(贸易)
6510001 Photographic films (trade) 照相胶卷(贸易商)
6510002 Cine films (trade) 电影胶片(贸易)
6510005 Optical glasses and lenses (trade) 光学玻璃和镜片(贸易)
6510006 Spectacles, spectacle frames and components (trade) 眼镜,镜框和零件(贸易)
6510007 Contact lenses (trade) 隐形眼镜(贸易)
6510008 Sunglasses (trade) 太阳镜(贸易)
6510009 Magnifiers, eyepieces and objectives (trade) 放大镜,目镜和物镜(贸易)
6510010 Binoculars, telescopes and periscopes (trade) 单双筒望远镜和潜望镜 (贸易)
6510011 Microscopes (trade) 显微镜(贸易)
6510012 Optical projectors (trade) 光学投影仪(贸易)
6510013 Cameras, photographic equipment and projectors (trade) 照相机、摄影器材和投影仪(贸易)
6510014 Cine-cameras, cine projectors and related equipment (trade) 电影摄像机、放映机和相关设备 (贸易)
6510015 Photographic laboratory equipment (trade) 摄影实验室设备(贸易)
6510016 Cine film processing equipment (trade) 电影胶片加工设备(贸易)
6510018 Equipment and supplies for film-making, television and shows (trade) 设备和用品,用于电影制作、电视和演出
6510020 Optical instruments and equipment for scientific or industrial use (trade) 光学仪器和设备,用于科学或工业(贸易)
6510022 Microfilm and microfiche equipment (trade) 缩微胶卷和设备(贸易)
1: 外国人的性格分析与对比
2:开发欧洲市场详细分析 -(欲开拓欧洲的福友可参考一下)
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于 2011-8-12 10:22 编辑 ]
6530000 Watches and clocks (trade) 钟表(贸易)
6530001 Clock and watch components (trade) 钟表部件(贸易)
6530002 Watchmakers' findings (trade) 鉴定器,用于表匠(贸易)
6530003 Watches and clocks (trade) 钟表(贸易)
6530005 Timing mechanisms (trade) 定时器(贸易)
6530006 Time switches (trade) 定时自动开关(贸易)
6530007 Watch bracelets and straps (trade) 手表带(贸易)
6530025 Time clocks, time recorders (trade) 时钟和计时器(贸易)
6530026 Master clock systems (trade) 主时钟系统(贸易)
6540000 Pearls, corals and natural sponges (trade) 珍珠、珊瑚和天然海绵(贸易)
6540001 Pearls, natural (trade) 珍珠,天然的(贸易)
6540002 Pearls, cultured (trade) 饲料
6545000 Precious stones (trade) 宝石(贸易)
6545001 Precious stones (trade) 宝石(贸易)
6545002 Precious stone beads (trade) 宝石珠子( 贸易)
6545003 Precious stones, loose (trade) 宝石, 零散的(贸易)
6545004 Precious stones (brokers) 宝石(经纪人)
6545005 Diamonds (trade) 钻石(贸易)
6545006 Diamond beads (trade) 钻石珠( 贸易)
6545007 Diamonds, black (trade) 钻石,黑的(贸易)
6545008 Diamonds (brokers) 钻石(经纪商)
6545010 Industrial diamonds and other precious stones for industrial use (trade) 工业钻石和其他宝石,用于工业(贸易)
6550000 Jewellery (trade) 首饰(贸易)
6550002 Jewellery, gold (trade) 金首饰(贸易)
6550003 Jewellery, silver (trade) 银首饰(贸易)
6550006 Jewellery with precious stones (trade) 宝石首饰(贸易)
6550007 Jewellery with pearls (trade) 珍珠首饰(贸易)
6550008 Jewellery, amber (trade) 琥珀首饰 (贸易)
6550009 Jewellery, coral (trade) 珊瑚首饰(贸易)
6550010 Jewellery, horn, bone, tortoiseshell and ivory (trade) 角骨制首饰(贸易)
6550014 Jewellery, antique (trade) 老式首饰(贸易)
6550016 Jewellers' findings (trade) 首饰鉴定器(贸易)
6550018 Ear-piercing studs (trade) 耳钉(贸易)
6550055 Jewellery valuation and assessment 首饰鉴定和评估服务
6551000 Gold and silverware, gold plated and silver plated ware (trade) 金器和银器,镀金和镀银器具(贸易)
6551001 Gold ware and gold plated ware (trade) 金器和镀金器具(贸易)
6551002 Silverware and silver plated ware (trade) 银器和镀银器具 (贸易)
6552000 Costume jewellery (trade) 时尚配饰(贸易)
6552002 Imitation jewellery (trade) 仿制珠宝(贸易)
6552003 Imitation pearls and precious stones (trade) 仿制珍珠和宝石(贸易商)
6552010 Ceramic and shell jewellery (trade) 陶瓷和贝壳首饰(贸易)
6552011 Plastic jewellery (trade) 塑料首饰(贸易)
6552012 Glass jewellery (trade) 玻璃首饰(贸易)
6554000 Fancy goods and giftware (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品(贸易)
6554001 Giftware (trade) 礼品(贸易)
6554003 Handicraft materials (trade) 手工艺品(贸易)
6554005 Souvenirs (trade) 纪念品(贸易)
6554007 Ornaments and decorative articles (trade) 装饰物和装饰物品(贸易)
6554010 Picture frames (trade) 画框(贸易)
6554011 Pictures (trade) 画(贸易)
6554015 Wood carvings (trade) 木制雕刻品(贸易)
6554020 Fancy goods and giftware, plastic (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,塑料的(贸易)
6554021 Fancy goods and giftware, bamboo and rattan (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,竹藤制(贸易)
6554022 Fancy goods and giftware, wooden, handmade (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,木制的(贸易)
6554023 Fancy goods and giftware, porcelain and pottery (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,陶瓷的 (贸易)
6554024 Fancy goods and giftware, leather and fur (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,革皮和裘皮制 (贸易)
6554025 Fancy goods and giftware, glass and crystal (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,玻璃和水晶的(贸易)
6554026 Fancy goods and giftware, metal (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,金属的(贸易)
