We need this motor to move up and down around 15Kgs. At begining we used the 4RK motor with brake because we thought it was more convenient once we changed the way of movement often and induction motors were more used in one way movement. But we had some strange behaviour of machine and some problems and so we changed for Induction motor (4IK) and we stopped having this kind of problems...Please confirm me also if this kind of interference problem can happen with reversible motor and will be solved by induction one or just coincidence!早上收到的询盘,我们做电机的 但是不知道这个客人到底要问什么 一头雾水 帮帮我吧
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2011-3-15 21:12 编辑 ]
We need this motor to move up and down around 15Kgs. At begining we used the 4RK motor with brake because we thought it was more convenient once we changed the way of movement often and induction motors were more used in one way movement.
But we had some strange behaviour of machine and some problems and so we changed for Induction motor (4IK) and we stopped having this kind of problems...Please confirm me also if this kind of interference problem can happen with reversible motor and will be solved by induction one or just coincidence!
他们要用motor运送15kgs的东西。他们用4RK型号 马达时出现了一些奇怪的问题,换用4IK的时候就没有那种问题了。
然后问在reversible motor 上是否会发生这种问题,是否能通过induction解决,或者他们之前遇到的问题只是巧合而已。
谢谢 楼上的大侠 你是神雕大侠吧 哈哈 我不是小龙女
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