客户的首封询盘是询问我们能不能做SKD format的灯,就是半散装的半成品,之后客户又回了邮件如下:
At first I want to present our company. Our company has factory. At factory we assemble TVs from parts. At the moment we built new workshop the area about 14000 square meters. There we want to place line on assemblage of lamps. --他说他们有自己的工厂,组装电视部件的,然后现在又有了新的组装灯的生产线
Our experts in marketing think that in our market following types of lamps will be claimed:
1) Holder E14, E27 and MR16--市场部门需要E14,E27,MR16规格的灯
2) Lamps which can replace usual lamps of an incandescence--同时那些灯能替代普通的白炽灯
Your opinion would be interesting to us, what lamps now well are on sale?--询问哪一款买的比较好?
About manufacture of lamps.--关于生产灯的过程:?
The information following is necessary to me:
1) What parts you can will deliver lamps.--是指我们能寄哪一部分给他们吗,还是要我们做个半散装灯的方案给他们,因为第一封询盘他们的要求是要SKD format的
2) the Specification on a part. --是指每一部分的规格说明吗?还是指什么?
3) As parts will be packed?--所有部件都会有包装?
4) What will advise to me that to reduce final cost of a lamp? For example to do plastic parts in Russia? Can make in Russia a heat sink? I am interest your opinion. We do not want solder LED driver, may be buy separately Led diode only and solder in factory. Or not good idea? May be better solder driver and purchase heat sink?--客户是问如何能降低成本,“ We do not want solder LED driver, may be buy separately Led diode only and solder in factory. Or not good idea? May be better solder driver and purchase heat sink”?是不是指他们不需要焊锡的LED驱动器,但会分别购买发光二极管和solder,(solder具体是什么意思?)
5) I need the Specification on assemblage, Assembly manual and Assembly guide. The information on each stage of assemblage is necessary--是指每个组装的步骤说明吗?例如组装手册或说明书?
6) I understand that we need equipment. What is need? Model, types and qty. What we should buy from equipment? --是指组装的设备吗?
6) About testing, check and quality. What is test, check and quality operation? What test and check operation you do? --是不是要我们提供检测产品的操作流程??
7) What stages of testing are necessary? --什么样的测试阶段是必要的??
8) I understand that we need in check and test equipment. What we should buy from equipment?--?--检测产品的设备是什么?
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2010-10-19 17:01 编辑 ]
请不要拿单词、简单句子 或整段句子来求助翻译
拿到这些东西你就可以闪了,单飞了,这些东西都是技术方案/工艺方案甚至是技术秘密,怎么可以轻易透露呢? 老板知道了,直接K了你.呵呵
不如你告诉他 让他来请个生产工程师得了
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