6554028 Fancy goods and giftware, plaster (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,石膏的(贸易)
6554029 Fancy goods and giftware, shell (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,贝壳的(贸易)
6554030 Fancy goods and giftware, textile (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,纺织品的(贸易)
6554031 Fancy goods and giftware, stone and marble (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,石头和大理石的(贸易)
6554032 Fancy goods and giftware, wax (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,蜡制的(贸易)
6554033 Fancy goods and giftware, horn (trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,角制的(贸易)
6554035 Fancy goods and giftware, papier-m鈉h?(trade) 高档新奇产品和礼品,纸制的(贸易)
6554043 Promotional articles (trade) 促销礼品(贸易)
6556000 Regional handicrafts (trade) 地方手工艺品(贸易)
6556001 Regional handicraft products (trade) 地方手工艺品(贸易)
6556002 Regional handicraft products, textile (trade) 地方手工艺品, 纺织的(贸易)
6556003 Regional handicraft products, brass (trade) 地方手工艺品, 黄铜的(贸易)
6556004 Regional handicraft products, wrought iron (trade) 地方手工艺品, 锻铁的(贸易)
6556005 Regional handicraft products, glassware (trade) 地方手工艺品,玻璃器皿的(贸易)
6556006 Regional handicraft products, wooden (trade) 地方手工艺品,木头的(贸易)
6558000 Festival decorations (trade) 节庆装饰品(贸易)
6558001 Party decorations and articles (trade) 聚会用装饰品和用品(贸易)
6558002 Christmas decorations and novelties (trade) 圣诞装饰品和大众化新奇物品(贸易)
6558003 Carnival decorations and novelties (trade) 狂欢节装饰品和大众化新奇物品(贸易)
6558004 Easter decorations and novelties (trade) 复活节装饰品和大众化新奇物品(贸易)
6558005 Festivity and ceremonial articles (trade) 节庆和仪式用品(贸易)
6558040 Religious art and funeral art articles (trade) 宗教艺术品和葬礼用品(贸易)
6560000 Toys and games (trade) 玩具和游戏器具(贸易)
6560001 Toys and games, mechanical (trade) 玩具和游戏器具,机械式的(贸易)
6560002 Toys and games, electric and electronic (trade) 玩具和游戏器具,电动和电子的(贸易)
6560003 Computer games (trade) 计算机游戏机 (贸易)
6560004 Toys and games, textile and paper (trade) 玩具和游戏器具,纺织品和纸制(贸易)
6560005 Toys and games, rubber and plastic (trade) 玩具和游戏器具,橡胶和塑料制(贸易)
6560006 Toys and games, wooden (trade) 游戏和玩具器具,木制的(贸易)
6560008 Toys and games, remote controlled (trade) 游戏和玩具器具,可遥控的(贸易)
6560009 Toys and games, outdoor (trade) 玩具和游戏器具,户外的(贸易)
6560010 Toys, metal (trade) 玩具,金属的(贸易)
6560015 Toys, battery operated (trade) 玩具,电池驱动的 (贸易)
6560016 Toys, solar powered (trade) 玩具,太阳能驱动的(贸易)
6560017 Toys, ride-on, engine powered, for children (trade) 玩具,可跨骑的,内燃机驱动的,用于儿童(贸易)
6560022 Musical articles and toys (trade) 玩具,音乐的(贸易)
6560023 Magnetic and friction toys (trade) 玩具,有磁性的和可摩擦的 (贸易)
6560024 Nursery and kindergarten toys (trade) 玩具,用于幼儿园(贸易)
6560030 Toys for the disabled (trade) 玩具,用于残疾人(贸易)
6560032 Toy construction kits (trade) 玩具建筑工具(贸易)
6560035 Toy components (trade) 玩具零件(贸易)
6560040 Party and educational games and toys (trade) 玩具和游戏器具,聚会和教育性的 (贸易)
6562000 Dolls and puppets (trade) 木偶和洋娃娃(贸易)
6562001 Dolls, textile (trade) 布娃娃,纺织品制(贸易)
6562002 Dolls, rubber and plastic (trade) 娃娃,橡胶和塑料的(贸易)
6562003 Dolls, porcelain and ceramic (trade) 娃娃,陶瓷制的(贸易)
6562006 Marionettes and puppets (trade) 提线木偶和木偶(贸易)
6562015 Soft toys, textile (trade) 毛绒玩具,纺织品制(贸易)
6562020 Dolls' accessories and parts (trade) 洋娃娃附件(贸易)
6562030 Dolls' houses and dolls' house furniture (trade) 洋娃娃小房子,小家具(贸易)
6564000 Coin operated equipment, vending and gaming machines (trade) 自动售货或游艺设备,投币式(贸易)
6564001 Gaming tables and equipment (trade) 游艺桌和设备(贸易)
6564005 Billiard and snooker tables and equipment (trade) 台球和桌球桌和设备(贸易)
6564007 Gaming machines (trade) 游艺机(贸易)
6564010 Vending machines (trade) 自动售货机(贸易)
6564015 Ticket vending or issuing machines (trade) 票和书籍的自动贩卖机(贸易)
6570000 Sports and camping equipment (trade) 体育和野营设备(贸易)
6570001 Skiing and winter sports equipment (trade) 滑雪和冬季运动设备(贸易)
6570002 Mountaineering equipment (trade) 登山设备(贸易)
6570003 Water sports equipment (trade) 水上运动设备(贸易)
6570004 Rowing and swimming equipment (trade) 划船和游泳器材(贸易)
6570005 Underwater sports equipment (trade) 水下运动设备(贸易)
6570006 Basketball and baseball equipment (trade) 篮球和包球设备(贸易)
6570007 Football equipment (trade) 足球设备(贸易)
6570008 Tennis and tennis court equipment (trade) 网球和网球场设备(贸易)
6570009 Golf equipment (trade) 高尔夫运动设备(贸易)
6570010 Archery equipment (trade) 箭术运动设备(贸易)
6570011 Sports goods for athletics (trade) 田径器材(贸易)
6570012 Hockey equipment (trade) 曲棍球运动设备(贸易)
6570013 Roller skate hockey equipment (trade) 滚轴冰球器材(贸易)
6570014 Hunting equipment (trade) 狩猎设备(贸易)
6570015 Scouting equipment (trade) 探险设备(贸易)
6570018 Fishing equipment (trade) 钓鱼设备(贸易)
6570020 Camping equipment (trade) 野营设备 (贸易)
