

寻找女性内衣行业英语,请问哪位有呢? 先谢谢分享哦。。。。。。。。。。。

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女性内衣 ,做这行的朋友给我几个常用的词,我调戏下女朋友

雞心闊連鋼支 Width between cups incl. wires ( F1 n. B/ M! u2 M
上雞心闊 Top gore width
'' Centre front width
'' Top of CF
'' Gradle width (at top)
'' Topline of centre front
'' Centre front at top 4 `# y+ m3 O$ l% R- h" |; G
上雞心闊連鋼支 Between wires at top including casing
雞心頂闊(不包鋼支)(上) Top yoke width (upper)
上雞心至杯邊距(雞心放落位置) Drop at centre front
下雞心闊 Bottom gore width
'' Bottom centre width & R1 T; w# h+ M7 |& P
'' Bottom of CF
'' Base of centre front # T  e8 a+
m4 D% S"雞心底闊(不包鋼支)(下) Bottom yoke width (lower)
雞心(CF)高 Gore height
雞心高(不包丈巾度) Centre front height (excl. band)
'' Centre front depth
'' Length at front 0 R. a5 D! n9 O0 o4 G1 D: e- J
'' Gap heigth % t, O( m$ F0 _8 |& h0 k; x' ~
'' Gradle high  r& I
杯邊長連/不連綑碗 Neckline length-incl./excl. wire 7 n4 e5 Z# Y, [& i3 Y& X2 \% t: M
杯邊長連鋼支 Neckline edge including wire
'' Cup topline(incl channelling) 2 e, H* w* I. g9 s+ o
杯邊長不連鋼支 Finished topline(excl. C.F. wire casing)
'' Top cup edge (excl wire casing)
上碗邊長 Upper cup length 6 w4 b# d/ A* a$ W
'' Top cup edge width & W, [3 s9 D9 h3 d  T
'' Cup side length ) I' F, V& H$ v* A2 q: ^# ]
'' Upper cup edge
'' Apex to centre front 9 N% R* G" ~! J8 o0 N; U
杯闊(不連鋼支) Cup width (excl. wire)
'' Horizontal cup (excl, wire)
上杯高 Upper cup height
'' Upper vertical cup
'' Top cup depth / height 0 a" J& \) W( S
下杯高 Lower cup height
'' Lower vertical cup ! h( @: A# a% ]9 O
'' Bottom cup depth / height ( [: j! ]4 D2 M' f
'' Undercup height
杯高(夾碗骨長)連/不連綑碗 Front cup depth-incl./excl. wire
杯高 Cup (seam) height
杯高 Overcup * N. E+ C9 H' L1 T3 o1 ]
杯高不邊綑碗 Vertical cup excl. wire / e. U# j4 M3 M1 M8 f" u" n
杯骨長 Cup seam length 2 c+ w# i) ?1 U" d" z  i+ e/ a/ K+ Y
'' Cup width at seam
'' Over bust seam 9 ~1 y7 r9 D' o: o1 ?
'' Seam cup width
'' Across cup on seam 8 ~, y' H$ V4 ], K
杯骨長不連鋼支 Over cup seam width (excl. wire casing)
杯骨長連鋼支 Cup depth on seam including wire + F8 V+ M1 r* m6 @3 q6 A
    1 f6 g# v6 F4 }) a5 m1 y
杯扎長 Dart length  2 y- U. D% G0 x: _
三角杯高 Cup triangle high ! X5 ^# Z3 j+ g, b' M4 }
    7 d/ T: \% `% G7 K6 C* T9 h
拉上脾長連/不連綑碗 Armhole length-incl./excl. wire
拉上脾全長不連勾圈 Total underarm & back topline
  (from cup apex to inside edge on hook & eye)
'' Finished u/arm + back (excl. hook & eye)
拉上脾長不計丈巾 Top wing not incl. Strap 3 c1 X1 C5 H% q
拉上脾長連捆條 Top of wing (incl. Binding) / t% ^2 Q) v2 M0 {
上脾長連綑碗 Under arm wire to centre back
上脾長(鋼支至搭帶位) Wire seam to back strap 4 p1 x2 n9 g4 J9 ?9 o
夾位長 Underarm cup side length 1 i8 q# h) o/ E* Z8 G# R1 y5 r* A
'' Arm edge length , U1 E: C$ M$ G
'' Apex to wire
夾位長連綑碗 Underarm to wire + g2 J. `9 k; n9 |9 |
    3 i7 k. K- A+ F% A+ T  B
側脾高 Side height $ O) S  A5 P% ^
'' Length at sideseam 2 p- D- l1 N; o2 K" s
'' Side depth
'' Side height under arm ( X2 O& U5 D& R) W
'' Wing height 1 p/ W& I; h) O/ \
駁脾高(沿鋼支位度),不計丈巾牙) Around wire to wing join (not incl. Elastic scallope)
    6 c/ Q! y+ M8 ?2 ~. B$ J
前肩帶長 Front shoulder strap length
前肩帶長(成品)(布部分) Front strap length (finished) (fabric part)
後肩帶長7cm回帶後 Back shoulder strap elastic length w/7cm loop  
後肩帶長(成品) Back strap length (finished)
花邊肩帶長(成品) Shoulder strap (lace)
肩帶全長(拉盡扣成品) Shoulder strap (full length) ) j( q* B9 g- o4 N, ?
肩帶成品長 Elastic strap max. length
肩帶長不計5cm回帶 Strap length with 5cm adjustment
肩帶長包5cm回帶 Elastic strap (finish between ring & slider 5cm) 9 s9 I9 I" E: |
    ) M0 A1 V% x3 h
後肩帶落帶距 Distance between strap & hook
'' Back strap to centre back 0 O  g: M& k- o
前肩帶落帶距 Distance between strap & wire 9 V: O8 d7 A5 X0 W
後帶距(不連肩帶及勾圈) Back strap position (excl. hook & eye)
搭帶成品長(不包勾圈) Apex to back strap
半月紗長連鋼支 Half moon lining length incl. wire 2 y0 P1 ?+ G) C; _* j
下雞心至脾位距(沿鋼支度) Around exposed wire from bottom of CF to wing join + g2 C$ b1 j. [; B* j! r% s( j4 D
勾圈闊 Hook band heigth ; r( k0 x9 }) G$ K( F' ?: n  l) ?+ B3 `
'' Hook & eye tape
肩帶闊 Elastic strap width
鋼圈套長"外度"邊至邊 Channel length at outer edge
鋼圈套長 Around wire % K9 G+ y( s' L
鋼圈套長打棗至打棗 Around wire bar tack to bar tack
鋼圈套長(每邊0.5CM虛位) Length around wire casiing(wire play 0.5CM each side)
鋼支虛位 Wire play 1 i) W, C; W' U  L2 m. `! E" ]
鋼支型號 Wire reference
鋼支長 Wire length
鋼支闊 Cups width
膠片闊 Rubber widths 1 u$ B  i; n  ]
圈扣闊 S/Strap rubber width 1 m" [0 i1 p/ Y0 X! _
捌扣上圈闊 Top wing rubber
捌扣下圈闊 Bottom wing rubber5 ?; W& T8 J2 ~

做哪一方面的内衣呢? 我是做内衣模杯的!有需要的话联系我哦。QQ:532793056。

加拿大电商露天电影首发——葡中双语字幕《中央车站》 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1714999-1-1.html screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoo 加拿大电商做区块链为什么都注册新加坡基金会 目前做区块链项目的客户都会通过注册基金会来作为项目的主体,为什么都在新加坡注册基金会,首先性价比高,而且新加坡市场也比较成熟,项目
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