一俄罗斯客人已同意我们的FOB价了,可他说他们一直按DDU走货。 我好不容易说服他我们走不了DDU,一直都是FOB走货的。 可他又提出CIF,昨天已回复告诉他FOB (shenzhen)+ FREIGHT+INSURANCE make the same as CIF (your port) ,还是希望客人能同意走FOB,我们会联系货代一切发货事项,离港后提供提单,只是货到目的港后他自己负责下清关。其实也知道客人已经做出了让步了,就感觉我们有点得寸进尺,也不知道客户会怎么想,。。。哪位高手能支几招呀,在此先谢过了!Good aftenoon dear Vicky. Thanks for yours of the letters.It is glad to your business
spirit and prospects in our cooperation.We as in China don't have sales representatives,
on it as goods delivery on CIF can become an alternative variant. It not an ideal variant
for us, but nevertheless the comprehensible. It includes sending of the goods by the Supplier
to the Buyer to port of destination and its insurance. These are two necessary conditions
of the possible contract.If you are ready to consider our variant of the contract, I am
ready to send it to you. Among other things I would like to know on moredetalled about your
assortment of the goods.Us in as all compound details for assemblage of cartridges interest.
The basic same models on which you sent the prices on OPC. If you can send a full price on HP,
SAMSUNG, XEROX that I will be frateful. Best wishes. Sergey.
[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-11-19 17:56 编辑 ]
俄罗斯的sir gay真多.
不过你的中文意思 我真的没看明白 what is your point?
以上是客户的最后回信。 应该怎么回复说服力会强点呢?
啊。。。怎么样劝客户接受FOB会好点。我们一直报的FOB,客人很同意我们的FOB价,而且他自己也叫我们报运费给他。 就不知道他怎么总跟我们纠缠这些贸易术语问题不放。。。我也雾水ING
恩 风险划分知道。 感觉客人只是希望确保货物一定能安全到达目的港。 It includes sending of the goods by the Supplier
to the Buyer to port of destination and its insurance. These are two necessary conditions
of the possible contract. 之前跟他谈的都是FOB价的, 他不会想拿我们的FOB价来走CIF的吧!这怎么可能。
价格可以做FOB CIF都行, 关键是最后的费用谁给, 什么术语都一样, 海运费, 保险费是肯定要的.
他可能是因为不熟悉这边的情况, 没有自己指定的货代. 不过据我了解, 俄罗斯很多公司在中国
都有office, 尤其深圳和广州.
再有, 我朋友的货有一次走俄罗斯, 也是CIF价, 最后发生了抢货的情况. 客户要全额索赔...得不偿失.
楼主酌情考虑, 我不了解你这行和你这客户, 只是给点参考.
恩。确实关键在此啊!那如果客户同意了付运费+保险费 再+FOB价,那我们是不是也就可以同意给他走CIF呢。对于你朋友发生货被抢的事,CIF下,客户要索赔的话,应该也是向保险公司索赔的吧!
You are so gelivable !
Thanks a lot !!!
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