帮我看以下这句If the supplier decides to delegate all or part of manufacturing of the products to third parties(remaining solely and exclusively liable for said third parties with regard to manufacturing of the products), the above powers of conducting inspections shall be intended as extended to said third parties as well.
加拿大电商做区块链为什么都注册新加坡基金会 目前做区块链项目的客户都会通过注册基金会来作为项目的主体,为什么都在新加坡注册基金会,首先性价比高,而且新加坡市场也比较成熟,项目 加拿大电商露天电影首发——葡中双语字幕《中央车站》 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1714999-1-1.html screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoo
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