- 4-in (102-mm) length of 2 by 1/4-in (50.8 by 6.4-mm) copper bus bars and 1 by 1 in (25.4 by 25.4 mm) spacers (hole in center which corresponds to support hardware bolt diameter for the HWO2); Quantity: 12- 4-in (102-mm) length of 2 by 1/4-in (50.8 by 6.4-mm) copper bus bars and 1 by 1 in (25.4 by 25.4 mm) spacers (adjusted as needed for the bolt pattern) (holes which corresponds to support hardware bolt diameter for the PGO1); Quantity: 15
这段是我们申请UL认证时,UL发来的样品规格,我们对它的理解有偏差了,请高手帮忙: 他们是需要102mm x 50.8mm x 6.4mm的铜板和 25.4x25.4 的垫片? 还是 他们是需要102mm x 50.8mm x 6.4mm的铜板并在 中间打孔,孔位间距25.4mm ?
[ 本帖最后由 yang800117 于 2010-6-29 11:26 编辑 ]
25.4x25.4的垫片,垫片中间的 孔 跟螺栓直径需要相配!
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