WALLACE(voice-over): In the 50 years since the Communist Party took power
there, China
has had just three paramount leaders: Mao Tse-Tung, Deng
Xiaoping, and now Jiang Zemin, who currently rules over almost 1.3 billion
people -- one out of every five people on Earth. He`s been in charge for 11
years, since Deng chose him to restore stability after the brutality at
Tiananmen Square. But still, Americans know remarkably little about this
powerful man who arrives in New York
City tomorrow to visit the U.N. and to
meet with American business leaders.
The president believes China
has been misunderstood here in America,
and he
wants Americans to get a more favorable -- and he says more realistic --
impression of his country.
ZEMIN: I hope to
convey through your program my best wishes to American
(voice-over): He`s been called the silk-wrapped needle, and in this
interview you`ll see why.
For several years, we`ve been asking to sit down with him. Finally, the
president invited us to China
and told us he was willing to answer any
(on camera): In a recent headline in one of your government newspapers, "
China Daily," the paper called the U.S. "a threat to world
peace." Do you
feel that way, that the United
States is a threat to world peace?
(through translator): Candidly speaking, maybe it is because of the
economic power and leading edge in science and technology that the United
States enjoys, that more often than not it tends to overestimate itself and
its position in the world. But today I want to convey a nice message to the
American people, so I don`t want to use too many tough words in our talk.
George W. Bush -- one of them is going to be president of
the United States while you are president of China. If they are watching
right now, what would you want to say to them about future U.S. relations
with China?
ZEMIN (through translator): I have a lot of friends
among the leaders of
both parties -- Republicans and Democrats.
WALLACE: So you give
money to both their campaigns?
ZEMIN (through translator): Are you just joking? We
have never done such
things. I have read the campaign platforms of both parties and I believe
whoever becomes president will try to improve the friendly relations between
China and the United States,
for this is in the strategic interest of the
whole world.
Someone asked me not to pay attention to unfriendly remarks candidates might
make about China
during the campaign because once elected, they will be
friendly. I only hope that`s true.
president had agreed to give short answers so that we could
cover more ground. And when I reminded him about it, he was ready for me. ZEMIN (through
translator): But I think my answer is roughly the same length
as your question.
WALLACE: I know it. That`s absolutely true.
ZEMIN (through
translator): If you make concise and brief questions, I`ll
give you brief answers.
(voice-over): This was the first time Western television cameras had
been allowed inside the president`s summer compound on the beach at the
resort town of Bedaihuh. It has been called China`s Camp David.
This is where the country`s leaders meet in private every August to develop
their plans for the coming year. The president agreed to speak candidly with
us, so we asked him to tell us candidly...
(on camera): ... how would you characterize the state of relations between
China and the United States
today, Mr. President?
ZEMIN (through
translator): On the whole, relations between China
and the
United States
are good. However, I would like to use words people use to
describe nature to describe the state of China-U.S. relations. Our relations
have experienced wind, rain, and sometimes clouds or even dark clouds.
However, sometimes it clears up. We all sincerely hope to build a
constructive partnership between China and the United States.
spoken like a real politician. There`s no candor in it.
(through translator): I don`t think "politician" is a very nice word.
WALLACE: It`s a diplomatic word in this case.
(voice-over): Jiang Zemin is a gregarious fellow who loves center stage, but
he has not given an extended interview to an American television reporter
for 10 years, partly, he says, because Americans refuse to believe that the
vast majority of Chinese are actually satisfied with one-party rule.
One of our most spirited exchanges was over his objection to our use of the
word "dictator." (on camera): You are the last major communist dictatorship in the world.
ZEMIN: You mean I`m
WALLACE: Well, of
course. A developmental dictatorship is what we believe it
is. Am I wrong?
ZEMIN: Of course.
This is big mistake.
WALLACE: you are, it
seems to me, a dictator, an authoritarian.
ZEMIN: No, but I --
very frank speaking, I don`t agree with your point, I am
WALLACE: I know you
don`t. I know that you don`t. But there`s an old
American phrase about if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and so
forth, it`s a duck.
ZEMIN: What means dictatorship?
WALLACE: A dictator
is somebody who forcibly, whether it`s free press or
free religion or free private enterprise -- now you`re beginning to come a
little closer to that -- you, father, knows best. And if you get in the way
of father, father will take care of you.
ZEMIN (through
translator): Your way of describing what things are like in
is as absurd as what "The Arabian Nights" may sound like. The
People`s Congress selects the Central Committee of the Communist Party, and
the Central Committee has a Politburo. And the Politburo has a standing
committee of which I`m a member. And no decision is made unless all members
WALLACE: But when we
talk about dictatorship, I`m -- I`m wagging my finger
at the president of China.
You know what? When I see the picture of that one
young man in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square,
that to me means
Chinese dictatorship. That`s a wonderful symbol that hits -- hits me in my
heart about dictatorship in China.
ZEMIN: I don`t need
translation. I know what you say.
WALLACE: I know.
ZEMIN (through
translator): I`m very willing to answer these questions.
(voice-over): So we reminded him that he himself had been a student
demonstrator more than 50 years ago.
(on camera): You were a student protester in Shanghai.
ZEMIN: That`s right.
WALLACE: At the time
of the nationalists, we want freedom, we want democracy
. That was you.
ZEMIN: That`s
WALLACE: That`s what those people in Tiananmen Square
were saying: We want
freedom. We want democracy.
ZEMIN (through translator): In the 1989 disturbance,
we truly understood the
passion of students who were calling for greater democracy and freedom. In
fact, we have always been working to improve our system of democracy, but we
could not possibly allow people with ulterior motives to use the students
to overthrow the government under the pretext of democracy and freedom.
WALLACE: Did a part
of you admire his courage?
ZEMIN (through
translator): He was never arrested. I don`t know where he is
now. Looking at the picture, I know he definitely had his own ideas.
WALLACE: You haven`t answered the question, Mr.
President. Did a part of
Jiang Zemin admire his courage?
ZEMIN (through
translator): I know what you are driving at, but what I want
to emphasize is that we fully respect every citizen`s right to freely
express his wishes and desires. But I do not favor any flagrant opposition
to government actions during an emergency. The tank stopped and did not run
the young man down.
WALLACE: I`m not talking about the tank. I`m talking
about that man`s heart,
that man`s courage, that man, that lonely man standing against that. One
month after Tiananmen, you wrote a speech. And in it, you said,
is growing in the soil if all our party and our government organs use their
power to seek material benefits. Isn`t this just like fleecing the people in
broad daylight?"
Those students in Tiananmen had also been protesting against the corruption
that you talked about. So apparently they did have some effect on you and on
your party.
ZEMIN (through
translator): I hate corruption. You are right that during the
1989 disturbance, students were chanting slogans against corruption. So on
this specific point, the party shares the same position as the students.
(voice-over): As an aside, and to underline his credentials as a
student demonstrator in times past, the president himself sang a protest
song he`d used back in 1943 against Japanese troops who were occupying parts
of China.
The title: "Arise Fellow Students to Defend the Motherland."
大概的意思知道 就是翻译不到位 论坛里有高手的话 过来翻译下~~~~~呵呵
LZ 是做什么的吖?
做外贸的 呵呵 最近对政治英语产生了兴趣 之前以为自己英语不错 后来发现其实JUST SOSO HAHAH
大概搜了下 好像没有 有可能关键词不对 嘎嘎~~
有意思 看看那
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