


Hy asked me to send you the following report compiled by our Michigan office with regards to the condition of the tap blanks recently received.

Please note that he feels, rather than seeking out another vendor to supply these blanks, as suggested by our Manager in Michigan, that the issues presented should be easily correctable/rectifiable in your factory. In particular,  the circular marks and burrs as noted.
This report is to inform you of the condition of the tap blanks received from Sowa International.
First shipment Inv. S11006005AA 106ctns
All blanks were carbon taper pipe taps. Copies of inspection reports attached. Pictures are also included.
Summary of blank conditions:

1/8 received with a sand blast finish.diameters were turned not ground

1/4 burrs on shank end, burrs on land of flutes.

3/8 burrs on shanks, swirls on flats from machining,
1-1/2 severe burrs on shanks, deep swirls on flats,burrs on lands, burrs at shoulder where shank meets flute form.
2" severe burrs on shanks, swirls on flats,centers too big drilled with #5 should be #2 or #3, heavy burrs at shoulder shank and flute some had to be filed off.

All blanks required rework before we could thread grind.

Second shipment Inv. S11007001AA 135ctns
Consisting of Carbon and High Speed tap blanks.
All items received have the same conditions as the previous blanks.
Burrs on all blanks and are more severe burrs on larger blanks, swirls on flats. These condition require rework by deburring and wire wheeling all blanks prior to grinding.

Third shipment Inv. S11008007AA 198ctns is still in transit which looks like the balance of the purchase order F0110S dated 01/04/10. These will be checked upon arrival for the above conditions.
Attached is a copy of our new quote request and a copy of Sowa most recent Quotation RD-161
It is my recommendation based upon the amount of rework and reconditioning that we have to preform on these blanks prior to grinding that we NOT use Sowa as our supplier and forward the quote request to our alternate source.
If physical samples are required please let me know. or if any additional information is needed.

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