Thanks for your support to us in the past years.
Due to the cotton price rising by a big margin in China and appreciation of the Renminbi, we have very big pressure, especially the PUFF 23110100045.Because the material of puff : cotton 80%. So we want the change the price to $0.056/pc. Please advise.
And the cotton price is not stable, so please give a estimated qty/year, we can prepare the material in advance, and can keep the price in one period of time. But your side will be responsible for the 70% material ,and the balance 30% will be taked with ourselves. Please consider my suggestion,sorry for the inconvenience.
Look forward your suggestion, thanks.
LZ基本意思已经表达到位,应该给客户传达清晰的信息。 因为每个人的考虑角度和思维方式的差异,翻译出来也不尽相同。但是别人的不一定是适合自己的风格。尤其是老客户,双方都已经熟悉了彼此的风格。再加上要涨价这种敏感的问题,所以还是坚持自己的好一些。LZ追求尽善尽美的做法还是很值得肯定的。
原文第3行, “we want the change...” 估计LZ是要表达 "want to change"
4行, "a estimated" 应为 "an estimated"
5行, "70% material" 应为 "70% of the material"
be taked with 应为 "be taken by "
最后 look forward 应为 look forward to ..
建议: 既然是建议,语气尽量客气委婉, 要加 kindly, woud you please... ? 等
大家合作是为了双赢,理由充分的情况下,既要理直气壮,又要大方体面,有礼有节。坛子里有几篇关于 外贸信函的写作技巧介绍,建议仔细研读。预祝LZ涨价成功。
Thank you for the support to us in the past years and in the future!
As you know, the cotton price is sharply rising, together with the pressures of RMB appreciation, we are afraid we can hardly maintain the same price as before.
In view of this situation, re the PUFF 23110100045(cotton 80%), we only can change the price to $0.056/pc. Pls kindly note. Tks!
Thanks for your support since past years.
Recently,due to the the cotton price is unstable and the exchange rate of RMB vs USD go up rapidly,so our company plan to purchase materials in advance to keep you the steady price in the period of time.If possible,could you evaluate about potential order quantity on the basis of each year?
due to the price of cotton is sharply rising ,and the RMB appreation .we are ready to communicate raise price with customer.
it is mainly on the unstability of cotton price. we want customer give a year quantitative . we can prepare stuff before, keep the stability price in a certain time . but customer must in charge of the stuff of 70% ,the another 30% are at my own risk.
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