加拿大进出口外贸can today will be the last day ?


there will be five day that the spring festival is coming ,so how pretty exited all of us ,we just waiting for the ending ,anyway we dont know how it is ,but we just look forward to enjoying that moment .i have no words to express the feeling of mine,maybe except the happiness there will be another thing that i can really show it out.....then i will go back home early soon ,that is nothing can replace the moment that i will be on my way home .....and the best regard just for every one that i have met or even though i havent ....then i maitain that when all of the world is in joy then i will rather delighted for them .....and  sometimes i can hardly understand who i am, am i just a very common girl and with a very common fate? then try hard to do the rest thing .to work in this line for me is just like a piece of cake ,maybe i have talked the big ...hehe .i laugh at myself ... but i dont  know how to begin and where to stay ,i like a lamb that ihas been lose my way back to future ...maybe i should deem that if i think i can i jusst can make it and i will do well ,thgen just do it ..i just use the easy words to show how i feel now but that seems to be a very heavy stone on my back..i cant really stand the burden and i cant totally endure then i will choose what to say goodby to every thing in this world ?oops no i cant ,i have a mount of things to do at hand .  i owe many people many things ...today i have do sth that i dont dare to do before but this time i just try,how brave ,what a brave guy i am ,it is the photo maybe sb will look down on me but i just do the things in my way ..now everyone ,be happy this new years day and be  happy all the year long ....



thank you i will go to surf that site
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