网站好像被封了(涉及牌子),谁能帮我译下以下内容,谢谢!!CHANEL, INC. v. DOES 7-500
On November 4, 2010 the court entered a Temporary Restraining Order in this matter, a copy of which is below. The court has set a hearing to determine if a Preliminary Injunction should be issued in this matter for November 15, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom Number 3 on the 9th floor of the Clifford Davis and Odell Horton Federal Building, 167 North Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee.
Any response or opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction must be filed and served on Plaintiff’s counsel forty-eight (48) hours prior to the hearing set for November 15, 2010, and filed with the Court, along with Proof of Service, on November 13, 2010. Plaintiff shall file any Reply Memorandum on or before November 14, 2010. The above dates may be revised upon stipulation by all parties and approval of this Court. Defendants are hereby on notice that failure to appear at the hearing may result in the imposition of a preliminary injunction against them pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1116(d) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 65.
You have the right to respond “pro se,” for yourself without an attorney, but it is advised that if you have any questions you should see an attorney immediately.
就是CHANEL, INC. 对 DOES 7-500这单案子的通告 Chanel Inc.你们是这家公司吗还是怎样? 这是原告
11/15法院要hearing就是聆听 这是在开庭前的一个动作 就是了解情况 如果觉得有必要 可能要上法庭了 如果没有必要 可能就不用开庭了
例如法官觉得这个事情没有开庭必要 还构不成个案子 例如原告或双方提出和解等等
有什么回复,异议应该在hearing之前48小时提交 原告对被告有什么回复也有个时间限制 具体上面写了 那么时间可能会变 因为要安排 但一般不会改了
如果被告方不出现在这个聆听上,那么可能会涉及到一些问题 他列了几点法律条文 可能就是藐视法庭之类了 这个得查才知道 总之人家那儿不象中国 美国法律是至高无上的
你敢藐视法庭要吊起来打得 当然你可以不请律师自己来,但严肃建议你该找个律师了 要不美国律师赚钱那 什么事情都可以上法庭啊 活多
hearing 听证会
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