6570021 Beach equipment (trade) 海滩设备(贸易)
6570025 Sports ground and swimming pool equipment (trade) 运动场和游泳池设备(贸易)
6570028 Bowling and bowling alley equipment (trade) 保龄球和保龄球球道设备 (贸易)
6570029 Ice hockey and ice-skating equipment (trade) 冰球和滑冰设备(贸易)
6570031 Badminton equipment (trade) 羽毛球设备(贸易)
6570032 Table tennis equipment (trade) 乒乓球设备(贸易)
6570033 Roller skates, skateboards, in-line skates (trade) 滚轴滑冰鞋、滑板、单排滑冰鞋(贸易)
6570038 Equestrian equipment (trade) 骑马设备(贸易)
6570045 Martial arts supplies and equipment (trade) 武术用品和设备(贸易)
6570050 Dance hall equipment (trade) 舞厅设备(贸易)
6570051 Playground equipment (trade) 操场设备(贸易)
6570052 Amusement park equipment (trade) 游乐园设备(贸易)
6575000 Gymnasium and physical exercise equipment (trade) 健身器材(贸易)
6575001 Gymnasium equipment (trade) 健身房(贸易)
6580000 Musical instruments (trade) 乐器(贸易)
6580002 Musical instruments (trade) 乐器(贸易)
6580010 Musical instruments, electronic (trade) 乐器,电子的(贸易)
6580015 Musical scores and sheet music (trade) 乐谱和乐谱纸(贸易)
6580020 Musical instrument parts and accessories (trade) 乐器零件和附件(贸易)
6580025 Musical instruments and accessories, second-hand 乐器及其配件,二手的
6585000 Compact discs (CDs), records, audio and video cassettes (trade) CD、录音带、录像带(贸易)
6585001 Gramophone records (trade) 唱片(贸易)
6585003 Compact discs (CDs), pre-recorded (trade) 光盘(CD),预先录制的(贸易)
6585004 Compact discs (CDs), blank (trade) 光盘(CD),空白的(贸易)
6585005 Digital versatile discs (DVD), pre-recorded (trade) DVD盘,预先录好的 (贸易)
6585006 Digital versatile discs (DVD), blank (trade) DVD盘,空白的(贸易)
6585007 Audio cassettes, pre-recorded (trade) 盒式磁带,预先录制的(贸易)
6585008 Audio cassettes, blank (trade) 录音磁带,空白的(贸易)
6585009 Video cassettes, pre-recorded (trade) 盒式录像带,预先录制的(贸易)
6585010 Video cassettes, blank (trade) 录像带,空白的(贸易)
6585011 Tapes and spools, tape recorder (trade) 磁带,用于录音机(贸易)
6585025 Cleaning tapes and kits for audio-visual (AV) equipment (trade) 影音(AV)设备的清洗带和工具 (贸易)
6590000 Coins and medals (trade) 硬币和纪念章(贸易)
6590001 Coin and medal dealers 硬币和奖章的经销商
6590015 Medals and badges (trade) 奖章和徽章(贸易)
6590035 Commemorative plaques, trophies and sports cups (trade) 纪念章,奖品和运动会奖杯(贸易)
6592000 Philately (trade) 邮票、邮品(贸易)
6592001 Philatelic dealers and auctioneers 邮票邮品经销商和拍卖师
6596000 Antiques and art (dealers and auctioneers) 古董和艺术品 (经纪人和拍卖商)
6596002 Antiques, paintings and works of art (trade) 古董:油画和艺术品的(贸易)
6596003 Antiques: pottery, porcelain, glassware and statuary (trade) 古董:陶瓷,玻璃制品和雕像(贸易)
6596004 Antiques, metalwork, dealers 古董,金属制品的,经销商
6596005 Modern art dealers 现代艺术经销商
6596006 Fine art, valuers and auctioneers 艺术品估价和拍卖商
6596007 Appraisal consultants, works of art 鉴定顾问,艺术品的
6596008 Antique furniture dealers 古董家具经营商
6596009 Antique furniture, auctioneers 古董家具的拍卖商
6596010 Antique arms dealers 古董武器的经销商
6596011 Antique watch and clock dealers 古董钟表的经销商
6596015 Valuers, antiques 古董估价师
6600000 Wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters of industrial and commercial products: base materials and their products. Prefabricated buildings, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and sanitary equipment 工业和商用品批发商和分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:基础材料和制品。预制的建筑物、暖通空调和卫生洁具。
6610000 Leaf tobacco (trade) 烟叶(贸易)
6610001 Tobacco leaf, fresh green (trade) 烟叶,鲜绿的(贸易)
6610002 Tobacco leaf, unstemmed (trade) 烟叶,没有茎的(贸易)
6610003 Tobacco leaf, stemmed (trade) 烟叶,有茎的(贸易)
6610004 Tobacco leaf, cured (trade) 烟叶,处理过的(贸易)
6618000 Leather and skins (trade) 皮革(革皮和裘皮)(贸易)
6618001 Leather, hides and skins (trade) 革皮(贸易)
6618003 Trader converters, leather 易货贸易商,皮革的
6618010 Leather and hide articles, industrial (trade) 工业皮革制品(贸易)
6618012 Footwear components, leather (trade) 鞋部件,皮革的(贸易)
6618015 Furskins (fur dealers) (trade) 裘皮(贸易)
6618018 Reptile skins (trade) 爬行动物皮(贸易)
6618020 Leather for footwear (trade) 皮革,制鞋用(贸易)
6618021 Leather for clothing (trade) 皮革,用于服装(贸易)
6620000 Raw silk (trade) 生丝(贸易)
6620001 Silk, raw (trade) 生丝(贸易)
6620002 Silk, Chinese (trade) 丝,中国的(贸易)
6620003 Silk, Indian (trade) 丝,印度的(贸易)
6620007 Noils, silk and bourette silk (trade) 落棉,丝和绸丝的(贸易)
6620008 Tops, silk (trade) 毛条,丝的(贸易)
6620015 Silkworm cocoons (trade) 蚕茧(贸易)
6620020 Merchants, raw silk 生丝商
6620021 Traders, raw silk 生丝贸易商
6622000 Raw wool (trade) 生羊毛(贸易)
6622001 Wool, merino (trade) 美利奴羊毛(贸易)
6622020 Wool, raw (trade) 羊毛,生的(贸易)
6622021 Wool, karakul (trade) 卡拉库大尾绵羊毛(贸易)
6622022 Wool, cross-bred (trade) 羊毛,杂交的(贸易)
6622023 Lambswool (trade) 羔羊毛(贸易)
6622024 Wool, fleece washed (trade) 羊毛,剪前水洗过的(贸易)
