Size: 14.5 x 20.7cm,Cover material: wood free paper with 500gsm card board,Cover printing: 2 C/O,Inner pages:70gsm wood free,Paper inner total 192 pages,printing Feint and Margi,2C/2C (blue & red lined.Cover is printed in white colour over black board and small red HIV red ribbon towards the right hand corner.Red tape binding这段话按照我的理解是这样的 :尺寸:14.*20.7cm 封面:500gsm的灰板 2C印刷 内页:70gsm的双胶纸 总张数:192P 接下来的红体字部分就不知道啦 请高手翻一下 tks!
,8 mm feint and margin,hard cover, black printed in white, feint and margin printed in blue and red 这一句又是什么意思
[ 本帖最后由 luckyfei2 于 2010-11-4 13:11 编辑 ]
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