配备工具:1. 绘画基材为进口高档纯棉油画布,为专业数字画画材。
1. A pre- printed high-grade cotton canvas and painting materials for the painter.
2. 专业颜料环保无毒,水和调色油均可调和,经久保存,永不褪色。
2. Professional nontoxic paint: water and oil color can be used again, prolonged preservation, and never fades.
3. 高弹尼龙画笔,绘制畅快,适宜数字画爱好者使用。
4. High-elastic nylon brushes, which makes painting comfortable and is suitable for art lovers.
1. 绘制前准备好清水和纸巾,用于洗笔和吸去笔毛中残留水分。
1. Get a cup of water and rags ready before use in order to clean the brush and to absorb the residual moisture.
2. 按数字顺序或颜色深浅等个人喜好进行填涂,颜料盒上的数字与画布上的数字必须相互对应。
2. In numerical order, or personal preferences such as the color on the paint pots, paint the canvas with the colors that correspond to the numbers. The numbers will be clearly printed on the paint pot lids as well as the canvas.
3. 经过用心绘制,一幅你自己独一无二大大作就完成了。
4. After the paint dries, your own unique great masterpiece is complete.
Edge of color used in the plotting of ways to achieve the effect of smoke particles.
Knead color transition
The amount of brush dipped in water after drying lightly coated paint color edge sweep, the imaginary boundary of the fuzzy effect.
Plume transition
Color edges with a brush and drag brush quickly to form a toothed hair texture to the performance of specific objects
Thin coating
Paint diluted with water, dry the screen gently in a layer of transparent color cast
The use of these special techniques to decorate your work will make your picture more vivid and realistic.
1. 颜料环保无毒,但不可食用,如若不慎沾染衣物,请立即清洗。
2. 丙烯颜料覆盖性极强,若不小心填错色彩,可直接覆盖更改。
3. 颜料不用时请盖紧盖子,以免颜料干结。
4. 画笔用好请即清洗,以免颜料干结破坏笔毛影响下次使用。
5. 由于印刷和作画颜料不用,若稍有色差属正常现象。
1. Do not eat the nontoxic paint. Should you accidentally get some on your clothing, wash immediately.
2. Acrylic paint coverage is very strong. If the color does not look right, it can be painted over to change it.
3. Close the paint pot lids tightly when not in use to prevent the paint from drying.
4. Clean the paintbrush thoroughly, so that the hairs don’t stick together and the colors dont mix. If not cleaned properly your painting may be affected the next time you paint.
5. It is normal is the color on the paint pots and the color on the canvas after it dries is a little different.
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