加拿大进出口外贸a familiar essay


it's has been 8 months since i came to foshan city .8 months ,not too short for a person to grow-up .yeah , we should learn how to make ourself more mature than b4. many of my classmates or friends usually ask me the same question :did u resign ?or hv u changed ur job yet ?  the answer is 'no'.

working as small assistant of administration dept. ,handling with trivial things ,which includes administration job ,the logistics management ,sanitation of canteen and so on.sometimes when the copy mechine or fax mechine  is broken or out of work ,i hv 2  hv it repaired .well .what makes me crazy is not repair those old mechine but the mending prices should be control in a right range .if the price is a bit high,my manager thinks  it's beyond our budgets .well,i hv to find another company to mend it .it wont work until the mending price is ok .and by the end of month ,i hv to make some inventories of warehouse ,including the office stationeries ,advertisement materials .when it's done ,i should give those invetories to the financial dept to check if the figures are right .still if all the cost in a month is a bit high, ok,what waiting for me is that i will be invited to 'hv a tea '(actually ,my boss will ask me why there are so waste of daily necessities and why the electric and water power changes are higher than last month ,what should i do ?how 2 control it in a reasonable range .holy god , then i hv to take some measures to prevent this thing happen again.writing a report like i am still a student in college .i hate writhing .it's really a nightmare for me .because i am not good at writing .(laugh ).

do u think the job is  a little boring ,cause  i am not interested in doing this trivial things timelessly . once i hv told my idea 2 my parents ,cousins and my friends ,they thought i am stupid or out of my goddammed mind . they think  i should persist doing my job ,cause it's hard to find a job providing accommodation and 2meals a day ,and the salary is enough ,actually ,there's little cost in my daily .but i wanna raise my family ,offering a better life for  them .meanwhile. i wont be another Dulala .cause i wont use any  conspiracies to achieve success but through myself hard efford .what's more ,i should admit dulala is more smart than me .

as  i am really fed up with this life .i wanna change my job even though i am still finding .but i never lost my confidence in finding a  job .i wanna find a job with sth releated 2 my english major .i really like english . u know what ,if i hv spare time ,i will go 2 the english website or group chatting with others .but when it's long ,the effect is little .cause some guys r really makes u sick .so i perfect listening english songs or movies ,if luckily ,i will hv the chance 2 chat with our foreign customers .wha't make me really happy .hehe,my oral enlgish is not as good as my writing ability .so i wanna improve my oral english ,and that's a better way . 'practice makes perfect ',i really believe it .hope that day wont be long .and i know god help those who help themseves first .fighting .

[ 本帖最后由 lingxiujuan 于 2010-11-19 13:47 编辑 ]

这么长 还是全英语

god help those who help themseves first .fighting .


Hey lady, calm down.
It's not that bad, is it? I worked as a secretary last year and i know your pains, your whole day is always totally screwed up with those trivial things. but, on the other hand, dont you think those tiny things make your life a little more fullfilling?
Actually i'm thinking about quiting my current job and go back to be an administrative staff. Maybe we can exchange our job, huh?

well done go ahead lady~

good, but, what's your point....






我和你一样。。。。。唉 同病相怜。。。


having read your post, I feel your english been good and you are qualified a foreigh trade job. Regarding to jobs, the most important is to find your interest and then never stop loving it. come on!!!
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