all parties to this documentary credit are advised that there are specific sanctions and regulations imposed by the us and other government and/or regulatory authorities against certain countries, entities and indibiduals. under these measures, the bank may be unable to process or engaga in transactons that involve a breach of such sanctions, and authorities may require disclosure of information. the bank is not liable for rejucting any presentation of focuments that may cause a breach of those sanctons, or dixcloses information as a result of actual or apparent breach of such sanctions.评论
all parties to this documentary credit are advised that there are specific sanctions and regulations imposed by the us and other government and/or regulatory authorities against certain countries, entities and indibiduals. under these measures, the bank may be unable to process or engaga in transactons that involve a breach of such sanctions, and authorities may require disclosure of information. the bank is not liable for rejucting any presentation of focuments that may cause a breach of those sanctons, or dixcloses information as a result of actual or apparent breach of such sanctions.
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