大家好啊,哪位高手是做LED 路灯的,能帮我看一下这封邮件么?有些术语我不太懂,翻译不出来,哪位高手帮帮忙啊?????谢谢了!!!
1.- There are 13.000 Ornamentals Poles with 125 W/hg. We Urgently need a Study and Solution for wihtout any modification to the Ornamental Poles Integrity and Balance the actual Lumen levels.
2.- Street Lights, we have a specific street where we testing Leds. It María Luisa Santander (older and high class neighborhood and dark) wil Condell. There are Onyx 2 in that street with 150 W/na. The idea is you give us a Solution that give the idencal or better actual conditions of Lumen without alterate the existing Poles.
1.- There are 13.000 Ornamentals Poles with 125W/hg. We Urgently need a Study and Solution for wihtout any modification to the Ornamental Poles Integrity and Balance the actual Lumen levels.
2.- Street Lights, we have a specific street where we testing Leds. It María Luisa Santander (older and high class neighborhood and dark) wil Condell. There are Onyx 2 in that street with 150 W/na. The idea is you give us a Solution that give the idencal or better actual conditions of Lumen without alterate the existing Poles.
路灯,对于安装LED灯的街道有特殊要求,老街,高档住宅区以及黑暗的地方 (condell不知道是什么) Onyx应该是:only吧
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