在加拿大 Ritual 习惯,规矩,例行公事 My morning ritual includes having a cup of coffe as i reading the morning paper 我早上起来喜欢边喝咖啡边读早报。 Diversion 转移注意力,娱乐,消遣 Eating lunch under a tree is...华人论坛
在加拿大 Ritual 习惯,规矩,例行公事 My morning ritual includes having a cup of coffe as i reading the morning paper 我早上起来喜欢边喝咖啡边读早报。 Diversion 转移注意力,娱乐,消遣 Eating lunch under a tree is...华人论坛
在加拿大 无论抄底摸顶多么神奇高明, 绝地脱险多么精彩刺激,反败为胜多么惊心动魄,皆为我所不为。因为精彩高明的“ 神操作” 与成功水火不容。 成功操作的特质是例行公事、 平淡无奇、...华人论坛