Ritual 习惯,规矩,例行公事My morning ritual includes having a cup of coffe as i reading the morning paper
Diversion 转移注意力,娱乐,消遣
Eating lunch under a tree is a pleasant diversion from working in the office
Yearn 渴望,向往
Even though i just rectruned from a vacation, i am yearning to take another one.
Despite his success as a star, he still yearns for his parents' approval.
Partricia yearns for a quiet vacation by the lake with her husband.
Partricia 渴望和他的丈夫在湖边度过一个安静的假期。
Blow off steam 释放压力,发泄
Rita usually goes biking to blow off steam.
Rita 经常骑脚踏车来缓解压力。
Don't take it personally when Tom acts like that. He's just blowing off some steam.
Unwind 缓解,放松
The nurse gently unwound the patient's bandages.
Listening to music helps me unwind after a long hard day.
I always run around the park at night to help me unwind from the pressures of the day.
[ 本帖最后由 热血江湖 于 2010-5-30 13:42 编辑 ]
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