6622025 Wool, greasy (trade) 羊毛,含脂的(贸易)
6622026 Wool, scoured (trade) 羊毛,洗净的(贸易)
6622027 Wool, skin and slipe (trade) 灰退毛和皮板毛(贸易)
6622028 Wool, coarse and coloured (trade) 羊毛,粗糙的和有色的(贸易)
6622029 Wool, carbonised (trade) 羊毛,炭化的(贸易)
6622030 Wool, combed and carded (trade) 羊毛,精梳和粗梳过的(贸易)
6622031 Wool, fine (trade) 精羊毛(贸易)
6622033 Merchant converters, wool 贸易转销商,羊毛的(贸易)
6622034 Merchants, raw wool 贸易转销商,用于生羊毛
6622035 Laps, wool (trade) 羊毛卷(贸易)
6622036 Noils, wool (trade) 落毛(贸易)
6622037 Tops, wool (trade) 羊毛毛条(贸易)
6622040 Carpet wool (trade) 羊毛,制地毯用(贸易)
6622041 Upholstery and mattress wool (trade) 羊毛,用于制室内装璜物和床垫的(贸易)
6622045 Reclaimed wool (trade) 再生羊毛(贸易)
6624000 Animal textile fibres NES, feathers (trade) 动物纺织纤维,其它未做特殊定义的,羽毛 (贸易)
6624001 Rabbit hair (trade) 兔毛(贸易)
6624003 Horsehair (trade) 马毛(贸易)
6624005 Goat hair (trade) 山羊毛(贸易)
6624007 Cattle and cow body hair (trade) 牛体毛(贸易)
6624008 Camel hair (trade) 骆驼毛(贸易)
6624009 Llama hair (trade) 美洲骆驼毛(贸易)
6624010 Alpaca hair (trade) 羊驼毛(贸易)
6624011 Yak hair (trade) 牦牛毛(贸易)
6624013 Deer hair (trade) 鹿毛(贸易)
6624015 Hog hair (trade) 猪鬃(贸易)
6624017 Human hair (trade) 人发(贸易)
6624025 Noils, animal hair (trade) 落毛,动物毛的(贸易)
6624027 Tops, animal hair (trade) 毛条,动物毛的(贸易)
6624029 Vegetable hair (trade) 植物纤维(贸易)
6624031 De-haired fine hairs (trade) 精毛,去除杂毛的(贸易)
6624033 Bristles (trade) 鬃毛(贸易)
6624040 Feathers and down (trade) 羽毛和羽绒(贸易)
6624051 Merchants, animal textile fibres 经销商,动物纺织纤维的
6624052 Traders, animal textile fibres 贸易商,动物纺织纤维的
6626000 Raw cotton (trade) 生棉(贸易)
6626008 Raw cotton (trade) 生棉(贸易)
6626010 Cotton linters (trade) 棉短绒(贸易)
6626012 Laps, cotton (trade) 棉卷(贸易)
6626013 Cotton wool (trade) 棉卷(贸易)
6626014 Caulking cotton (trade) 刺条棉(贸易)
6626020 Merchants, raw cotton 经销商,生棉的
6626021 Traders, raw cotton 贸易商,生棉的
6628000 Vegetable textile fibres NES (trade) 植物纺织纤维,未作特殊定义的(贸易)
6628001 Flax (trade) 亚麻(贸易)
6628002 Broom (trade) 金雀花(贸易)
6628003 Hemp (trade) 大麻(贸易)
6628004 Typhia (trade) 香蒲(贸易)
6628005 Jute (trade) 黄麻(贸易)
6628006 Coir (coconut fibre) (trade) 椰子壳纤维 (贸易)
6628007 Kenaf (trade) 洋毛(贸易)
6628008 Ramie (trade) 苎麻(贸易)
6628009 Esparto and sisal (trade) 针毛纤维和剑麻(贸易)
6628010 Kapok (trade) 木棉(贸易)
6628011 Tops, flax (trade) 毛条,亚麻的(贸易)
6628012 Raffia and piassava (trade) 酒椰叶纤维和棕榈纤维 (贸易)
6628013 Tows, vegetable fibre (trade) 丝束,植物纤维的(贸易)
6628015 Vegetable fibres, combed (trade) 植物纤维,精梳的(贸易)
6628030 Merchants, vegetable textile fibres 经销商,植物纺织纤维的
6628031 Traders, vegetable textile fibres 贸易商,植物纺织纤维的
6630000 Man-made textile fibres (trade) 人造纺织纤维(贸易)
6630002 Man-made fibres (trade) 人造纤维(贸易)
6630004 Staple fibres, man-made (trade) 短纤维,人造的(贸易)
6630006 Tops, man-made fibres (trade) 毛条,人造纤维的(贸易)
6630007 Noils, man-made fibres (trade) 落毛,人造纤维的(贸易)
6630008 Tows, man-made fibres (trade) 丝束,人造纤维的(贸易)
6630010 Ceramic fibres (trade) 陶瓷纤维(贸易)
6630012 Steel fibres (trade) 钢丝绒(贸易)
6630025 Traders, man-made textile fibres 贸易商,人造纤维的
6632000 Rubber and latex (trade) 橡胶和乳胶(贸易)
6632001 Raw rubber (trade) 生橡胶(贸易)
6632002 Latex (trade) 乳胶(贸易)
6632004 Ebonite and gutta-percha (trade) 硬橡胶和杜仲胶(贸易)
6632005 Balata rubber (trade) 巴拉塔树胶(贸易)
6632006 Cr阷e rubber (trade) 一种做鞋底的生胶(贸易)
6632007 Para rubber (trade) 巴拉树胶(贸易)
6632010 Reclaimed rubber (trade) 再生橡胶(贸易)
6632015 Chicle gum (trade) 糖胶树胶(贸易)
6634000 Plantation products NES for industrial use (trade) 种植产品,未作特殊定义的,用于工业(贸易)
6634001 Cork (trade) 软木(贸易)
6636000 Textile products for industrial use (trade) 纺织品,工业用(贸易)
6636001 Jute products, industrial (trade) 黄麻制品,工业的(贸易)
6636002 Bolting cloth, filter cloths and gauze (trade) 筛绢,滤布和薄纱(贸易)
6636003 Fabrics for industrial use (trade) 工业布(贸易)
6636004 Laps (trade) 毛卷(贸易)
6636005 Bags and sacks, textile, industrial (trade) 袋子,纺织的,工业用(贸易)
6636006 Tows, filter, cellulose acetate (trade) 丝束,过滤器用,醋酸纤维素制(贸易)
6636015 Sacks and bags, textile, second-hand 袋子,纺织制的,二手的
6640000 Timber and logs (trade) 木材和原木(贸易)
6640001 Logs (trade) 原木(贸易)
6640002 Timber, softwood (trade) 软质木材(贸易)
6640003 Timber, hardwood (trade) 硬质木材(贸易)
6640004 Firewood (trade) 燃料木材(贸易)
6640008 Balsa wood (trade) 巴尔萨木(贸易)
6640009 Teak (trade) 柚木(贸易)
6640010 Cedarwood (trade) 雪松树木材(贸易)
6642000 Wooden products for industrial use (trade) 木制品,工业用的(贸易)
6642001 Sawn, planed, peeled, cut and treated wood (trade) 木锯材,板材,薄板和浸液木 (贸易)
6642002 Composite wood and plywood (trade) 复合板和胶合板(贸易)
6642003 Wood chips, wood wool, wood fibres, shavings and sawdust (trade) 刨花、锯末(贸易)
6642004 Veneers, wooden (trade) 木单板(贸易)
6642005 Hardboard, particle board and chipboard (trade) 硬木板,胶合板制(贸易)
