但是我们在A产品面临甲公司的价格竞争,B产品面临乙公司的竞争,C产品面临丙公司的竞争。以上公司的产品价格基本是贵公司价格的1/2 ~ 2/3。
But all kind of products in our company are challeged by many same lines. the price of these competitors is lower 2/1-3/2 than your esteemed company.
we have lost many clients for a higher quotation recently, therefore we hope esteemed company give our reasonable price. if possible, we plan to put products propaganda of your esteemed company on our company website or else where.
hope that it is ok?
Our products are faced with very firce competition on price, the price of A is less competitive than JIA company, price of B is challenged by YI company, price of C is challenged by BING company. The prices offered by the above companies are about 1/2~2/3 of yours. During the last two months, we lost many customers because of the high prices we offered. Now we really need your support on prices. We are planing to put some of your product advertisements on our company website and other product publicizing ways,such as google.
We have great pressure on the competition with 1, 2 and 3 company for the prices of A, B and C products.
They all have better prices for the products, their average quotations are always 1/2 to 2/3 of yours.
Since we have lost some clients these days due to the higher quotations, we do hope you can give us more support and offer us better prices.
Meanwhile, we plan to do some advertisements and promotions for your products on our website and some other search engines, like Google.
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