加拿大进出口外贸the classification of optical lens


下面我为大家列举一下镜片的大致分类:(只是大致列举,不是全部, 欢迎大家踊跃补充)
We start from the categories of optical lens:
Classified by refractive index: index 1.503, index 1.523, index 1.499, index 1.56, index 1.591, index 1.601, index 1.67, index 1.74, index 1.76, index 1.755, index 1.8 and index 1.9.

In them, index 1.503, index 1.523 and index 1.499 are low refractive index; index 1.56, index 1.591, index 1.601 are middle refractive lens; and from index 1.67 to index 1.9 are high refractive.
Classified by material: mineral, resin, PC

Mineral lens: index 1.503, index 1.523, index 1.7, index 1.9 and index 1.9;
Resin lens: index 1.499, index 1.56, index 1.601, index 1.67 and index 1.74;
PC lens: index 1.591.

Classified by focal: Single vision, bifocal, trifocal, multifocal (also be called progressive)

All indexes and all material above can make single vision lens.
There are some kinds of bifocal lens: flat-top bifocal, round top bifocal, one line bifocal and invisible bifocal. Also, by different technology, they are glued and fused. So, there are glued/fused round-top bifocal, glued/fused flat-top bifocal,
By different index, there are index 1.523 bifocal, index 1.499 bifocal and index 1.56 bifocal till now.
To progressive lens, the usually index is: index 1.523, index 1.499 and index 1.56, only a few companies can produce PC progressive and index 1.61 progressive. And by different corridor, there are long corridor and short corridor.

Classified by different color: white (clean), tinted lens, photo chromic and transition.

White lens is the normal lens we use. So we should talk about photo chromic lens: photo gray and photo brown. When the lens is under ultraviolet, the lens will change its color into dark brown or dark gray, and when in the place there is no ultraviolet, it will return into light brown or light gray. The index can be index 1.523 and index 1.56 and index 1.601.

The difference between photo chromic and transition is: before change color, photo chromic with light color, the lens is not white and clear. But transition lens is white and clear. The usually index are index 1.56 and index 1.601.

Classified by special use: prism lens, Lenticular lens, super-tenacity lens, anti- x-ray lens (index 1.755) and so on.

PS. Semi-finished and finished lens are available for all lens and they can be coated by different colors, such as green coating, blue coating, purple coating, hydrophobic coating, diamond coating, golden coating and so on.

These knowledge is all what I know till now, and there must be other kinds of lens I do not know and if there is any mistake in the article above, hope all of you can collect them!!

Let us know more about the lens and chose the best one to help us see to world clearer!!




Thanks for your sharing
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