too much complains around us,"i need money,much money,i am a slavery of money."Money is also important,but not the most important.Many people love money too much than anything which is also paid attention to.Because of money,which make us be a blind man who even don't know which one is closed to him and which one is not.Anyway,money means everything that is ridiculous.For money,we can give up our integrity,our honesty,our personality,we are lost totally at last.I dare to claim these people who pay too much attention to must be regetable that he/she should have lived in a more better way of life.I prefer money to anything that i can abandon,too many slaveries walk toward this road to the bottom of disappearance.We are so pathetic that haven't known the death is closing me nearer and nearer,but we don't know anything,and enjoy the happiness broght by money somuch.Why do you come to Shenzhen,that is my answer below:why i come to shenzhen,because i like history very much,which told me it just took 30years to be a great city that is also young and powerful and attract so many young man to behere for a dream of success.For another hand,it is natural shenzhen get to be so successful today,it is succedd based on supporting of goverment and finance of whole countery.even excellent human resource that gathered from whole country.So what?
Coming back to topic we should talk,how we can be a successful man.Keep moving,to begin with one thing that you are able to figure out.More better to begine with a little difficulty,but you also are ready to accept risk of being failure.Most important essentials is confidence,insistence,and plan,time management.No plan,no target.Many people may say i feel not so bad though i dom't make a plan anymore.If you say that,i will be in silent.
How to be a good man first,then to learn how to do things right.On the basis of doing things right,you will be awarded that it is money.
don't know what to say...fighting
this society makes you so
no need to blame.
i remembered words: u r trying to be an asshole, but u r not.
u seem to be sophisticated, but u r not.
i swear i would work hard on above two.
as i can not resist money and its thereafter coming.
keep moving , fighting .
one day we all be successful .
i am in the corner...
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