I need 100,000.00 MTR of CS Pipe ( Dia 20" Carbon Steel, 12.7 mm (0.600") Wt. ERW Longtudinal Seam, API 5 L Grade 52, BE, w/ FBE w/ S-layer PE/PP High Density Min. 6 mm thk DRL. R-6D) for one of our Gas Pipeline Project.Could you please mail me your quote for Bare as well as Coated Pipe along with earliest delivery schedule (delivery can be split into 10 lots with maximum gap of 20 days b/w two lots).
要100000吨碳钢管,bla bla bla bla,我是做不锈钢焊管的,嘻嘻嘻
I need 100,000.00 MTR of CS Pipe ( Dia 20" Carbon Steel, 12.7 mm (0.600") Wt. ERW Longtudinal Seam, API 5 L Grade 52, BE, w/ FBE w/ S-layer PE/PP High Density Min. 6 mm thk DRL. R-6D) for one of our Gas Pipeline Project.
10W米碳钢管,外径20寸,壁厚0.6寸(12.7毫米)ERW直缝焊管,API-5L钢级52 坡口 后面的是防腐数据,不懂,不好意思。。
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