序号 产品系列编号 中文名称 英文名称 备注1 CW-2010-001 沙发式狗床 sofa pet bed C1/C2
2 CW-2010-002 方形狗床 cubic pet bed C1/C2/C3
3 CW-2010-003 圆形狗床 round pet bed C1/C2
4 CW-2010-004 鸟巢式狗床 nest pet bed C1/C2/C3
5 CW-2010-005 船形狗床 boat pet bed C1/C2/C3
6 CW-2010-006 方形边框狗垫 cubic frame pet pad C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/C6
7 CW-2010-007 半圆狗垫 "semicircle pet pad
" C1
8 CW-2010-008 汽车式狗床 car pet bed C1
9 CW-2010-009 椭圆形狗垫 ellipse pet pad C1/C2
10 CW-2010-010 八角蒙古包式狗屋 Octagonal Mongolian yurt kennel C2
11 CW-2010-011 六角蒙古包式狗屋 hexagonal Mongolian yurt kennel C2
12 CW-2010-012 荷花形狗床 Lotus flower pet bed C1/C2
13 CW-2010-013 南瓜式狗床 pumpkid pet bed C1
14 CW-2010-014 拉链式狗屋 pet house with a zipper C1
15 CW-2010-015 圆形边框狗垫 round frame bog pad C1/C2/C3
16 CW-2010-016 高帮狗窝 high round dog bed C4/C5/C6
17 CW-2010-017 高帮内垫式狗窝 high round dog bed with pad C4/C5/C6
18 CW-2010-018 椭圆边框狗垫 ellipse frame dog pad C4/C5/C6
19 CW-2010-019 花瓣式狗垫 petal dog pad C1/C2/C3
20 CW-2011-020 边接式方形狗床 C2
21 CW-2011-021 手提式方形狗床 handbag pet house C2
22 CW-2011-022 立体式方形狗垫 C2
23 CW-2011-023 枕式方形狗垫 " pillow pet pad
" C2
24 CW-2011-024 扇形狗床 fan-shaped pet bed C1/C2
25 CW-2011-025 方形狗屋 cubic pet house C2
26 CW-2011-026 鞋形狗屋 shoes pet house C2
27 CW-2011-027 房形狗屋 pet house C1/C2
28 CW-2011-028 单肩式宠物包 Single shoulder pet house C2
看看我的翻译行不? 20 CW-2011-020 边接式方形狗床 C2 22 CW-2011-022 立体式方形狗垫 C2 没有翻译,高手帮我看下哦
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