6642007 Carpentry, builders' joinery, doors and windows, wooden (trade) 木工制品,建筑工用的细木器,木质门窗(贸易)
6642008 Flooring, wooden (trade) 木地板(贸易)
6642009 Posts and poles, fencing, wooden (trade) 杆和柱,用于栅栏,木制的(贸易)
6642010 Cases, boxes and crates, wooden (trade) 箱子,盒子和板条箱,木制的(贸易)
6642011 Packing cases, isothermal, wooden (trade) 包装箱, 等温的, 木制的(贸易)
6642012 Barrels, casks, tubs and vats, wooden (trade) 桶,木桶,浴盆和大桶,木制的(贸易)
6642013 Wooden products for the furniture industry (trade) 木制品,用于家具工业(贸易)
6642014 Staves and cooperage supplies (trade) 棍和制桶用品(贸易)
6642015 Railway sleepers, wooden (trade) 枕木,木制的(贸易)
6642025 Cork products (trade) 软木制品(贸易)
6644000 Pulp, paper and board (trade) 纸浆,纸和纸板(贸易)
6644001 Paper pulp, groundwood/mechanical and chemical (trade) 机械纸浆和化学纸浆(贸易)
6644002 Base and backing paper (trade) 底纸和衬纸(贸易)
6644003 Printing, drawing and writing paper and board (trade) 印刷、绘画、书写用纸和纸板(贸易)
6644004 Coated and laminated paper and board (trade) 涂层和层压制纸和板板(贸易)
6644005 Diazo/dyeline paper and photographic paper, board, film, cloth and plates (trade) 氮化纸,摄影感光纸,板,胶片,布,片(贸易)
6644006 Wrapping, cr阷e and impregnated paper (trade) 包装纸,绉纱和浸液纸(贸易)
6644007 Tissue paper and cellulose wadding (trade) 薄棉纸和纤维软纸(贸易)
6644009 Paper and paper rolls for technical use (trade) 纸和纸卷,技术用(贸易)
6644010 Adhesive and self-adhesive paper and foil (trade) 有粘性的和自粘的纸和箔(贸易)
6644011 Adhesive and self-adhesive tapes and rolls (trade) 胶带和胶带卷(贸易)
6644013 Wallpaper and paper backed wall coverings (trade) 墙纸和纸基贴墙材料(贸易)
6644015 Paperboard, cardboard and corrugated paper and board (trade) 纸板,纸板,瓦楞纸和板(贸易)
6644019 Paper and cardboard tubes (trade) 纸和纸管(贸易)
6644020 Boxes, cardboard or paperboard (trade) 盒子,厚纸板和薄纸板(贸易)
6644022 Boxes, fibreboard (trade) 盒子,纤维板的(贸易)
6644023 Cans and drums, fibreboard (trade) 罐子和圆桶,纤维板的(贸易)
6644024 Paper towels and kitchen rolls (trade) 纸巾和厨房用卷纸(贸易)
6644030 Packaging materials, paper, (trade) 包装材料,纸的(贸易)
6644031 Edge protectors, cardboard (trade) 护边物,纸板的(贸易)
6644032 Cardboard, packing and wrapping (trade) 纸板,用作打包和包装材料(贸易)
6644033 Protective packagings, cardboard (trade) 保护性包装,纸板的(贸易)
6644034 Packagings, bags and sacks, paper, to customer specification (trade) 包装物, 袋子, 按照顾客需求定制的
6644035 Paper packagings, bags and sacks (trade) 包装纸,纸袋(贸易)
6644036 Packing cases, isothermal, cardboard (trade) 包装箱, 等温的, 纸板的(贸易)
6646000 Rubber and plastic products for industrial use (trade) 橡胶和塑料制品, 工业用(贸易)
6646001 Processed rubber, rubber solutions and adhesives (trade) 加工过的橡胶,橡胶溶剂和胶粘剂(贸易)
6646003 Rubber and rubber proofed sheet and fabrics (trade) 橡胶和涂橡胶的片和布(贸易)
6646004 Threads, cords, ribbons, straps and transmission belts, rubber (trade) 橡胶线、绳、带、条和传送带(贸易)
6646005 Tubes and hoses, rubber (trade) 管和软管,橡胶的(贸易)
6646006 Profiles, blocks, rollers and bearings, rubber (trade) 型材,块,滚筒和支座,橡胶制(贸易)
6646007 Valves, diaphragms, rings and washers, rubber (trade) 阀门、隔板和垫圈,橡胶的(贸易)
6646009 Bags and sacks, rubber (trade) 袋子,橡胶的(贸易)
6646010 Plates, mats and carpets, rubber (trade) 片、垫子和地毯,橡胶的(贸易)
6646013 Air bags, rubber, with valves (trade) 气囊,橡胶的,带有气门的(贸易)
6646015 Medical, hygiene and laboratory articles, rubber (trade) 医疗用品,卫生用品和实验室用品,橡胶的(贸易)
6646016 Ebonite and gutta-percha products (trade) 硬橡胶和杜仲橡胶产品(贸易)
6646019 Bars, rods, sections and shapes, plastic (trade) 条、棒、型材和成型品,塑料的(贸易)
6646020 Plates, sheets, film and tapes, plastic (trade) 板、片、薄膜和带,塑料的(贸易)
6646021 Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) products (trade) 玻璃钢制品(GRP)(贸易)
6646022 Pipes, tubes, ducts and hoses, plastic (trade) 管,软管,排水管和软管,塑料的(贸易)
6646023 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, plastic (trade) 阀门、水龙头和零件,塑料的(贸易)
6646024 Jointings, packings and gaskets, plastic (trade) 接合物、填料和垫圈/垫片,塑料的(贸易)
6646025 Plastic products for the building industry (trade) 塑料制品,用于建筑工业(贸易)
6646026 Doors, windows and skylights, plastic (trade) 门,窗和天窗,塑料的(贸易)
6646027 Shutters, blinds and awnings, plastic (trade) 百叶窗、遮阳帘和遮阳篷,塑料的(贸易)
6646028 Casks, drums, cans and boxes, containers for packaging, storage and transport, plastic (trade) 桶、罐、听、箱等容器,用于包装和储运,塑料的(贸易)
6646029 Packing cases, isothermal, plastic (trade) 包装箱, 等温的, 塑胶的
6646030 Bottles and packaging tubes, plastic (trade) 瓶子和封装管,塑料的(贸易)
6646031 Packagings, expanded foam, plastic (trade) 包装,膨胀发泡塑料的(贸易)
6646032 Packing films, plastic (trade) 包装薄膜,塑料的(贸易)
6646033 Edge protectors, plastic (trade) 护边物,塑料的(贸易)
6646034 Bubble packaging, plastic (trade) 泡沫包装,塑料的(贸易)
6646035 Heat shrinkable packings, plastic (trade) 热收缩包装,塑料的(贸易)
