请各位同仁翻译一下,另外空格中应该填些什么?NOTE- In addition,the following information in respect of the material shall
Be furnished in a tabular form in conformity with the requirements of
Regulation 4(c)( vi) or the note thereto, as the case may be. This
information may be give from the established test date or if the
material is of standard quality, and extract from the standard may be
furnished instead.
Tensile strength at 20℃
Et = Yield at temperature.t (0.2% proof stress)
**SC = Average stress to produce an elongation of 1%(creep) in 100,000
Hours at the various working metal temperatures.
**Sr = Average and lowest stress to produce rupture in 100,000 hours at
Various working metal temperatures.
Temperature rang in the table may extend upto the limit of applicability of the Material.
The value of SC and Sr need be furnished only in respect of pipes /tubes intended
to be used for working metal temperature 454℃(850°F)
Certified that the particulars entered herein are correct.
The tubes have been manufactured to comply with the Indian Boiler
Regulations for a maximum working pressure of ______________ and a maximum
temperature of ________________________at our works above named and
Satisfactorily withstood a water test of _________________ on the _________ day of
__________________ ,____,in the presence of our responsible representative whose
signature is appended hereunder.
Quality dept.manager: Production dept.manager:
We have satisfied ourselves that the tubes have been constructed in accordance
with Chapter II. The tests conducted on the samples taken from the finished tubes,
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