我发了很多封邮件出去,为什么有客人这样回复我,还叫我上链接,可是我上去都看不明白呢!!请高手帮帮忙,谢谢!!Thanks for the response to our message on Alibaba.com. We saw a similar product on Yahoo! Actions so please confirm to us if you/your company can make provision of the exact product as shown on Yahoo! Actions page which you can view below by clicking the link below and login into the yahoo auctions to view the product request. http://seeauction.t35.com/yahoo.htm
We will await your response with details, prize and quantity that can be made available.
客人需要你供应和YAHOO!actions 上面一模一样的产品
骗人的东西、。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 盗取账号的链接
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