6646036 Packaging nets, plastic (trade) 包装网,塑料的(贸易)
6646037 Bags and sacks, plastic (trade) 袋子,塑料的(贸易)
6646038 Bathroom accessories, plastic (trade) 浴室用品,塑料的(贸易)
6646039 Hairdressing products, plastic (trade) 美发用品,塑料的(贸易)
6646040 Haberdashery articles, plastic (trade) 塑料制品,用于农业和畜牧业(贸易)
6646041 Plastic products for agriculture and animal husbandry (trade) 塑料制品,用于食品和饮料工业(贸易)
6646042 Plastic products for the food and beverage industry (trade) 塑料制品,用于纺织工业(贸易)
6646043 Plastic products for the textile industry (trade) 服装塑料辅料(贸易)
6646044 Plastic products for the furniture industry (trade) 塑料制品,用于家具工业(贸易)
6646045 Plastic products for the chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries (trade) 塑料制品,用于化学,制药和化妆产品(贸易)
6646046 Plastic products for the mechanical engineering industry (trade) 塑料制品,用于机械工程学工业(贸易)
6646047 Plastic products for the electrical and electronics industries (trade) 塑料制品,用于电力和电子工业(贸易)
6646048 Plastic components for the motor vehicle industry (trade) 塑料制品部件, 用于机动车的(贸易)
6646049 Plastic products for miscellaneous industries (trade) 塑料制品,用于其它行业(贸易)
6646050 Plastic products for the optical, photographic and cinematographic industries (trade) 塑料制品,用于光学,照相和摄影工业(贸易)
6646051 Plastic products for shops and supermarkets (trade) 塑料制品,用于商店和超市(贸易)
6646052 Plastic components and accessories for office machinery and equipment (trade) 塑料零部件,用于办公机械和设备(贸易)
6646053 Plastic products for medical and surgical use (trade) 塑料制品,用于内科和外科(贸易)
6646054 Plastic products for veterinary use (trade) 塑料制品,用于兽医(贸易)
6648000 Glass and glass fibre products for industrial use (trade) 玻璃和玻璃纤维制品,用于工业(贸易)
6648001 Sheet glass (trade) 平板玻璃(贸易)
6648005 Glass containers and bottles (trade) 玻璃容器和玻璃瓶(贸易)
6648006 Glass fibres and glass fibre products (trade) 玻璃纤维和玻璃制品(贸易)
6648014 Doors, glass (trade) 门,玻璃的(贸易)
6648015 Glass products for the building industry (trade) 玻璃制品,用于建筑业(贸易)
6650000 Chemical products (trade) 化学制品(贸易)
6650001 Adhesives and glues (trade) 胶粘剂和胶水(贸易)
6650002 Alcohols and epoxides (trade) 醇和环氧醇
6650003 Antifreeze (trade) 防冻剂(贸易)
6650004 Aroma compounds and essential oils (trade) 香精和精油(贸易)
6650005 Coal, wood and resin distillation products (trade) 煤、木头和树脂的蒸馏制品(贸易)
6650006 Detergents, cleansers, bleaching agents (trade) 洗涤剂、清洗剂和漂白剂(贸易)
6650007 Disinfectants (trade) 杀菌剂(贸易)
6650008 Dyes, pigments, paints, varnishes, enamels and inks (trade) 染料、颜料、油漆、清漆、釉料和油墨(贸易)
6650009 Electrochemical products (trade) 电化学品(贸易)
6650010 Explosives, gunpowder, detonators and pyrotechnical products (trade) 炸药,火药,雷管和其它爆炸品(贸易)
6650011 Fertilisers (trade) 肥料(贸易)
6650012 Fine chemicals (trade) 精细化学品(贸易)
6650013 Fungicides, herbicides and insecticides (trade) 杀菌剂、除草剂和杀虫剂(贸易)
6650014 Inorganic acids and anhydrides (trade) 无机酸和酸酐(贸易)
6650015 Inorganic alkalis, hydroxides (trade) 无机碱,氢氧化物(贸易)
6650016 Isocyanates (trade) 异氰酸盐(贸易)
6650017 Natural oils and greases for industrial use (trade) 天然油脂,用于工业(贸易)
6650018 Natural resins and pitches (trade) 天然树脂和沥青 (贸易)
6650019 Organic acids, their anhydrides and acid halides (trade) 有机酸及其酐和酸卤化物(贸易)
6650021 Pesticides and rodenticides (trade) 杀虫剂和杀鼠剂(贸易)
6650022 Polishes (trade) 上光剂(贸易)
6650023 Soaps and detergents, industrial, (trade) 肥皂和洗涤剂,用于工业(贸易)
6650024 Sodium compounds (trade) 钠化合物(贸易)
6650025 Solvents (trade) 溶剂(贸易)
6650026 Solvents and diluents, recycled (trade) 溶剂和稀释液,再生利用的(贸易)
6650027 Starch, gelatine and natural adhesives (trade) 淀粉、明胶和天然胶粘剂(贸易)
6650028 Synthetic rubbers, resins and latices (trade) 合成的橡胶、树脂和乳液(贸易)
6650029 Mastics, putties and sealing compounds (trade) 填缝材料、腻子和密封化合物(贸易)
6650030 Coal tar distillation products (trade) 煤焦油蒸馏产品(贸易)
6650031 Chemicals for water treatment (trade) 水处理化学品(贸易)
6650032 Waxes and wax products (trade) 蜡和蜡制品(贸易)
6650033 Candles (trade) 蜡烛(贸易)
6650034 X-ray chemicals (trade) X光化学品(贸易)
6650035 Biochemical products (trade) 生化制品(贸易)
6650036 Distilled water (trade) 蒸馏水(贸易)
6650037 Matches (trade) 火柴(贸易)
6650038 Chemicals and auxiliaries for printing and photography (trade) 化学品和助剂,用于印刷和照相(贸易)
6650039 Chemicals and auxiliaries for the leather industry (trade) 化学品和助剂,用于皮革工业(贸易)
6650040 Chemicals and auxiliaries for the paint, lacquer and varnish industry (trade) 化学品和助剂,用于油漆和漆、清漆(贸易)
6650041 Chemicals and auxiliaries for the paper industry (trade) 化学品和助剂,用于造纸工业(贸易)
6650042 Chemicals and auxiliaries for the plastic and rubber industry (trade) 化学品和助剂,用于塑料和橡胶工业(贸易)
6650043 Chemicals and auxiliaries for the soap industry (trade) 化学品和助剂,用于制皂工业(贸易)
