Regarding to the claim of USD 1701, we will face the survey of government tax department if 4.35 i/o 4.65. So we can not accept this. Thanks for your kindly understanding.Pls find below the method for your information:
Unit price for 1003 will reduce USD 0.1,total USD 943.2. For the last USD757.8, we will decrease the price for 1006 : unit price 4.53 i/o4.65 * 6219 pieces =USD 746.28.
We look forward to hearing from you .
[ 本帖最后由 popxiaoyu 于 2010-9-9 10:14 编辑 ]
we suggest to settle your claims as below:
1. PO1003: reduce the price by USD0.10 and there comes USD943.20
2. PO1006: reduce the price by USD0.12 and there comes USD746.28
As you required, if we lower the price for Order No.1006 instead of claim payment of USD 1701 for Order No.1003, we will face the survey of tax bureau because the price is lowered too much.
So we suggest that, for Order No.1003 we would lower USD0.1/piece, total USD 943.2, for the rest USD 757.8, we will decrease XXXX(类似订单1003的降价,注明降多少)/piece for Order No.1006.
Please kindly consider the above advice, and your understanding and help is appreciated.
FYI, 订单1006的单价不知道你是怎么算的,所以你自己算一下单价是降多少,降后的单价是多少.
as the taxtation department keeps a close eye on our business activities, we may risk in being involved into tax investigation reducing too much the price of PO1003, thus we suggest to......
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