这是一份检测报告上面的内容,很多自己确实模棱两可。还请各位高手鼎力相助!!不胜感激!!Cut coating using X-cut method as specified, apply tape to
cuts, then remove tape and examine for removal of coating
from substrate. Photograph if any plating / finish is removed.
Coated items (plating, paint, powder coating, or other surface
finish) shall be rated per the scale specified in the standard
when tested as appropriate.
· Use 'Permacel #99' adhesive tape or equivalent (polyester
film & paper fiber packaging tape with approximately 52
oz per inch adhesion to steel).
· Make two cuts in the film each about 1.5 inch long that
intersect near their middle with a smaller angle of
between 30° and 45°. Use a straightedge and do not
deepen a cut that does not pierce through to the substrate.
· Report the rating for all three locations. Rating is based
on the worst reading. Adhesion shall rate 4A or better. 3A
shall rate as fail.
· Report the type of coating tested and approximate
location of test.
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