求求你们了。帮我翻译翻译。。你的U盘容量是多大的?或者你可以换一个试试看。最好是1G 或2G的。可能是你的U盘容量太大了。我们公司的机器读不出来。。
[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-12-28 10:31 编辑 ]
Would you kindly tell us the memory of your Flash Disk? I suggest you change another flash disk with memory of 1G or 2 G, and try again. It is likely that the flah disk you provided is one with too large memory so that our machine is not able to read it.
what is the capaicty of your U Disk? maybe you can change another one, 1G or 2G preferred.
maybe because your U disk capaicy it too large for our company's machine to read.
thank you
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