今天收到客户一封想买电气胶带.小弟刚入行做外贸,所以各位高手帮忙翻译一下..谢谢!I’m looking for electrical tape that’s ¾ in x 66ft. It is ok if 5-6 rolls come in one package. This tape is plasticized PVC film with an aggressive rubber resin adhesive. This tape is used for cable coding, quick identification of electrical phases, and circuits feeder and branches. It is flame retardant. Do you offer this tape? If so, what is MOQ and FOB?
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2010-9-15 23:37 编辑 ]
电工胶带宽3/4 in 长66ft,5-6卷一个包装, pvc底膜加强力橡胶树脂胶
强! 谢谢Kosmkit的帮忙!
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