in case of payment amde in the same currency of this credit, our commission in lieu of exchange at 1/4 pCT flat plus postage/cable charges will be deducted from the proceeds .notwithstand any instructions to the contrary, a special handling fee usd 60.00 ( or equivalent) associated with cable charges will be deducted from the proceeds for each presentation of discrepant document under this credit.
in case of discrepant documents presented under this credit and no disposal instruction for them received by us b the time thie application had accepted the discrepancy( ies), we may release them to the applicant without furture notice to the presenter. in such case , the presenter shall not lodge any claim against the issuing bank.
one extra copy/ photocopy of invoice and transport document /cargo receipt are required to be presented together with the documents for issuing bank's retention. otherwise, usd 10.00 or equivalent will be deducted from panyment,
pls note that us government and or other government and or regulatory authority had in place specific sanstion against certain countrles , related entities and individuals . we are unable to process or accept any documents presented under this credit that involve a breach of such sanctions.
correstions and alterations appeared in the documents, irresprctive of whether the documents are created or issued
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