关于灯的翻译,大家帮我看下是否翻译准确:洗墙灯wall wash lamp
投射灯Projection lamp
投光灯Spot lamp
天花灯ceiling lamp
水池灯pool lamp
柜台灯counter lamp
地埋灯Underground lamp
壁灯wall lamp
灯杯lamp cup
点解大家都系LOOK LOOK 而不发表任何意见?系唔系我的都对左,大家唔好意思出声?
烟花灯 firework lamp / light
节日灯 holiday lamp / light
圣诞灯 Christmas lamp / light
椰树灯 coconut lamp / light
卤素灯 Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps
白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs
组合开关 integral switch
专业照明 illumination
舞台灯 stage lamp
应急灯 emergency lamp / light
嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯 recessed light / lamp
车灯 car lamp
车头灯 head lamp
投光灯 spot light / lamp
走线灯 light linear
泛光灯 flood light / lamp
景观灯 landscape light / lamp
电子感应灯 electronic senor light / lamp
灭蚊灯 mosquito killer lamp
光源 light
灯泡 bulb
节能灯 energy saving lamp
节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯) Compact Fluorescent Lamp
荧光灯 fluorescent light /lamp
荧光灯支架 fluorescent light fixtures
电筒 flashlight/torch light / lamp
灯杯 lamp cup
金卤灯 metal halide/halogen lamp
溴钨灯 Bromine tungsten lamp
汞灯 mercury lamp
钠灯 Sodium lamp
卤钨灯 Halogen tungsten lamp
碘钨灯 iodine tungsten lamp
氖灯/霓虹灯 neon lamp
石英灯 quartz lamp
倍尔诺照明 Banner lighting company
卤素灯 halogen lamp
灯饰配件 light fittings
灯罩 lamp shade
灯头/灯座 lamp holder
灯头/灯座 lamp base
灯盘 lamp house
气体放电灯 Gas discharge lamp
荧光灯 fluorescent light /lamp
current-conducting 导电的 压克力配件 acrylic fitting
塑胶配件 plastic fitting陶瓷配件 ceramic fitting
五金配件 hardware fitting
玻璃配件 glass fitting
压铸件 die-casting fitting
开关 switch
电线 electric wire / power cored
插针/插头 Pin (plug)
插座 socket
电感镇流器 Inductive / magnetic ballast
电子镇流器 electronic ballast
适配器 adapter
变压器 transformer
启动器 starter
整流器 commutator
感应器 sensor
调光器 dimmer
端子台 termianl
荧光灯管 Linear fluorescent light tube
三基色 tri-phosphor
三基色稀土荧光粉 tri-phosphor Fluorescent Powder
三基色灯管 tri-phosphor tube light
三基色发光二极管 tri-phosphor LEDS
伪彩色LED显示屏 pseudo-color LED panel
全彩色LED显示屏 all-color LED panel
光及辐射 Light and radiation
光通量(单位为:流明lm) Luminous flux , Φ
光强度 luminous intensity, I
光强度单位:坎德拉 candela, cd
照度 Illuminance, E
照度单位:勒克斯 Lux, lx
辉度 Luminance, L
辉度单位:坎德拉每平方米 cd/㎡
色温 Co1or Temperature
色温单位:绝对温度 Kelvin, K
光色 Light color
演色性 Color rendering
平均演色性指数 general color rendering index, (Ra)
灯具效率 Luminaire efficiency
不可见光 Invisible Light
光谱 Spectrum
白炽灯泡 Incandescent bulb
吸顶灯 ceiling lamp / light
水晶灯 crystal lamp / light
室内灯 residential lamp / light
枝状大吊灯 chandeliers
吊灯 pendant lamp / light
半吊灯 half pendant lamp / light
台灯 table lamp / light
壁灯 wall lamp / light
落地灯 floor lamp / light
水珠灯 water pearl lamp / light
导轨灯 track lamp / light
柱灯 pillar lamp / light
蒂凡尼灯 tiffany lamp / light
风水灯 water fountain lamp / light
户外灯 outdoor lamp / light
路灯 street lamp / light
筒灯 down lamp / light
投光射灯 spot lamp / light
庭院灯 garden lamp / light
草坪灯 lawn lamp / light
草地灯 lawn lamp / light
防水灯 water proof lamp / Under water lamp
石艺灯 marble lamp / light
羊皮灯 parchment lamp / light
镜前灯 mirror front lamp / light
格栅灯 grille lamp / light
木灯 wooden lamp / light
宫灯 palace lamp / light
仿水晶灯 imitated crystal lamp / light
低压灯 low voltage lamp / light
工艺灯 artificial lamp / light
镜画灯 picture lamp / light
吊线灯 track / line lamp / light
柱头灯 water jet lamp / light
水底灯 underwater lamp / light
户外壁灯 outdoor wall lamp / light
组合灯 assembled lamp / light
太阳能灯 solar lamp / light
彩灯 holiday lamp / light
彩虹灯 rainbow lamp / light
烟花灯 firework lamp / light
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