6650044 Chemicals and auxiliaries for the textile industry (trade) 化学品和助剂,用于纺织工业(贸易)
6650045 Chemicals for cosmetics, perfumery, detergents and soaps (trade) 化学品,用于化妆品、芳香除臭化学品、洗涤剂和皂类(贸易)
6650046 Chemicals for laboratories and microbiology (trade) 化学品,用于实验室和微生物学(贸易)
6650047 Chemicals for lubricants and waxes (trade) 化学品,用于润滑剂和蜡(贸易)
6650048 Chemicals for metal surface treatment (trade) 化学品,用于金属表面处理(贸易)
6650050 Chemicals for mining and oil extraction (trade) 化学品,用于采矿和石油开采(贸易)
6650051 Chemicals for the basic metal industries (trade) 化学品,用于初级金属工业(贸易)
6650052 Chemicals for building materials (trade) 化学品,用于建筑材料(贸易)
6650053 Chemicals for the electrical and electronics industries (trade) 化学品,用于电力和电子业(贸易)
6650054 Raw materials for pharmaceuticals (trade) 制药原料(贸易)
6654000 Petroleum products. Fuels (trade) 石油制品和燃料(贸易)
6654001 Peat for fuel (trade) 泥煤,用于燃料(贸易)
6654002 Lignite (trade) 褐煤(贸易)
6654003 Coal and solid fuels (trade) 煤和固体燃料(贸易)
6654004 Oils, mineral (trade) 矿物油(贸易)
6654005 Lubricants, petroleum based (trade) 润滑油,石油基的(贸易)
6654006 Bitumen, asphalt and road coating emulsions (trade) 沥青,柏油和铺路乳液(贸易)
6654007 Petroleum waxes and paraffins (trade) 石油蜡和石蜡(贸易)
6654008 Petroleum derived fuels and combustible liquids (trade) 石油提炼出的燃料和可燃液体(贸易)
6654009 Charcoal (trade) 木炭(贸易)
6654014 Briquettes, fuel (trade) 煤球(贸易)
6654016 Refuse derived fuels (RDF) (trade) 垃圾衍生燃料(贸易)
6656000 Compressed and liquefied gas (trade) 压缩气体和液化气体(贸易)
6656001 Compressed and liquefied gases (trade) 压缩气体和液化气体(贸易)
6656002 Compressed gases for medical use (trade) 压缩气体,医用(贸易)
6656005 Compressed gases, fuel (trade) 压缩气体,燃料用(贸易)
6658000 Radioactive elements and radioisotopes (trade) 放射性元素和同位素(贸易)
6658001 Ores for the nuclear power industry (trade) 矿石,用于原子能工业(贸易)
6660000 Ores and minerals (trade) 矿石(贸易)
6660001 Minerals, metallic (trade) 金属矿石(贸易)
6660002 Minerals, non-metallic (trade) 非金属矿石(贸易)
6660005 Stone, marble and granite (trade) 大理石和花岗石(贸易)
6660006 China clay/kaolin and clay (trade) 高岭土和粘土(贸易)
6660007 Concentrates, non-ferrous metal ore (trade) 有色金属精矿(贸易)
6660008 Aluminium and magnesium ores (trade) 铝矿石和镁矿石(贸易)
6660009 Chromium ores (trade) 铬矿石(贸易)
6660010 Copper ores (trade) 铜矿石(贸易)
6660012 Lead ores (trade) 铅矿石(贸易)
6660013 Manganese ores (trade) 锰矿石(贸易)
6660014 Nickel ores (trade) 镍矿(贸易)
6660015 Tin ores (trade) 锡矿(贸易)
6660016 Tungsten ores (trade) 钨矿石(贸易)
6660017 Zinc ores (trade) 锌矿石(贸易)
6660018 Iron ore (trade) 铁矿石(贸易)
6660019 Ores, precious and rare metal (trade) 矿石,贵金属和稀有金属的(贸易)
6662000 Metals and semi-manufactured metal products (trade) 金属及其半成品(贸易)
6662002 Metal, drawn (trade) 金属,拉制的(贸易)
6662003 Metal, ferrous, hot or cold rolled (trade) 黑色金属,冷轧或热轧的(贸易)
6662004 Sections, rods and bars, ferrous (trade) 型材、棒和条,黑色金属的(贸易)
6662005 Wire, ferrous (trade) 线材,黑色金属的(贸易)
6662006 Wire, non-ferrous (trade) 线材,有色金属的(贸易)
6662008 Sheet metal, ferrous (trade) 板材,黑色金属的(贸易)
6662009 Pipes and tubes, ferrous metals (trade) 管子,黑色金属的(贸易)
6662010 Plated or coated metals (trade) 金属,镀过和有涂层的(贸易)
6662011 Ingots, billets and blooms, ferrous metals (trade) 锭,坯料和初坯,黑色金属的(贸易)
6662012 Raw pig-iron and steel (trade) 生铁和生钢(贸易)
6662013 Stainless steel (trade) 不锈钢(贸易)
6662014 Ferro-alloys (trade) 铁合金(贸易)
6662015 Refined, special and tool steels (trade) 精炼钢、特殊钢和工具钢(贸易)
6662016 Black and bright steels (trade) 黑钢和亮钢(贸易)
6662017 Light metals and alloys (trade) 轻金属及其合金(贸易)
6662018 Light metal semi-manufactured products (trade) 轻金属半成品(贸易)
6662019 Precious and rare metals and their alloys (trade) 贵金属,稀有金属和合金(贸易)
6662020 Sections, rods and bars, non-ferrous metal (trade) 型材、棒和条,有色金属的(贸易)
6662021 Sheet metal, non-ferrous (trade) 板材,有色金属的(贸易)
6662022 Precious and rare metal semi-manufactured products (trade) 贵金属和稀有金属的半制成品(贸易)
6662023 Electrolytic metals (trade) 电解金属(贸易)
6662024 Metals and semi-manufactured products for electronic and electrical use (trade) 金属制品和半制成品,用于电子和电力(贸易)
6662025 Hard metals (trade) 硬金属(贸易)
6662026 Solders, brazing and fusible alloys (trade) 钎焊条和易熔合金(贸易)
6662027 Metal grains, flakes, granules, shot, powder and fibre (trade) 金属粒,薄片,微粒,粉末和纤维(贸易)
6662028 Sintered metal products (trade) 烧结金属制品(贸易)
6662029 Heavy metals and alloys (trade) 重金属和合金(贸易)
6662030 Iron castings (trade) 铸铁件(贸易)
6662031 Steel castings (trade) 铸钢件(贸易)
6662032 Non-ferrous castings (trade) 有色金属铸件(贸易)
6662033 High temperature resistant metals (trade) 金属,耐高温的(贸易)
6662034 Rare earth metals (trade) 稀土金属(贸易)
6662035 Ingots, billets and blooms, non-ferrous metals (trade) 锭、坯料和初坯,有色金属的(贸易)
6662036 Coils, steel (trade) 钢铁卷板(贸易)
