加拿大进出口外贸8.8 earthquake in Japan


I and my two workmates were involving a special lecture organized by Alibaba in Longhua town,8.8 earthquake happended in Japan,one of my workmate told me and amaze me.What a surprise it is, as far as i known,Japan is a country where locate in earthquake-prone areas at northeast Pacific.I have still remembered last earthquake happended in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province in May,2008.And i was a sophomore for studying,whole campus was in sad atmosphere because of earthquake happended in Sichuan,the teacher call for everyone to make a good wish for those people who was experiencing sadness and pains of death of relatives and pray for them,hope them can recover from disaster as soon as possible,then everyone donate some money which we can afford.It is the time to leave this lecture room,i come back to this moment nowadays from my thinking.Today's lecture had been over,i couldn't wait for this earthquake in Japan,though we have some conflicts in Political and history ,even sovereignties. But love is fair to every one,Iapan is our competitor who will always be long run,all of those conflics are just a piece of cake in a long sight of history between us which three was more peace than wars,there was more love than hate,there was more open than close,there was and will be.To make a wish people can rebuild their home and their confidence to be reborn for better tomorrow,we are one world and under one blue sky.

[ 本帖最后由 shunyi.xu 于 2011-3-12 11:16 编辑 ]

So much humanness , so moving , hope Japanese be well a.s.a.p .

Girls are always tend to be more kind than guys.But I would like to ask have the Japanese ever think they will bring about lots of troubles to our Chinese before the invasion of July.7th,1937.Don't seek mercy for them our Chinese had already done enough for them.They can handle it by themselves.

[ 本帖最后由 ciel2 于 2011-3-12 14:22 编辑 ]

So many earthquakes during this year.....

pray just for the Japanese people,hope everything goes well with them.
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