加拿大进出口外贸业务联系信函案例 转贴供参考



Dear sir,
We are a Chinese company that specializes in making men's shirts and would like to tell you about our line of products.
Our products are special because they are made of good quality cloth. In the 15 years that we have been selling our products we have made a good name for ourselves in countries all around the world.
Enclosed is a price list and brochure. If you would like to place an order or receive more information, please log onto our web site at www.*******.com, or contact us by telephone.
Yours faithfully

Hello Sir,
We have many socks here. Actually, we produce more than 2 billion pairs of socks every year. More than a third of Chinese socks were made here in Qingdao area. There should be one fits you.
But before you select any supplier, please beware of the bad apples.
For example:
1, die hard...
2, turth in labeling...
So, kick off your socks and put on the ones we custom made for you.
Sincerely Yours,
Dear customer,
More people are now saving their time and efforts by preparing meals in the modern way-the Almighty Pot cooking way.
No longer do you need to wait hours for food to be prepared, almighty pot cooking is quick, clean and inexpensive. What you need to do is just to press the switch, and then this new cooker will permit you to serve mouth-watering meals in no time at all.
Read the enclosed brochure and learn why more and more people are rushing for almighty pots, during the month of July we are ready to offer you at a 10% saving on the regular price.
Take a moment to fill in the enclosed order from and we are sure to deliver the goods you need promptly.
We hope to do business with you soon!

                                                              Truly yours

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·澳洲新闻 澳洲梦破灭了!人们需要近10年的时间才能攒够首付。专家:普



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