6662037 Brass (trade) 黄铜(贸易)
6662038 Metals, remelted (trade) 金属,再冶炼过的(贸易)
6662039 Pipes and tubes, non-ferrous metals (trade) 管子,有色金属的(贸易)
6662040 Pure metals (trade) 金属,高纯度的(贸易)
6662041 Iron or steel wire rods and reinforcing steel (trade) 盘条和钢筋(贸易)
6662043 Forgings and stampings (trade) 锻压和冲压件(贸易)
6662100 Metals and semi-manufactured metal products (trade) (cont'd) 金属及其半成品(贸易)
6662102 Aluminium (trade) 铝(贸易)
6662103 Beryllium (trade) 铍(贸易)
6662104 Bismuth (trade) 铋 (贸易)
6662105 Calcium metal and alloys (trade) 钙金属和合金(贸易)
6662106 Cobalt (trade) 钴(贸易)
6662107 Chromium (trade) 铬(贸易)
6662108 Gold (trade) 金(贸易)
6662109 Silver (trade) 银(贸易)
6662110 Lead and lead alloys (trade) 铅和铅合金(贸易)
6662111 Magnesium (trade) 镁(贸易)
6662112 Manganese (trade) 锰(贸易)
6662113 Molybdenum (trade) 钼(贸易)
6662114 Nickel (trade) 镍(贸易)
6662115 Strontium metal and alloys (trade) 锶金属和合金 (贸易)
6662116 Tantalum, niobium/columbium (trade) 钛,铌,锆(贸易)
6662117 Tin and tin alloys (trade) 锡,锡合金(贸易)
6662118 Titanium (trade) 钛(贸易)
6662119 Tungsten (trade) 钨(贸易)
6662120 Vanadium (trade) 钒(贸易)
6662121 Zinc and zinc alloys (trade) 锌和锌合金(贸易)
6662122 Zirconium (trade) 锆(贸易)
6662124 Antimony (trade) 锑(贸易)
6664000 Industrial components NES (trade) 工业部件,未作特殊定义的(贸易)
6664001 Variable speed equipment for industrial power transmission (trade) 变速设备,用于工业传动(贸易)
6664002 Drive shafts, belts and chains for industrial power transmission (trade) 工业用传动轴、传动带和传动链条(贸易)
6664003 Springs and shock absorbers, metal (trade) 弹簧和减震器,金属的(贸易)
6664004 Vibration dampers and absorbers, metal and rubber (trade) 减震器,金属和橡胶的(贸易)
6664005 Pipe, tube and hose fittings, metal (trade) 管件,金属制(贸易)
6664007 Valves, cocks, taps and fittings, metal (trade) 阀门、水龙头和配件,金属的(贸易)
6664008 Bearings and bushings (trade) 轴承和衬套(贸易)
6664009 Gears, metal (trade) 齿轮,金属的(贸易)
6664010 Springs, metal (trade) 弹簧,金属制(贸易)
6664012 Tools, diamond and hard metal (trade) 工具,金刚石和硬金属(贸易)
6664015 Components, metal, for the motor vehicle industry (trade) 元件,金属的,用于机动车行业(贸易)
6666000 Scrap and waste (trade) 废料和废品(贸易)
6666003 Scrap metals, ferrous (trade) 金属废料,黑色金属的(贸易)
6666004 Scrap metals, non-ferrous (trade) 金属废料,有色金属的(贸易)
6666005 Precious metal ashes and scraps (trade) 贵金属灰和废料(贸易)
6666006 Scrap, wire and cable (trade) 废电线电缆(贸易)
6666007 Scrap tyres and rubber waste (trade) 废轮胎和橡胶(贸易)
6666008 Waste, plastic scrap (trade) 废塑料(贸易)
6666009 Waste, textile fibre (trade) 废料,纺织纤维的(贸易)
6666010 Waste, textile mill (trade) 废料,纺织厂的(贸易)
6666011 Waste, fellmongers' (trade) 废料,毛皮商的(贸易)
6666012 Waste, carpet (trade) 废料,地毯的(贸易)
6666013 Waste rope (trade) 废绳索(贸易)
6666014 Waste, hair (trade) 废毛发(贸易)
6666015 Waste, fur (trade) 废裘皮(贸易)
6666016 Waste paper (trade) 废纸(贸易)
6666017 Waste wood (trade) 废木材(贸易)
6666018 Rags (trade) 破布(贸易)
6666019 Waste ash, slag, clinker and breeze (trade) 废煤渣,熔渣,炼渣,煤屑(贸易)
6666020 Scrapyards, motor vehicle, used parts (trade) 废品堆放厂,汽车旧零件的(贸易)
6666021 Car breakers 汽车拆车厂(贸易)
6666023 Waste glass and used bottles (trade) 废玻璃和旧瓶子(贸易)
6666025 Metal residues (trade) 金属废渣(贸易)
6666026 By-products from iron and steel processing (trade) 副产品,钢铁加工后的(贸易)
6666028 Batteries, scrap (trade) 废电池(贸易)
6666029 Scrap and waste, electrical and electronic equipment and components (trade) 废电子设备和部件(贸易)
6666030 Computer and telecommunication equipment, scrap (trade) 计算机和电信设备,
6666031 Abrasive materials waste (trade) 磨料废料(贸易)
6666033 Scrap, seashell (trade) 废贝壳 (贸易)
6666044 Mica scrap/waste (trade) 废云母(贸易)
6666045 Industrial machinery, second-hand 工业机械,二手的(贸易)
6666046 Components for industrial machinery, second-hand 工业机械部件,二手的(贸易)
6670000 Building materials and supplies (trade) 建筑材料和用品(贸易)
6670001 Bricks, building (trade) 砖,用于建筑(贸易)
6670002 Frames, structural, metal, second-hand 建筑构架,金属的,二手的
6670004 Slate and slate products (trade) 板岩和板岩制品(贸易)
6670005 Wall and flooring tiles (trade) 墙砖和地板砖(贸易)
6670006 Cement (trade) 水泥(贸易)
6670007 Lime (trade) 石灰(贸易)
6670008 Plaster and stuccoes (trade) 石膏和细灰泥(贸易)
6670010 Gravel (trade) 砂砾(贸易)
6670011 Sand (trade) 沙子(贸易)
6670012 Refractory materials (trade) 耐火材料(贸易)
6670013 Asphalt and bitumen building materials (trade) 柏油和沥青建筑材料(贸易)
6670014 Asphalt roofing materials (trade) 沥青屋顶材料
6670015 Asphalt paving materials (trade) 沥青铺路材料
加拿大电商做区块链为什么都注册新加坡基金会 目前做区块链项目的客户都会通过注册基金会来作为项目的主体,为什么都在新加坡注册基金会,首先性价比高,而且新加坡市场也比较成熟,项目 加拿大电商露天电影首发——葡中双语字幕《中央车站》 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1714999-1-1.html screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoo
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